When you have selected the necessary fields for FreeWheel Ad, don't forget to press Save.
The pacing is set using the Campaign item delivery rate type (ADvendio_CampaignItem.DeliveryRateType__c). 4.3.6 Frequency Capping is done the same as for all other AdServers.
Check this table for the setup of your Ad Types for FreeWheel (From version 2.102 and up we set the default values to avoid error messages).
AdType | Delivery Type | Delivery Rate Type (Campaign Item) | Quantity (Budget in FreeWheel) | Billing Category | Priorities |
Impression Target | Guaranteed, Preemptible | Fast as, Smooth as | Quantity (for CPM) Guaranteed Impressions (for Fixed Price) | CPM | Above Paying Ads 11 to 20 Below Paying Ads -1 to -10 |
SOV % - custom | Guaranteed | Fast as | Goal Percent | CPM, Fixed Price | Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal, High, Highest |
POD % - custom | Guaranteed | Fast as | Goal Percent | CPM, Fixed Price | Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal, High, Highest |
All impression sponsorship | Guaranteed | Fast as | - | CPM, Fixed Price | Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal, High, Highest |
Evergreen | Preemptible | Fast as | Goal Percent | CPM | Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal, High, Highest |
FreeWheel Ad Types Example: