Here are the steps to follow in order to use the Campaign Builder User Interface:
Page Size: Specifies the number of records to display per page. A package item is considered one record, regardless of its components.
Display Apply Price Rules button: Enables the Apply Price Rule action in the Campaign Builders upper right corner to let users start the application process.
Hide Apply Price Rules modal: Enables the hiding of the Price Rules option.
Enable Summary: Enables a summary box above the Campaign Builder table which summarizes the budget, budget reached as well and the current open budget. For more information please check this page out: 4.20.4 Campaign Summary for Campaign Builder
Enable Availability Mode Calendar: Enables the Publication Date selection calendar to show Availabilities. Otherwise, only publication dates are shown without checking their availability. For more information please check this page out: 4.20.2 How can to select Publication dates be selected in the Campaign Builder
2 - Tabs and Columns
Here, you can tailor the fields and column settings to suit your requirements. The Tabs and Columns tab provides the following functionalities:
Display of an existing tabs table with their names.
Creation, modification and deletion of field and column settings.
2a. Enabling Availability Check in the Campaign Builder
By default you might not see the “Check Availability” button in the Campaign Builder. To add it just add the custom field called “Availability” to one of your tabs. After that the button will be shown and you can perform your availability checks.
3 - Tab Rules
With Tab Rules you can set rules to control the visibility and accessibility of fields under certain conditions, such as making them hidden, read-only or required. If you hide all fields of a column, it will disappear from your view.
The Rules tab and Actions button allow you to add, edit and delete Tab Rules columns.
To change Tab Rules data, use the actions buttons from the drop-down menu on your right:
Change and update information needed, or set information needed, give the rule a name
Define conditions of the rule
A few hints for the setup of Tab rules:
If you need to have a condition always true you can user User > IsActive > equals > True
If you need to compare something with a blank value use Field X > equals > NULL
Please note that the starting object “User” requires at least the permission “View Setup and Configuration“ for your users, otherwise it won’t be applied.
Define the consequences that should be applied when conditions are met.
After that press Confirm Changes and press Save and Back.
Note |
Please note that while adding custom fields as required fields, the "from_until" column is the only one that can be marked as required. Any other custom column marked as required will be ignored. The following fields are impacted by this rule:
Currently, we are working on making this possible for relevant fields in the future. |
Warning |
Please note you have to press the button Confirm Changes here before they can be saved. Otherwise, you will see a warning as per screenshot below: |
4 - Targeting Settings