[Creative Upload] Set Up Google Ad Manager Creative Upload Features



You are planning to use the ADvendio Creative Upload features to manage your creatives in ADvendio and upload them directly to your Google Ad Manager (GAM) network. Now you are wondering:

  • Which creative types and features are already supported?

  • Which steps are needed to set up and configure the creative upload feature for GAM

  • Can ADvendio handle custom templates? And how to configure this?


Incoming changes with ADvendio July 2024 Release

There are some slight modification to the logic of how Creative Templates are imported into ADvendio by the July 2024 release. Please see the section at the bottom of this page for more information: Release 2.171 Breaking Change in import of Picklist Type Variables

To set up the Creative Upload in ADvendio, there are so-called Ad Creative Templates required. Those templates control, which fields and settings will be available in the Creative Upload UI and thus which information your Sales Reps will be able to see. Additionally, you can determine which Campaign Items, and which Creative Templates are available. This helps you for example to make sure to only use video creatives for your video Campaign Items and similar.

Also, the templates will help to define which information is sent to which fields in GAM. Some of the templates in ADvendio will refer to a Creative Template in GAM.

Underneath each Ad Creative Template in ADvendio, there are Template Variables, which can configure which fields are visible in the Creative Upload Screen.

To set up your Creative Upload for Google AdManager you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Create or Import (version 2.155 and up) Ad Creative Templates into ADvendio

  2. Configure your Ad Creative Template Variables for each template based on your GAM requirements

  3. Connect Ad Creative Templates to Ad Types in ADvendio, to make them available to your Users


Features and Creative formats currently supported for GAM

The following Creative formats are currently supported by ADvendio:


The ADvendio Creative Data Model

Here is an overview of the data model and what it means:

ADvendio Object

Google Ad Manager

ADvendio Object

Google Ad Manager

Ad Creative

The actual creative that will be uploaded to an advertiser in GAM and will later be assigned to a line item

Campaign Item

represents the Line Item in GAM

Creative Assignments

ADvendio assigns Creatives to Line Items in GAM based on the Creative Assignment object in ADvendio.

Ad Creative Template

The GAM Creative Template to use (if applicable)

Ad Creative Template Variable

The fixed settings and fields required for GAM Creatives, more information can be seen below


Import your templates from your Google Ad Manager Network

This is available as a BETA release with version 2.157, we will delivery additional functions within the following releases

You can now import templates from your Google Ad Manager network into ADvendio. With this enhancement, you have ready-to-use templates already created at the click of a button!

To access this feature, you will need to go to your Google Ad Manager Connection record in ADvendio and select ‘transfer to ADvendio’

Within the window that opens, you will need to select Creative Templates and decide which templates you’d like to import.

  • Creative Standard Templates → This includes the required templates for the default Google Creatives, such as images, image URLs and similar)

  • Creative Custom Templates → This includes Custom Creative Templates and Native formats in Google Ad Manager, which you can fully customize for your Google network. (Available with Version 2.157)

Once the import is done, you receive ready-to-use templates, which contain all the required technical information for ADvendio. You can then proceed to further customize them to your needs, for example by adding additional help texts to the variables (see mapping section below).

Attention: All templates imported by ADvendio, receive a Unique Key in the field Unique Key External. If you want to modify a template for your own needs, please empty this Unique Key or set an own one. Otherwise if you start the import process a second time, we might overwrite your changes!

Problems during the import

After the import process from the AdServer is finished, you will receive a result email. This will also provide you with an overview of problems during the import process. Some of the more common issues can be:

  • Non-working / invalid credentials for your connection

  • Missing Permissions on your Third-Party Platform User

  • Salesforce Problems, when uploading data, such as no editing permissions on the required fields and objects, storage limitations or custom validations

  • If a Creative Template can not be created by the ADvendio import process, all related variables will also fail, with an error message that ‘ADvendio__UniqueKeyExt__c was not specified’


Manually create an Ad Creative Template in ADvendio

You start by creating your Ad Creative Template in ADvendio, this will help you to configure the types of creatives you want to manage from ADvendio.

Let’s say we want to use the Standard file image template. We proceed to create an Ad Creative Template record in ADvendio, which could look like this:


  1. Creative Template Name: You can pick any name that you like. This name will be shown to the user when uploading a new creative to ADvendio, so we recommend using something relatable to your users

  2. Connection (optional): Please link to the connection record, which represents your GAM network

  3. Creative Type: Determines which type of Creative will be uploaded to Google AdManager. The following formats are currently supported:

    1. Image

    2. Image URL

    3. Overlay

    4. Campaign Manager 360

    5. Third-Party Creative

  4. Template ID: Currently not used

  5. External Status: Currently not used

  6. Active: Please set your template to active, otherwise it will not be available during the creative upload process

Manually configure your Ad Creative Template Variables

Once the template is there, you will need to define which fields you want or need to use. In our example, there are a few fixed variables we always need for the GAM banner.

To manage the variables of a template, you need to switch to the related tab in your Ad Creative Template record and view the related list ‘Ad Creative Template Variables’

Click the button new to create a new Variable. Depending on your creative format there are certain Variables which are always required. See also the section on the mapping below. Each Variable record you create will then be its field in the Creative Upload window your user sees, so they can fill in the required information.

The fields mean the following:

  • Name: A general name for your variable. This will also be shown as a Field Name to the user during the creative upload process, so we recommend picking something your users can recognize

  • Variable Type: Which data type is this variable? The selection will also reflect how your field will be shown to the users. Possible types are:

    • attachment: This type should be used for files.

    • boolean: This type represents a checkbox with true or false.

    • date: This type represents a date with a calendar selection.

    • integer: This type represents a whole number.

    • picklist: This type represents a list of multiple values.

    • string: This type represents a text.

    • textarea: This t