Versions Compared


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Create pre-invoice records with one click. The prerequisite is that your media campaign has the following information 

  1. Bill me checked

  2. according to delivery data (Delivery data is entered automatically if you use an ad server integration or linear distribution),

  3. payment interval, payment start and due date are set,

  4. VAT and recipient information. 

Read more here: 6.1.2 Required Invoice Information (Media Campaign) and 6.1.3 Required Invoice Information (Campaign Item).


After entering your invoicing information and clicking the button Save.

  1. Click the action Create Pre Invoice Records to start the process.

  2. Check the error messages (version 2.99 and up) and correct the issues. Then click the button again! If no errors move to the next step.


Pre-Invoices created


The Pre-Invoice records have been created successfully. You can now edit or delete Pre-Invoices, update the delivered quantity or start the billing run.


In order to use weekly invoicing based on delivery data, you need to 1) have the Start of Week configured in your Legal Entity and 2) have daily delivery data enabled. 

For weekly invoicing based on delivery data, the amount will be distributed amongst the PreInvoices based on how much was delivered in the given week, with respect to when the week starts. 


You can set the Unit to Quantity instead of Amount, then the Quantity will be distributed to the PreInvoices instead of the Amount.
Using the Period picklist, you can control if the system will take either

  1. the default distribution based upon the no. of days in a month, or

  2. distributed evenly across months, no matter how long an item is planned in that month



This is only relevant for Linear Distribution, Revenue Schedules are not affected by these changes only the creation of PreInvoices/Invoices.
