Tip |
Please find the installation links for version 2.168.910
⚠️ Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an incognito window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions. Attention: As we work towards enhancing ADvendio, please check our Deprecation Schedule frequently to see if any of the features have been removed or replaced. If you need help during the installation, please see our upgrade tips. |
Version | Components | Issue Type | Description |
2.168.9 | Programmatic Media Campaign Generation | Changes and optimizations | We have addressed the issue where CSV Programmatic Media Campaign Generation failed if the advertiser name exceeds 80 characters and introduced a solution to shorten the Media Campaign Name to a maximum of 80 characters. |
2.168.9 | Dynamic Pricing and Price Rules | Changes and optimizations | We have fixed the issue of Price Rule matching failures when encountering empty custom matching fields, specifically with relationship fields from Custom Matching Criteria. |
2.168.9 | Publication Date Wizard | Changes and optimizations | We have resolved the problem of the Publication Date Wizard failing to load, resulting in a "Remoting response size exceeded maximum of 15 MB" error, caused by excessive data. |
2.168.9 | Campaign Builder | Improvements, Changes and optimizations | We have made following improvements and optimisations for Campaign Builder:
Patch 2.168.10
Please find the installation links for version 2.168.10
Installation link 2.168.10 for your production environment (org) or
Installation link 2.168.10 to update your sandbox
Version | Components | Issue Type | Description |
2.168.10 | Accounting records and, Flexible Payment Plans | Changes and optimizations | We have resolved the issue around the incorrect distribution of amounts in the Accounting Distribution with multiple Flexible Payment Plans, specifically when dealing with canceled invoice items and changes in Campaign Item runtime. |