Additionally to the 6.3.2 Required Invoice Information (Media Campaign) check the following two settings on all Campaign Items to ensure correct billing: 


  • Bill me? has to be set to "true"

  • Show on Invoice PDF has to be "true" 

Here is a list of other fields which are important for Billing & Accounting but not required:

Please keep in mind that you can not change the field Linear Distribution after the campaign is reviewed, partly invoiced or fully invoiced except the related billed Invoice Item is cancelled. For other restrictions to partly or fully invoiced items, see 6.1.11 Change of Invoice Relevant Information for Partly or Fully Invoiced Items

The fields Distribution (Unit) and Distribution (Period) on your Campaign Item will also impact how your invoices are created. 

When the Distribution Unit is set to Amount, the total amount of the Campaign Item is distributed across the relevant invoice items on pro-rata basis. A distribution note explains that the invoiced quantity reflects the total invoice quantity while the invoice amount is prorated.