ADvendio Field | Freewheel | Additional Information |
Campaign Item Name | Placement Name | |
AdServer Name | Placement Name | You can overwrite the Placement Name that is sent to Freewheel, if you want it to differ from your Campaign Item Name |
From Date | Schedule | |
From Hour | Schedule | |
From Minute | Schedule | |
Until Date | Schedule | |
Until Hour | Schedule | |
Until Minute | Schedule | |
Time Zone | Timezone | Please see also limitation on how we map time zones to Freewheel Which features are supported for FreeWheel? |
Booking Quantity | Budget | As Impression Target |
Alternate ID | External ID | |
AdServer Status | Placement Status | |
Business Type | Placement Type | |
Billing Category | Price Model | |
AdServer Price / ADvendio pricing calculation | Ad Unit Price | The Price rate |
Ad Type | Budget Model | Can be predefined on the Ad Type object Determines which additional settings will be used from ADvendio for the Freewheel budget |
Goal Percent | Budget | Used for Share of Voice / Share of Pod Budgets |
Delivery Type | Priority | |
Delivery Rate Type | Pacing | |
Priority | Override | |
Day and Time Targeting | Daypart | |
Targeting Features | Ad Units, Content, Geograpical, ISP, Custom Targeting, Audience Items |