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For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values 

This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.

ObjectField NameLabel


DescriptionHelp TextPicklist Valuesnew in Versiondeprecated in Version

Record Type Removed:

  • DART
  • TFSM
  • Nuggad
  • LiveRail

Record Type


Record Type Removed:

  • DART
  • Nuggad

Record Type

Ad_Type__cMediaType__cMedia Type (Deprecated)PicklistThis field is no longer used by ADvendioThis field is no longer used by ADvendio


Choose the product type to define how this ad type is to be transmitted to the ad server.

Choose the product type to define how this ad type is to be transmitted to the ad server.

NEW Values (only for Record Type "SMART"):

  • In-Stream Video
  • Out-Stream Video
  • WAP
  • Mobile Web
  • Mobile application
  • AdCategory20
Ad_Type__cSecondaryGoalTypeSecondary Goal TypePicklisthe type of the secondary goal for a campaign item. It defines the period over which the goal for a campaign item should be reached. Currently it will be considered only if the billing category of campaign item is vCPM while submitting to DFP.he type of the secondary goal for a campaign item. It defines the period over which the goal for a campaign item should be reached. Currently it will be considered only if the billing category of campaign item is vCPM while submitting to DFP.
  • Lifetime
  • Daily
  • None
BriefingScript__cGoal__cGoalPicklistGoal of the ADGoal of the AD

Value Changed:

  • "Get direct responce" to "Get direct response"
  • "Reinforce an existing brand/Product" to "Reinforce an existing Brand/Product"
  • "Introduce sonthing new" to "Introduce something new"
BriefingScript__cLookAndFeel__cLook and FeelPicklistWhat is the Look and Feel for this AD?What is the Look and Feel for this AD?

Value Changed:

  • "Warm, friendly infinity" to "Warm and friendly"
  • "Ruged, masculine look that appeals to men" to "Rugged, masculine look that appeals to men"
Campaign_Item__cSecondaryGoalQuantity__cSecondary Goal QuantityNumber (18, 0)The quantity of the secondary goal for a campaign item. It defines the goal for a campaign item could be reached. Currently it will be considered only if the billing category of campaign item is vCPM while submitting to DFP.The quantity of the secondary goal for a campaign item. It defines the goal for a campaign item could be reached. Currently it will be considered only if the billing category of campaign item is vCPM while submitting to DFP.
Campaign_Item__cSelectedBrandProductInformation__cSelected Brand/Products InformationLong Text Area (1000)This field stores a summary of the selected Brands / Products of the Campaign Item to display that information within reports.This field stores a summary of the selected Brands / Products of the Campaign Item to display that information within reports.
PublicationDate__cAdFillRate__cAd fill RatePercentage(18, 0)

Changed Description:

How high is the percentage of already booked Ads for this issue date / Publication Date, in relation to book size?

Changed Help Text:

How high is the percentage of already booked Ads for this issue date / Publication Date, in relation to book size?

PublicationDate__cPlannedAdFillRate__cPlanned Ad Fill RatePercentage(18, 0)Here you can enter, what percentage of this Issue / Publication Date is supposed to be sold as Ads, in relation to the actual book size.Here you can enter, what percentage of this Issue / Publication Date is supposed to be sold as Ads, in relation to the actual book size.
Site__cMedia__cMedia (Deprecated)PicklistThis field is no longer used by ADvendio.This field is no longer used by ADvendio.

Account AdPrice Assignment
This object stores information about exclusive Ad Prices which are only sold to certain accounts and links both together. This positive list - whitelist - is then used in the product search to show this price only within the corresponding campaigns.

AccountAdPriceAssignment__cNameAccount AdPrice Assignment NameText(80)

AccountAdPriceAssignment__cAccount__cAccountMaster-Detail (Account)Please select the account that should be allowed to buy the linked AdPrice.Please select the account that should be allowed to buy the linked AdPrice.
AccountAdPriceAssignment__cAdPrice__cAd PriceMaster-Detail (Ad Price)Please select the ad price that should be allowed to be bought by the linked Account.Please select the ad price that should be allowed to be bought by the linked Account.

Group Sites for reporting and interfaces to Finance/ Accounting Systems

Brand__cNameBrand NameText (80)



Long Text Area (1000)

SelectedBrandProduct__cSelected Brand/Product

This object stores information about which brands or products will be advertised with certain Campaign Items.

SelectedBrandProduct__cNameSelected Brand/Product No.Auto Number

SelectedBrandProduct__cAdvertisedBrand__cAdvertised BrandMaster-Detail (Advertised Brand)Please enter the Brand / Product, which will be advertised in the Campaign Item.Please enter the Brand / Product, which will be advertised in the Campaign Item.

Campaign Item

Master-Detail (Campaign Item)Please select a Campaign Item in which the Brand/Product is advertised.Please select a Campaign Item in which the Brand/Product is advertised.
Advertised_Brand__cParentAdvertisedBrandProduct__cParent Advertised Brand/ProductLookupTo build hierarchies please chose here the Parent Advertised Brand or Product.To build hierarchies please chose here the Parent Advertised Brand or Product.


Use to differ between advertising Products and advertising Brands.Please choose Product for advertising Products and Brand for advertising Brands.
  • Brand
  • Product
Campaign_Item__cAd Manager StatusTextTextDisplays the processing status - could be entered manually or by a Workflow, Batch or Lightning Flow.Displays the processing status of that Campaign Item.
Campaign_Item__cCreativeUploaded__cCreative UploadedCheckboxYou can either check this checkbox manual if you have uploaded a creative or you can check this checkbox with a workflow after clicking the button "Creative Upload".You can either check this checkbox manual if you have uploaded a creative or you can check this checkbox with a workflow after clicking the button "Creative Upload".
Campaign_Item__cFlatPlanStatus__cFlat Plan StatusText Area

Shows the status of the ad as reported by the connected flat planning tool.

Shows the status of the ad as reported by the connected flat planning tool.
Campaign_Item__cPaymentType__cPayment TypePicklistPlease choose the relevant value for this Campaign Item. This field is used for reporting and interfaces to Flat Planning tools (e.g. JournalDesigner).Please choose the relevant value for this Campaign Item. This field is used for reporting and interfaces to Flat Planning tools (e.g. JournalDesigner).
  • Barter
  • InHouse
  • Paid
  • Rebate in Kind
Content__cConstantQuantity__cConstant QuantityPicklist

NEW Value:

  • Runtime Campaign Item
Invoice__cAdvertiserBillingStreets__cAdvertiser Billing StreetsLong Text Area

Invoice__cBeneficiaryBillingStreets__cBeneficiary Billing StreetsLong Text Area

Invoice__cIntermediaryBillingStreets__cIntermediary Billing StreetsLong Text Area

Invoice__cPostalRecipientBillingStreets__cPostal Recipient Billing StreetsLong Text Area

Invoice__cAgencyBillingStreets__cAgency Billing StreetsLong Text Area

Global Value SetLanguageCodeLanguage CodePicklist Value SetRepresent the LanguageCode for our Feature locale Name for Site, Placement, AdType and AdSpec.
  • de_AT
  • de_CH
  • de_DE
  • eng_GB
  • eng_US
  • es_ES
  • fr_CH
  • fr_FR
  • it_CH
  • it_IT
MediaCampaign__cAdManagerStatus__cAd Manager StatusTextDisplays the processing status - could be entered manually or by a Workflow, Batch or Lightning Flow.Displays the processing status of that Media Campaign.
MediaCampaign__cDocument_type__cDocument typePicklist

Value Changed:

  • "Order" to "Offer"
Media_Basket__cRebateInKindCommitmentCondition__cCommitment ConditionLookupIf there is a Rebate in Kind Commitment Contition, the Campaign Item from the Basket will be created to spend the available amount of the Commitment Condition.Enter a Rebate in Kind Commitment Condition to spend the rebate.
Site__cBrand__cBrandLookupGroup Sites for reporting and interfaces to Finance/ Accounting SystemsGroup Sites for reporting and interfaces to Finance/ Accounting Systems
AccountRecord Type (Account Intermediary)
Record Type

Campaign_Order__cCampaign Order

This object is deprecated and not longer in use.

Call_Report__cVisit Report

Ad_Specs__cHeight__cHeightNumber (18, 0)Defines how many mm/inches the ad will use in height.Please how high the ad will be (in mm/inches)
Ad_Specs__cNumberOfColumns__cNumber Of ColumnsNumber (18, 0)
Defines how many columns the ad will use.Defines how many columns the ad will use.
Ad_Specs__cWidth__cWidthNumber (18, 0)Defines how many mm/inches the ad will use in width.Please enter the width of the ad (in mm/inches).
Campaign_Item__cPreferredPlacement__cPreferred PlacementText Area(255)Please describe the placement which is favored by the advertiser, on which page and which position in a Magazin should the ad be placed.Please describe the placement which is favored by the advertiser, on which page and which position in a Magazin should the ad be placed.
InvoiceItem__cFlexiblePaymentAmount__cFlexible Payment AmountNumber (16, 2)Flexible payment plan only. This field is automatically populated with the predefined flexible payment plan amount of the related campaign item. Do not edit.This field is automatically populated with the predefined flexible payment plan amount of the related campaign item.
Settings__cPositionChartCountCellColor5__cPosition Chart: Count cell color 5Text (255)The background color to use in a cell if there is booked inventory and the number of booked inventories exceeds the maximal availability. Default is red (#FF0018).

PublicationDate__cAdfillRate__cAd fill RatePercent (18, 0)How high is the percentage already booked for this issue date / Publication Date?How high is the percentage already booked for this issue date / Publication Date?

Book Size

Number(18, 0)How many pages are planned for this issue date / Publication Date?How many pages are planned for this issue date / Publication Date?
Ad_price__cPriceUnit__cUnitPicklistSelect the relevant unit. In case of Print Uses Cases and using Rebate in Kind Quantity must also filled the fille the Field ADendio__PageEquivalency__c 
Values from Field ADendio__PageEquivalency__c at Commitment Conditions will matched with values from Field:ADvendio__PageEquivalency__c at Object AdType. E.g. 1.0 for 1/1 or 0,5 for 1/2 will be Rebate in Kind Quantity this values have to be used also in AdTypes.
Select the relevant unit.Uses Global Value Set: Unit2.76

Unit__cUnit (deprecated)PicklistThis field is deprecated and no longer in useThis field is deprecated and no longer in use
  • Second


Record Type


  • DART
  • LiveRail
  • Nuggad
  • TFSM

Record Type


Record Type


  • DART
  • LiveRail
  • Nuggad
  • TFSM

Record Type

Campaign_Item__cCommitmentRelevant__cCommitment RelevantCheckboxPlease check if this item counts towards the Commitment KPIs.Please check if this item counts towards the Commitment KPIs.
Campaign_Item__cConditionApplied__cCondition AppliedCheckboxPlease check if the linked Commitment Condition(s) are to be applied.Please check if the linked Commitment Condition(s) are to be applied.
Campaign_Item__cNumberOfColumns__cNumber Of ColumnsPicklistDefines how many columns the ad will use. This value is used for the Rate Step - Price Calculation (Height x Number Of Columns = Rate Calculation Quantity).Defines how many columns the ad will use.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
Campaign_Item__cRebateInKindCondition__cRebate In Kind ConditionLookupLinks to the Rebate in Kind condition to count the quantity as given rebate in kind.Enter the Commitment Condition that caused the rebate in kind for this Campaign Item
Campaign_Item__cScaledDiscountCondition__cScaled Discount ConditionLookupWhen a Campaign Item gets an scaled cash discount from a commitment, the relevant commitment condition is saved in this field.The Campaign Item is discounted because of this Scaled Discount Commitment Condition.
Campaign_Item__cSpecialDiscountCondition__cSpecial Discount ConditionLookupWhen a Campaign Item gets an special discount from a commitment, the relevant commitment condition is saved in this field.The Campaign Item got a special discount because of this commitment condition.

Hold all relevant Information for an Contract between Advertiser/Agencies and an Publisher according Discounts and Rebate in Kind. For further Information please have a look at our Wiki under Knowledge Base


Active__cActiveCheckboxIf checked this commitment is active and relevant.If checked this commitment is active and relevant.

Advertiser__cAdvertiserLookupPlease pick the advertiser if applicable.Please pick the advertiser if applicable.

AdvertiserAgencyRelation__cAdvertiser Agency RelationLookupPlease pick the Advertiser Agency relation if applicable.Please pick the Advertiser Agency relation if applicable.

Agency__cAgencyLookupPlease pick the agency if applicable.Please pick the agency if applicable.

Approved__cApprovedCheckboxIf set this record has been approved.If set this record has been approved.

ClosingDate__cClosing DateDateDate when this commitment has been signed and closed.Date when this commitment has been signed and closed.

Status__cStatusPicklistStatus describes if the Commitment phase can be changed to any values.Please pick a status
  • under negotiation
  • closed - won
  • closed - lost

ValidFrom__cValid FromDateFirst day that the commitment is valid if activated.First day that the commitment is valid if activated.

ValidUntil__cValid UntilDateLast day that the commitment is valid if activated.Last day that the commitment is valid if activated.
CommitmentCondition__cCommitment Condition

Hold all relevant Information for an Condition related to a Commitment.Here all details stored that are relevant for Discounts and Rebate in Kind in relation to many criterias.
For further Information please have a look at our Wiki under Knowledge Base .


AdvertisingMedium__cAdvertising MediumLookupPlease select the advertising medium if relevant.Please select the advertising medium if relevant.

BaseQuantityRebateInKind__cBase Quantity Rebate In KindNumber (18, 0)Number of Units which need to be bought to get the Rebate.Number of Units which need to be bought to get the Rebate.

CashDiscountAdvertiser__cCash Discount AdvertiserPercentCustomer discount to be applied (within specified revenue range or media classification).Customer discount to be applied (within specified revenue range or media classification).

CashDiscountAgency__cCash Discount AgencyPercentAgency discount to be applied (within specified revenue range or media classification).Agency discount to be applied (within specified revenue range or media classification).

Commitment__cCommitmentMaster-Detail (Commitment)Please pick the relevant commitment.Please pick the relevant commitment.

MediaDifferentiation__cMedia DifferentiationPicklistPlease choose a media differentiation if applicable.Please choose a media differentiation if applicable.Uses Global Value Set: Media Differentiation2.76

MediaSegment__cMedia SegmentPicklistPlease choose a media segment if applicable.Please choose a media segment if applicable.Uses Global Value Set: Media Differentiation2.76

MediaType__cMedia TypePicklistPlease choose a media Type if applicable.Please choose a media Type if applicable.Uses Global Value Set: Media Differentiation2.76

PageEquivalency__cPage EquivalencyNumber (3, 2)


Progressive__cProgressiveCheckboxIf checked the rebate in kind is applied progressively. The default value is false.If checked the rebate in kind is applied progressively. The default value is false.

RebateInKindPercent__cRebate In Kind Percent %PercentDiscount which applies if the number of base units was acquired.Discount which applies if the number of base units was acquired.

RebateInKindQuantity__cRebate In Kind QuantityNumber (18, 0)"Free" quantity if the number of base units was acquired."Free" quantity if the number of base units was acquired.

RebateInKindUnitsAvailable__cRebate In Kind Units AvailableFormulaShows the number of Rebate in Kind units, which are available to be used in media campaigns.Shows the number of Rebate in Kind units, which are available to be used in media campaigns.

RebateInKindValidUntil__cRebate In Kind Valid UntilDateExpiration Date of all rebate in kind Commitment Conditions.Expiration Date of all rebate in kind Commitment Conditions.

ScaledDiscountFrom__cScaled Discount FromCurrencyPlease enter the lower revenue bound where this Commitment Condition applies.Please enter the lower revenue bound where this Commitment Condition applies.

ScaledDiscountTo__cScaled Discount ToCurrencyPlease enter the upper revenue bound where this Commitment Condition applies.Please enter the upper revenue bound where this Commitment Condition applies.

SpecialDiscount__cSpecial DiscountPercentSpecial Discount (within specified revenue range or media classification).Special Discount (within specified revenue range or media classification).

TotalRebateInKindUnitsEarned__cTotal Rebate In Kind Units EarnedFormulaShows the total number of Rebate in Kind units earned with the condition.Shows the total number of Rebate in Kind units earned with the condition.

TotalRevenue__cTotal RevenueCurrencyTotal amount of revenue of all campaign items which meet the relevant criteria of this rule.Total amount of revenue of all campaign items which meet the relevant criteria of this rule.

TotalRevenueApllied__cTotal Revenue AppliedCurrencyTotal amount of revenue for all campaign items where discounts of this condition were applied.Total amount of revenue for all campaign items where discounts of this condition were applied.

TotalUnitCount__cTotal Unit CountNumber(18, 0)Total amount of units of all campaign items which meet the relevant criteria of this rule.Total amount of units of all campaign items which meet the relevant criteria of this rule.

TotalUnitCountApplied__cTotal Unit Count AppliedNumber(18, 0)Counts all units for all campaign items where discounts of this condition were applied.Counts all units for all campaign items where discounts of this condition were applied.

UnitUnitPicklistSelect the relevant unit, this Valuescan be edited. In case of PrintUses Cases and Using Rebate inKind Quantity must refer to thevalues Field:ADvendio__PageEquivalency__cat Object AdType. E.g. 1/1 or 1/2will be Rebate in Kind Quantity thisvalues have to be used also inAdTypes.Select the relevant unit, this Valuescan be edited. In case of PrintUses Cases and Using Rebate inKind Quantity must refer to thevalues Field:ADvendio__PageEquivalency__cat Object AdType. E.g. 1/1 or 1/2will be Rebate in Kind Quantity thisvalues have to be used also inAdTypes.Global Picklist Value Set: Unit2.76
FlexiblePaymentPlan__cUniqueKey__cUniqueKeyText (255)Enter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this flexible payment play.Enter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this flexible payment play.
Global Value SetUnitUnitPicklist Value SetSelect the relevant unit. In case of Print Uses Cases and using Rebate in Kind Quantity must also filled the fille the Field ADendio__PageEquivalency__c 
Values from Field ADendio__PageEquivalency__c at Commitment Conditions will matched with values from Field:ADvendio__PageEquivalency__c at Object AdType. E.g. 1.0 for 1/1 or 0,5 for 1/2 will be Rebate in Kind Quantity this values have to be used also in AdTypes.

  • Ad Impression
  • Click
  • Page Equivalency
  • Second
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Action
MediaCampaign__cCommitment__cCommitmentLookup (Commitment)Links the Media Campaign to an active commitment (Compare with Media Campaign Run Time) to apply the Commitment Conditions to this Media Campaign.Please chose an active Commitment if necessary.
PublicationDate__cCirculation__cCirculationNumber (18, 0)Please enter the circulation for that Publication Date here.Please enter the circulation for that Publication Date here.
RTBData__cAdUnitId__cAd Unit IDText (255)Shows the AdUnit Id only for DFP inventory.Shows the AdUnit Id only for DFP inventory.
RTBData__cDealId__cDeal IDText (255)Shows the Deal ID from Google's AdExchange.Shows the Deal ID from Google's AdExchange.
Revenue_Schedule__cYear__cYearDateThis value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the year in which the revenue was made.This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the year in which the revenue was made.
Settings__cCommitmentProbabilityThreshold__cCommitment Probability ThresholdPercent (18, 0)

Settings__cCommitmentsAmountField__cCommitmentsAmountFieldText (255)

Site__cCirculation__cCirculationNumber (18, 0) Please enter the circulation for the advertising medium here.Please enter the circulation for the advertising medium here.
Ad_Type__cAgofAttributes__cAGOF AttributesPicklist (Multi-Select)This information will be used for the export/Upload to AGOF Connect and is an additional Information for each Adtype.This information will be used for the export/Upload to AGOF Connect and is an additional Information for each Adtype.
  • sticky
  • expandable
  • video
  • In-Page
  • In-Stream
  • compoundadvertisement
Ad_price__cAgofExport__cAGOF ExportCheckboxIf this checkbox is true this AdPrice will be included in the AGOF Connect Export.If this checkbox is true this AdPrice will be included in the AGOF Connect Export.
Campaign_Item__cAvAsViewableAiManual__cAV AS Viewable AI (Manual)Number (18, 0)Manually override the number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen according to DFP.Manually override the number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen according to DFP.
DeliveryData__cViewedAIsManual__cViewed AIs (manual)Number(18, 0)This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs.Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions.
DeliveryData__cViewedAIs__cViewed AIsNumber(18, 0)This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.
InvoicePreference__c InfoTableCoverLetter__cInfo Table (Cover Letter)Long Text Area (1000)This field defines the information table that is displayed on the cover letter of the PDF and in which order the information is displayed.Please customize the information table on the cover letter of the PDF and in which order the information is displayed or use the ADvendio default.
Quote_Preference__cInfoTableCoverLetter__cInfo Table (Cover Letter)Long Text Area (1000)

Revenue_Schedule__cEndDate__cEnd DateFormula (Date)

Revenue_Schedule__cStartDate__cStart DateFormula (Date)

Settings__cPreventFiscalYearOverlapping__cPrevent Fiscal Year OverlappingCheckboxThis checkbox prevents the creation of Media Campaigns beyond one fiscal year.Please activate the checkbox to prevent the creation of Media Campaigns beyond one fiscal year.
Ad_Type__cReportSlotsViewedAI__cReport Slots (Viewed AI)Picklist (Multi-Select)Slots to use for delivery reports. If defined, only deliveries on given slots will be counted and used for Invoicing.Slots to use for delivery reports. If defined, only deliveries on given slots will be counted and used for Invoicing.
  • 1x1
  • 80x15
  • 88x31
  • 100x300
  • 120x60
  • 120x90
  • 120x240
  • 120x600
  • 125x125
  • 160x600
  • 180x150
  • 234x60
  • 240x400
  • 250x250
  • 300x250
  • 300x600
  • 336x280
  • 468x60
  • 728x90
Campaign_Item__cCurrentAdServerStatus__cCurrent AdServer StatusText (255)

Campaign_Item__cLineDescription__cLine DescriptionLong Text Area (1000)This Field is used on Quote PDF and also submitted to the AdServer when this Campaign Item is relevant for an AdServer.Enter a comment to this position which will be shown on the proposal.
ContactCustomSalutation__cCustom SalutationText (255)Please enter the custom salutation phrase here. For example, Hi Joe, Dear Joe, Dear Mr. Joe Doe, Dear Sir or Madam, etc. This will override the standard salutation in the field Salutation Letter.You have two options to use this field - either let the user enter a salutation phrase or use a custom workflow to generate this automatically.
Content__cAddress__cAddressText Area (255)First Address of the Content ItemPlease enter the address here
Content__cAltAddress__cAlternative AddressText Area (255)Alternative address for localization purposes only.Please use this field to enter the address in a second language or different notation.
Content__cGeoLocation__cGeo LocationGeolocationPlease enter the geo-location coordinates herePlease enter the geo-location coordinates here
Content__cStatus__cStatusPicklistIndicates if this Content Item is currently availableIndicates if this Content Item is currently available
  • available
  • not available
Delivery_Report_Setting__cUpdateAdserverStatus__cUpdate Adserver StatusCheckboxIf checked the import job updates the Adserver Campaign Item status while getting delivery data.If checked the import job updates the Adserver Campaign Item status while getting delivery data.
InvoiceItem__cLineDescription__cLine DescriptionLong Text Area (1000)This Field is used on Invoice PDF, normally pushed over BA Mapping from the Campaign Item to the Invoice Item.Enter a comment to this position which will be shown on the Invoice.
InvoicePreference__c FirstPageAddressInformation__cFirst Page Address InformationText (255)Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address_BA" will be used.Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address_BA" will be used.
InvoicePreference__cFooterFullSizeData__cFooter Full Size DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer
full width on the Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information_BA" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information_BA" will be used.

InvoicePreference__cFooterLeftSideData__cFooter Left Side DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_left_side_BA" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_left_side_BA" will be used.

InvoicePreference__cFooterMiddleData__cFooter Middle DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel to use. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Invoicde-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_middle_BA" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel to use. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Invoicde-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_middle_BA" will be used.

InvoicePreference__cFooterRightSideData__cFooter Right Side DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_right_side_BA" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Invoice-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_right_side_BA" will be used.

LegalEntity__cInvoicePreference__cInvoice PreferenceLookup (Invoice Preference)References the settings for Invoice-PDF.

If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used.
Please select the invoice settings record for Invoice-PDF.

If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used.

 LegalEntity__c QuotePreference__cQuote PreferenceLookup (Quote Preference)References the settings for Quote-PDF.

If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used.
Please select the quote settings record for the Quote-PDF.

If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used.

Mapping_BA__cReverseChargeMechanism__cReverse-Charge MechanismText(250)

PublicationDate__c InvoiceDate__c Invoice DateDateDate of invoiceDate of invoice
PublicationDate__cMaterialDueDate__cMaterial Due DateDatePlease select the delivery deadline for printed material.Please select the delivery deadline for printed material.
PublicationDate__cReservationBookingDeadline__cReservation/Booking DeadlineDateClosing date, bookings are only possible before this deadline.Closing date, bookings are only possible before this deadline.
PublicationDate__cRevenueRecognitionDate__cRevenue Recognition DateDateWhich accounting period should be recognized?Which accounting period should be recognized?
Quote_Preference__c FirstPageAddressInformation__cFirst Page Address InformationText (255)Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Quote-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address" will be used.Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Quote-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address" will be used.
Quote_Preference__cFooterFullSizeData__cFooter Full Size DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer
full width on the Quote-PDF.

Quote_Preference__c FooterLeftSideData__cFooter Left Side DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_left_side" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_left_side" will be used.

Quote_Preference__cFooterMiddleData__cFooter Middle DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_middle" will be used.
Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_middle" will be used.

Quote_Preference__cFooterRightSideData__cFooter Right Side DataText (255)Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_right_side" will be used.
Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Quote-PDF.

If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_right_side" will be used.

RTBData__cBillingCategory__cBilling CategoryText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RTBData__cCPCCurrency__cCPC (Currency)Formula (Currency)Converts the text field 'CPC__c' to currency.Converts the text field 'CPC__c' to currency.
RTBData__cCPC__cCPCText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RTBData__cClicksNumber__cClicks (Number)Formula (Number)Converts the text field 'Clicks__c' to number.Converts the text field 'Clicks__c' to number.
RTBData__cClicks__cClicksText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RTBData__cCountryCode__cCountry CodeText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RTBData__cCountry__cCountryText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RTBData__cTransactionType__cTransaction TypeText(255)RTB web service writes auctions to this field.RTB web service writes auctions to this field.
RevenueScheduleDaily__cViewedAIsManual__cViewed AIs (manual)Number (18, 0)This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs.Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions.
RevenueScheduleDaily__cViewedAIs__cViewed AIsNumber (18, 0)This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.
Revenue_Schedule__cViewedAIsManual__cViewed AIs (manual)Number (18, 0)This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs.Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions.
Revenue_Schedule__cViewedAIs__cViewed AIsNumber (18, 0)This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.
AdServer_Logins__cRecordType (ADJUSTER)Record Type
This record type should be used to store login data for Ad server Ad-Juster

Ad_Type__c MediaDifferentiation__cMedia DifferentiationPicklistThis picklist allows you to group AdTypes. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments.Please choose the relevant Media Differentiation for this AdType.Global Value Set: Media Differentiation2.73
Ad_price__cMaximumApplicabilityUnit__cMaximum Applicability UnitPicklistThis field defines for which Time Column the Ad Price is displayed in the Booking Calendar.This field is used to define if the Maximum Applicability should be used for days, weeks or months.
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Ad_price__cOVKBillingCategory__cOVK Billing CategoryFormula (Text)Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category.Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category.
Briefing Script
Scripts will be the draft of the client requirement for the ads.

BriefingScript__cBackground__cBackgroundRich Text Area (32768)Background from the Advertisers Company/Business context.Background from the Advertisers Company/Business context.
BriefingScript__cCampaignItem__cCampaign ItemLookup (Campaign Item)Reference to the related campaign itemReference to the related campaign item
BriefingScript__cContact__cContactLookup (Contact)Client contact detailsClient contact details
BriefingScript__cGoal__cGoalPicklistGoal of the ADGoal of the AD
  • Get direct responce
  • Reinforce an existing brand/Product
  • Introduce sonthing new
  • Announce sales/special/event
BriefingScript__cHeadline__cHeadlineText Area (255)What will be the Headline key Massage for that AD?What will be the Headline key Massage for that AD?
BriefingScript__cLevelOfCreativity__cLevel of CreativityPicklistWhat is the Level of Creativity for this AD?What is the Level of Creativity for this AD?
  • Follow layout exactly
  • Some interpretation
  • Use artistic expression
BriefingScript__cLookAndFeelDescription__cLook and Feel descriptionText Area (255)Describe the details about the Look and Feel of this ADDescribe the details about the Look and Feel of this AD
BriefingScript__cLookAndFeel__cLook and FeelPicklistWhat is the Look and Feel for this AD?What is the Look and Feel for this AD?
  • Others
  • Simple and clean
  • Soft, pastel colors
  • Bold, bright colors
  • Exclusive and expensive
  • War, friendly infinity
  • Ruged, masculine look that appeals to men
  • Feminine look that appeals to women
  • Whimsical and fun design
  • Classical, sophisticated, upscale look
  • Trendy, hip design that appeals to college age
BriefingScript__cMediaDifferentiation__cMedia DifferentiationPicklistWhat is the Media Differentiation for this AD?What is the Media Differentiation for this AD?Global Value Set: Media Differentiation2.73
BriefingScript__cMediaSegment__cMedia SegmentPicklistWhat is the Media Segment for this AD?What is the Media Segment for this AD?Global Value Set: Media Segment2.73
BriefingScript__cMediaType__cMedia TypePicklistWhat is the Media Type for this AD?What is the Media Type for this AD?Global Value Set: Media Type2.73
BriefingScript__cNumber__cNumberAuto NumberThe AD numberThe AD number
BriefingScript__cPublicationDate__cPublication DateLong Text Area (32768)Publication date will be auto populated from Campaign items Selected Publication Date Information field.Will be auto populated from the campaign items selected publication date
BriefingScript__cPublicationName__cPublication NameFormula (Text)Publication Name will be auto populated with the site name related to the campaign item.Will be auto populated with the site name of the related campaign item
BriefingScript__cReason__cReasonRich Text Area (32768)Why a Person from the Target Group should use the Offer/USP/SMP?Why a Person from the Target Group should use the Offer/USP/SMP?
BriefingScript__c SentToClientAd__cSent to Client (AD)CheckboxSpecifies if the AD is sent to client for approval or not. If True than AD sent to client for approval
otherwise AD is not sent to client for approval.
Specifies if the AD is sent to client for approval or not
BriefingScript__cSentToClientScript__cSent to Client (Script)CheckboxSpecifies if the script is sent to client for approval or not. If True the script is sent to client for approval otherwise it is not.Specifies if the script is sent to client for approval or not
BriefingScript__cStatus__cStatusPicklistStatus of the scriptStatus of the script
  • New Script
  • Script Pending manager approval
  • Script Rejected by Manager
  • Script Pending Client approval
  • Script Rejected by Client
  • Script Approved
  • Advertise Pending manager approval
  • Advertise Rejected by Manager
  • Advertise Pending Client approval
  • Advertise Rejected by Client
  • Advertise Approved
BriefingScript__cTargetProfile__cTarget ProfileRich Text Area (32768)Target profileTarget profile
BriefingScript__cText__cTextRich Text Area (32768)Description for the script.Description for the script.
BriefingScript__cUniqueKey__cUnique KeyText (255)Unique KeyUnique Key
BriefingScript__cUrl__cURLURL (255)URL may include a link to the ad files.URL may include a link to the ad files.
BriefingScript__cUspSmpOffer__cUSP/SMP/OfferRich Text Area (32768)What is the USP/SMP/Offer for this AD? Significant market power, in economics, the ability of a firm to alter the market price of a good or service.What is the USP/SMP/Offer for this AD?
Campaign_Item__cBookingCalendarDateAssignment__cBooking Calendar Date AssignmentPicklist (Multi-Select)When a Campaign item is marked as exclusive it will be shown in the Booking Calendar. Normally a Campaign Item runs from 00:00 to 23:59, if not please decide how the booking calendar should handle this Campaign Item.Please choose the behavior for this Item in Booking Calendar.
  • do not show first day
  • do not show last day
Campaign_Item__cOVKBillingCategory__cOVK Billing CategoryFormula (Text)Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category.Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category.
Campaign_Item__cShiftable__cShiftableCheckboxPlease check if you have to potentially change/shift the campaign item dates. This will be shown in the Booking Calendar.If you like to reserve and sell a Campaign Item but might have to change its start and end dates/publication date mark this checkbox and the Booking Calendar will inform users using the Shiftable icon.
Campaign_Item__cUnit__cLabel UnitFormula (Text)Field used for AGOF Interface - Formular which translates the Advendio Billing Category into the OVK Unit naming convention.Formular which translates the Advendio Billing Category into the OVK Unit naming convention.
Content__cMaximumApplicabilityUnit__cMaximum Applicability UnitPicklistThis field defines for which Time Column the Content is displayed in the Booking Calendar.This field is used to define if the Maximum Applicability should be used for days, weeks or months.
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Data Import Mapping

DataImportMapping__mdtComment__cCommentText (255)

DataImportMapping__mdtFeature__cFeatureText (255)


DataImportMapping__mdtSource__cSourceText (255)

DataImportMapping__mdtTargetObject__cTarget ObjectText (255)

DataImportMapping__mdtTarget__cTargetText (255)

DataImportMapping__mdtUniqueKey__cUnique KeyCheckbox

InvoiceItem__cConnectedItem__cConnected ItemLookup (Invoice Item)

Invoice__cReverseChargeMechanism__cReverse-Charge MechanismCheckboxIf this checkbox is true - the VAT Type on any campaign item will be ignored, set to zero, and on the invoice pdf the Custom Label Reverse-Charge Mechanism Note is displayed.Please check this box to apply the Reverse-Charge Process on this Media Campaign.
Mapping_BA__cContactSalutationLetter__cContact Salutation LetterText (255)This field is used to transfer the salutation for contacts selected at a Media Campaign to the object Invoice Contacts.Please enter the field path to transfer the salutation for contacts selected at a Media Campaign to the object Invoice Contacts.
MediaCampaign__cOVKOfferType__cOVK Offer TypeFormula (Text)Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Offer Type to order or offer based on the Advendio document type.Sets the OVK Offer Type to order or offer based on the Advendio document type.
MediaCampaign__cReverseChargeMechanism__cReverse-Charge MechanismCheckboxIf this checkbox is true - the VAT Type on any campaign item will be ignored, set to zero, and on the invoice pdf the Custom Label Reverse-Charge Mechanism Note is displayed.Please check this box to apply the Reverse-Charge Process on this Media Campaign.
OptimizingVersion__cSelectedOriginalItems__cSelected Original ItemsLong Text Area (32768)Contains a list of all Campaign Items which were selected when creating the Optimizer Version. This field is used and set by the Comercial Optimizer.Contains a list of all Campaign Items which were selected when creating the Optimizer Version. This field is used and set by the Comercial Optimizer.
Placement__cMediaSegment__cMedia SegmentPicklistSelected Media Segment controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and in Commitments.Please chose the relevant Media Segment for this Placement.Global Value Set: Media Segment2.73
Revenue_Schedule__cDeliveredAIs3rdParty__cDelivered AIs (3rd Party)Number (18, 0)This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered AIs from a external Source of the assigned campaign item.This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered AIs from a external Source of the assigned campaign item
Revenue_Schedule__cDeliveredClicks3rdParty__cDelivered Clicks (3rd Party)Number (18, 0)This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered Clicks from a external Source of the assigned campaign item.This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered Clicks from a external Source of the assigned campaign item.
Site__cMediaType__cMedia TypePicklistSelected Media type controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and in Commitments.Please chose the relevant Media Type for this Advertising Medium.Global Value Set: Media Type2.73
AccountExternalId__cExternal IDText (255)Enter the external ID of this account. This ID can also be used to push values into DFPs external ID on the company level.Enter the external ID of this account. This ID can also be used to push values into DFPs external ID on the company level.
AdServer_Logins__cAdvertiserExternalId__cAdvertiser External IDPicklistThis information is used to push to DFP in the filed External ID.This information is used to push to DFP in the filed External ID.
  • Account ID
  • Account External ID
Ad_Type__cCreativeRotationType__cCreative Rotation TypePicklistChoose your rotation type:
Evenly: rotates evenly
Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most
Weighted: rotates at specified frequency
Sequential: rotates in specified order
Choose your rotation type:
Evenly: rotates evenly
Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most
Weighted: rotates at specified frequency
Sequential: rotates in specified order
  • Evenly
  • Optimized
  • Weighted
  • Sequential
Campaign_Item__cBudgetN2__cBudget N2Currency (16, 2)Please enter the budget of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use target N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator)Please enter the budget of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use target N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator)
Campaign_Item__cCreativeRotationType__cCreative Rotation TypePicklistChoose your rotation type:
Evenly: rotates evenly
Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most
Weighted: rotates at specified frequency
Sequential: rotates in specified order
Choose your rotation type:
Evenly: rotates evenly
Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most
Weighted: rotates at specified frequency
Sequential: rotates in specified order
  • Evenly
  • Optimized
  • Weighted
  • Sequential
Campaign_Item__cTargetNet__cTarget NetCurrency (16, 2)Please enter the target net of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use budget N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator)Please enter the target net of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use budget N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator)
Flexible Payment Plan

FlexiblePaymentPlan__cAmount__cAmountCurrency (14, 2)

FlexiblePaymentPlan__cCampaignItem__cCampaign ItemLookupReference to Campaign ItemReference to Campaign Item
FlexiblePaymentPlan__cDescription__cDescriptionLong Text Area (32768)Additional informationAdditional information
FlexiblePaymentPlan__cInvoiceDate__cInvoice DateDate

FlexiblePaymentPlan__cPercentageAmount__cPercentageAmountPercent (3, 2)Optional, when creating invoices, Amount is set to a percentage amount of the Campaign Item.

Global Value SetsMediaSegmentMedia SegmentPicklist Value SetThis picklist allows you to group Placements. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments.

New Value:

  • Magazine
Global Value SetsMediaTypeMedia TypePicklist Value SetThis picklist allows you to group Advertising Media. This classification can be used in reports and also controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial and Commitments .

New Value:

  • Out-of-Home
InvoiceItem__cInvoiceCreationType__cInvoice Creation TypeFormula (Text)

Invoice__cCreationType__cCreation TypePicklist

  • Flex
  • Cancellation Invoice
  • Cancellation and Merge all Invoice
MediaCampaign__cVATExempt__cVAT ExemptCheckboxIf this field is checked the whole media campaign is not being taxed.If this field is checked the whole media campaign is not being taxed.
Settings__cUseNewInvoiceGeneration__cUse new Invoice GenerationCheckbox

Settings__cFlexiblePaymentPlanAmountField__cFlexible Payment Plan Amount FieldText (100)

Select the Campaign Item amount field to be used in Flexible Payment Plans.
This applies to validations and percentaged distribution.

Select the Campaign Item amount field to be used in Flexible Payment Plans.
This applies to validations and percentaged distribution.

InvoiceItem__cPositionNumberAppendix__cPosition Number AppendixText (255)Additional field to add after the position number. For example if you have the position number '3' you can add the appendix '.2' to get the joined position number '3.2'Additional field to add after the position number. For example if you have the position number '3' you can add the appendix '.2' to get the joined position number '3.2'
Global Value SetsMediaDifferentiationMedia DifferentiationPicklist Value SetThis picklist allows you to group AdTypes. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignments information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments.
  • Black and Whit
  • Clolor
  • InPage
  • InStream
Global Value SetsMediaSegmentMedia SegmentPicklist Value SetThis picklist allows you to group Placements. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments.
  • InApp
  • InBrowser
  • Multiscreen
  • Newspaper

Global Value SetsMediaTypeMedia TypePicklist Value SetThis picklist allows you to group Advertising Media. This classification can be used in reports and also controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial and Commitments .
  • TV
  • Digit
  • Print
  • Radio
Mapping_BA__cPositionNumberAppendix__c Position Number Appendix

Text (255)

Additional field to add after the position number. For example if you have the position number '3' you can add the appendix '.2' to get the joined position number '3.2'Additional field to add after the position number. For example if you have the position number '3' you can add the appendix '.2' to get the joined position number '3.2'
  • No labels