/ How to prepare Ad Specs for your Reselling, Reach Extension or Service Campaign Items? How to prepare Ad Specs for your Reselling, Reach Extension or Service Campaign Items?


System Administrator

Version (Buying Pilot Extension)



You want to offer your advertisers additional services to the regular products you offer for them. This could cover for example reach extension campaigns, booking fitting ads to their current campaigns on a Social Media Platform or additional Ads in a premium partner network.

You would like to base these on a fixed amount for certain time periods, for example:

  • Pay $500,00 per month for a reach extension

  • Optionally reach a certain amount of guaranteed impressions

  • The ads will be displayed outside of your own inventory, so you will go in for the advertiser and book/purchase the ads directly in a DSP or Social Media Platform

  • You will receive the agreed payment amount for this service by the advertiser, regardless of how much actually needs to be paid, so your goal is to stay underneath that amount

Our ADvendio Buying Pilot, provides you the means to offer these services to your advertisers, but how can you prepare Ad Specs and Campaign Items for this, so that your Sales Reps can just pick those and configure the Reach Extension Services in a few clicks?


In order to sell the your reach extension as Campaign Items, you need to prepare Ad Specs. This way your Sales Reps can simply pick and add those activities to their basket, without too much effort. Also you are free to create further validations or custom logic for your specific Campaign Items and it’s easier to track them in reporting, once they are all connected to certain Ad Specs.

The following steps are an example for how you can structure your Reselling and Reach extension packages. You are free to use different means in ADvendio or structure your entities in a different way.

To create new Ad Specs there are many different tools in ADvendio like the Ad Specs & Rates Manager or the Inventory Manager.

However the basic structure is the same. An Ad Spec consists of:

  • An advertising medium or site

  • a specific placement in that site

  • an format or ad type

For those you combinations you can then define one or more prices, which each have a specific sales unit and a basic list price.

How to create Reach Extension Ad Specs?

To proceed we will now try to cover the following product:

  • A simple reach extension to book on a specific platform

  • A fixed rate for this product (e.g. $500,00 reach extension package) so that the Sales Team only has to enter the time frame for which this should run

To start we need to create the basic entities in ADvendio. We need a Site, Placement and an Ad Type:

To cover this we decided to create a general Site record, to store all additional services we sell additional to our own inventory. We call it 'Services'

The Placement will be used to further group by the kind of services we’re offering, so in this case it could be ‘reach extension' or 'managed social media’.

The Ad Type could be used to further differentiate between different media types used (for example a platform specific format or a general differentiation between display and video ads).


Next step will be defining the pricing information, as visible below:

It’s set to a fixed price of $500,00. This means we will sell our package for $500,00 and Sales only needs to enter the desired time frame and the quantity to '1'.

Enhance your customization, layouts and validations for reach extension products

With these steps, the basic product configuration is done. Now you might want to enhance certain other configurations, to treat the reach extension products in a specific way. For Example when opening the Media Configuration you want to highlight certain fields for your Sales Reps or hider other irrelevant fields.

To do this, we offer a checkbox, which can be set on the Ad Spec record of your product. Once you set the 'Buying Activity' Checkbox to true, you can validate this as criteria for any custom logic.

If you want to create tab rules, which hide fields or make other field required for the user to fill in, within out Media Configuration, you can proceed to configure a Tab Rule with the following criteria:


We also provide the templates, to automatically assign a specific Buying Activity record type to Campaign Items created from Ad Specs with the Checkbox set. To find out more, check our general setup guide for the Media Buying Pilot.



In order to use these features efficiently, we recommend to go through all the setup steps of our Buying Pilot Extension, which can be found here: How to Setup the Buying Pilot Extensionarchived