Available with Version:

2.166 and up


System Administrator

We recommend you testing your user flows and use cases in a sandbox first before taking the new Booking Calendar into production. Although we took over many features from the old Booking Calendar it might be that some features you like to use or some solutions you customized do not work (yet). Please give us feedback if there are features you are missing.


Setting up the Booking Calendar to give the users a quick overview of exclusive availabilities.


To use the Booking Calendar (Lightning) feature there are a few steps to follow. Please read more below:

Turn on the Inventory Forecast

This feature works together with our Inventory Forecast logic. Please read the hints on the linked page to prepare your inventory to cover your needs: 7.2.24 How to set up the Availability Check for exclusive products? (Inventory Forecast) . Please focus also on the changes in the setup of Inventory if you were using our old logic before.

Compared to our former Exclusivity Check/Booking Calendar logic we deprecated the following logic: Constant Quantity field on Content/Content Ad Price Assignment. This field will be deprecated soon and is only used for the old logic anymore.
In addition we deprecated the values “1” and “Guaranteed AI” for Constant Quantity in the new logic.

Grant OAuth access

The new job is running as an external service on our AWS servers. To enable authentication for this service which will calculate the availability results, it is needed to grant OAuth access.

There are two ways to do this.

If you are currently using our Connect module, you can grant access by simply logging into any connection record. For more information on this process, please visit our Wiki page: "1.6 How to authenticate/authorize ADvendio Gateway for the use of our Third Party System integrations? - Authorize ADvendio message/OAuth".

If you are already using our Connect module you can just check login any connection record to grant access. Please find more information on the following Wiki page: 1.6 How to authenticate/authorize ADvendio Gateway for the use of our Third Party System integrations? - Authorize ADvendio message / OAuth

Otherwise please follow the steps on this Wiki page: How to authenticate / authorize ADvendio for OAuth

If you did not enable this you will receive the following error: “Error: Error create JWT access token”.

Booking Calendar settings

Booking Calendar settings wizard

With the 2.169 release, you can now use the Booking Calendar Settings wizard. This new feature makes the experience of setting up a Booking Calendar much simpler and more user-friendly.

The first time you open the wizard, you will be asked to convert to the new format since New Wizard operates with a different settings format.

(tick) It is highly recommended to convert old settings to ensure optimal performance.

(tick) Old records will not be deleted.

Video of Booking Calendar Setting (Lightning)

A video tutorial demonstrating how to use the Booking Calendar settings wizard:

BC Draft 3.mov

To access the Booking Calendar Settings, follow these steps:

  1. In the App launcher search for Booking Calendar Setting (Lightning)

  2. (blue star) When you open the application for the first time, will see the following message: “Setting conversion required: Please confirm whether you agree to convert the Old Booking Calendar Settings data to our new format to use the Lightning Settings wizard. Your old settings will not be lost.”

  3. To proceed with the conversion, press the “Convert old settings” button.

The Booking Calendar settings wizard will guide you through several steps that you need to perform:

Step 1: Create or Edit Template

To use the Booking Calendar, you have three options: you can either Create your new template or Edit or Clone one of the existing templates. If you choose to create your own template, give it a name and make sure the 'Active' checkbox is a ticket in order for it to be activated in the Booking Calendar.

Step 2: Setup Filters

The second step is to set up your filter fields, where you can define specific filters to search for sites, placements, and ad types. You can choose from a range of filters such as billing categories and price lists. The system comes with several predefined filters that are commonly used, but you can also modify or add additional filters by clicking on the “Add More Fields” button. You can also Add or Remove existing fields/ field types by using the action buttons in the drop-down menu located on the right.

Step 3: Setup Layout

In the third step, you can customize the layout of the table columns for your results in the Booking Calendar. While default options are provided, you can Add or Remove layout columns as required.

PLEASE NOTE: when using the booking calendar, you must indicate whether you intend to work with Contents or not. Based on your selection, you will be able to consider using content in the booking calendar and choose the necessary additional content values from the checkboxes provided.

Setup Layout Extra Settings

At the bottom, you'll find a few extra checkbox settings that you can activate.

Display Content Column: enable the display of the content name as a column in the table.

Consider Content: select which results you would like to see and if the Contents are relevant

Show Calendar Weeks for weekly view: enable and show calendar weeks' names in the table if applicable.

Confirm Content: Please enable this option if you would like your users to select which Content to add to the basket when multiple are selected.

Confirm Publication Dates: Please enable this option if you would like your users to select which Publication Date to add to the basket when multiple are selected.

Step 4: Setup Details

In step four, you can define the columns and fields that will be displayed when you view Contending Items for a particular cell. For example, if you have a Contending Campaign Item that is booked for a specific date and you view the details of the booking calendar cell, you will be able to see the account from which it was booked, the start and end dates, the stage of the campaign, and the amount. You can customize the Setup Details fields by adding or removing cells and columns.

Once you have completed and selected all the set-up steps, please press the "Finish" button.

Sharing settings (available with version 2.168 and above)

Some clients use the Salesforce sharing settings “Private” to show Media Campaigns and Campaign Items only to owners and team members of Media Campaigns. To make sure that the Booking Calendar and Inventory Forecast work consistently for these processes please update the settings as described below.

When you have the private sharing setting enabled for Media Campaigns and Campaign Items but do not update the setting as described below then the Booking Calendar and Inventory Forecast will only display availability based on the campaigns permitted to be seen by the respective user. This will lead to possible overbooking and intransparent inventory availability.

If you are not sure if this scenario affects you please contact our support team.

Create/Confirm a “Read All user”

To overcome the problem described above we will need to work with a “Read all user”. This user can either be a System Administrator or a specific user only for this use case. The user will need to be able to see all Media Campaigns and Campaign Items in your ADvendio instance. The setting will require the user name so please copy it to your clipboard.

Update Custom Metadata Settings

  1. Go to Setup > and search for “Custom Metadata Types“. Open the menu for Custom Metadata Types.

  2. Next to the entry called “Service Configuration” hit the button “Manage Records“

  3. Hit the “Edit” button next to the record from the list called “InventoryForecast (Initial)“

    1. Here you will see a field called “Username”. (info) If you can not see the field you might need to update the page layout from the Custom Metadata Type called “Service Configuration“

    2. Fill in the username from your “Read all user” mentioned above and save.

  4. Hit the “Edit” button next to the record from the list called “InventoryForecast (ExclusivityCheck)“

    1. Here you will see a field called “Username”.

    2. Fill in the username from your “Read all user” mentioned above and save.

  5. This was all. When reloading your availability check and Booking Calendar results your users should be able to see consistent results now even if the sharing settings of your org are set to private. Please note that contending campaign items might not be shown if the user does not have read permission for them.

Checking Availability with Contents

Working with Publication Dates

When there is at least one publication date on a site defined it is required to always set publication dates.

Its important to note that the new Booking Calendar checks the inventory for existing Publication Dates based on at least one connected Publication Date to a Site record. (blue star) If you have Publication Dates in the past and did not configure them for the requested time frame you might see “No results”. Ensure to configure your Publication Dates correctly to avoid any issues.