Error Message | Reason | Solution |
Id: SYNTAX, Code: $.RTBAttributes.MaxBidCPM.Amount: Error deserializing the request as JSON: The value {null} is not valid for this property. & $.RTBAttributes.BaseBidCPM.Amount: Error deserializing the request as JSON: The value {null} is not valid for this property. | No values in “Base bid” and “Max Bid” fields | Add values accordingly to both fields |
When Pacing mode is Off, (all flights of) the Paused campaign must have one of DailyBudget or DailyBudgetInImpressions set. | Nor Pacing mode or DailyBudget/Impressions has been added | Select a Pacing Mode or add a Daily Budget/Impressions to the Buying item |
$.AdvertiserId: The property ‘AdvertiserId’ may not be set to Paused null. & $.CampaignFlights[0].EndDateExclusiveUTC: Specified date must be valid and occur in the future | Advertiser not properly mapped. End date in the past | Set up an Advertiser correctly to a valid Connection ID. Check end dates of Buying order/Items to be in the future |
To resolve common issues and find solutions for error messages, check out section 7.8 Troubleshooting Error Messages: Resolving Common Issues and Solutions.