/ How to Setup the Buying Pilot Extension How to Setup the Buying Pilot Extension


System Administrator

Version (Buying Pilot Extension)



You are interesting in using ADvendio to manage Media Buying and want to start using our Buying Pilot extension in order to maximize the efficiency of your internal processes.

Which steps are needed to install and activate the ADvendio Media Buying Pilot in your Salesforce environment?



Install the Media Buying Pilot package extension

First step is installing the Media Buying Pilot. For this you will need to use the installation link. You can find the current version of the extension, as well as information on the latest changes here: ADvendio Package Extensions

Please keep in mind, that a certain ADvendio version is required to install the ADvendio Media Buying Pilot. The release notes will provide this information.

Once the installation process is started, make sure to mark the option ‘Install for All Users’ and set the required checkbox.

Click Install and the installation starts. Once it’s finished you will receive an email with the results and you can continue with the next steps.


Set up the Campaign Item Record type

To support the customizing of the Media Buying Pilot and make sure you can include this in your own custom logic and validations, we added a new Campaign Item Record Type, which you are free to use.

The record type is activated by default and ready to use. There is also a page layout included, which highlights the most important fields and related list for the Buying Pilot.

In order to make sure your Campaign Items will automatically receive the right record type, we included the template to a custom flow. The flow will set all Campaign Items, which are belonging to certain Ad Specs as Buying Activity items, for this we use a new field, more information can also be found here: How to prepare Ad Specs for your Reselling, Reach Extension or Service Campaign Items?archived

To use this flow template, you will need to create a new lightning flow. Go to the Setup → process automation → flows

Click the ‘New flow’ button to create a new flow:

A new screen with the Salesforce flow builder will open. Make sure to select the tab ‘All + Templates’ in the top left corner and go to the autolaunched flows:

There you can find our flow templated called: ‘UpdateCampaignItemBuyingRecordType’. Select it and click the next button.


This is now our example flow. Please select the Assignment called ‘UpdateRecordType’

Once you click on it, a new section opens:

Click the ‘Edit Element’ button, in order to modify this step of the flow.

You will see a line, where the Record Type ID variable will be set to a specific value. Please replace this value with the unique ID, that the Buying Activities Record Type has in your Salesforce environment.

As record type IDs are individual to each Salesforce Org, you are required to do this step to the flow, in order to use it.

Once replaced click the ‘Done’ button. You are now free to make additional changes to this flow if you like. To finalize this step, click the save button on the top right of the screen and don’t forget to activate the flow.


Individual Tab Setup and validations

To help you with the individualize and customize how the media buying processes we added a custom Campaign Item and a new field to mark Ad Specs relevant for your media buying.

This field is a check box called ‘Buying Activity’

Set this checkbox to true, so you can refer to this later by customization and automated processes within Salesforce. This setting is especially relevant if you are planning to use Campaign Items for your budget planning and to resell media buying to your advertisers.

As an example, let’s say you are planning to have a separate tab in your Media Configuration, with all the relevant fields to plan your buying activities. So you create a new Tab in our Tab Setup and add the fields for planning budget and surcharge fees.

Now to make sure, those fields are only shown for Media Buying relevant Campaign Items, you can add tab rules looking for the following criteria:

So if you evaluate for Buying Activity to be true, you can configure stuff like making certain fields required for these specific Campaign Items. While if you look for Buying Activity to be false, you can for example hide certain fields for all Campaign Items of a different type.

Using these tools in ADvendio, you can make sure your users see a separate tab in the Media Configuration for the Buying settings + these fields are hidden for other Campaign Items, as shown here:


Activate Lightning Record Pages

We included several Lightning Record Pages in our extension, to support your user experience.

To activate those, go to setup → Lightning App Builder

Here you can see a list of all Lightning Pages, including the ones from our Buying Pilot:

  • Buying & Service Campaign Item

  • Buying Item Management

  • Buying Order Management

Click the view button on the left, to open a detailed view. You can see a preview of the page and use the ‘Activation’ button to enable the pages for your users.

We recommend to use the App, Record Type and Profile settings, to enable our Campaign Item Lightning Page only for Campaign Items using the new 'Buying Activity & Service' Record Type. For everything is else the easiest solution is simply to add the Lightning Pages as Org default.

These Lightning Pages are only an example from our end, you can further customize them to your needs. To do this, simply clone an existing Lightning Page from our Media Buying Pilot, so you can edit them as much as you like.

Assign Permissions and Access rights

As our Media Buying Pilot provides you new fields and features, you will need to manage the profiles and access permissions of your users.

To simplify this for you, we provided a permission set in our package extension called ‘ADvendio Buying Pilot’. You can assign this permission set to the relevant users and they will automatically receive the required read and edit permissions for all relevant objects and fields to manage Media Buying activities.

If you like you can also use this permission set as template for your own. To do so, simply use the clone button, next to the permission set in the set overview:


There are no additional setup steps required, besides the mentioned steps here.