ADvendio Connections: Deprecation Announcement - Deprecation of legacy Geo Targeting options

ADvendio Connections: Deprecation Announcement - Deprecation of legacy Geo Targeting options

What will be changed?


With some reasonable notice, we would like to announce that by the end of 2022, we will deprecate the legacy geo-targeting for ADvendio Connections.

This concerns the options and fields Selected Countries, Selected Regions and Selected Cities within the Media Configuration as mentioned: Geo Targeting ("old" Legacy Geo Targeting)

The change might affect customers, which are using our integrations to:

  • Equativ(SMART) AdServer

  • Google AdManager

The deprecation will affect the following Salesforce Objects:

  • ADvendio__Country__c

  • ADvendio__Region__c

  • ADvendio__City__c

  • ADvendio__AreaCode__c

  • ADvendio__SelectedCountries__c

  • ADvendio__SelectedRegions__c

  • ADvendio__SelectedCities__c

And the following fields on the Campaign Item object, which will also not be usable anymore:

  • ADvendio__ExcludeCities__c

  • ADvendio__ExcludeCountries__c

  • ADvendio__ExcludeRegions__c

Why this change is taking place?

We introduced a more flexible targeting solution in our Connections features some time ago, which works better with the new Lightning Design and especially allowed us to introduce more advanced features, such as Targeting Sets.

Currently, these two targeting features are operating in parallel, but only for a limited number of integrations, the legacy targeting is available. We’re planning to focus only on the new approach, in order to handle the maintenance of ADvendio more effectively and provide you with a better experience.

Removing the old options will help us to prevent future problems with your ADvendio data and also will help keep your experience more streamlined.

When is the deadline for version support?


At the End of 2022, Expected to take place in the first release version of 2023 (ETA 10th January 2023)

After you’ve installed this version, the features mentioned above will not work anymore, when using our submit to AdServer. All legacy geo options, selected in ADvendio will be ignored.

This change is not automatically applied to your ADvendio environment, it will take place once you install the ADvendio versions of 2023! However we do recommend to quickly install new ADvendio releases, so that we can provide you the best support in case of problems or questions!

What actions do you need to do?

If you are only affected if you’re using:

  • Google AdManager

  • Equativ(SMART)AdServer

In order to see if you are still using the legacy geo-targeting, you can check for example how your current geo-targeting looks in the Media Configuration. Geo and Postal Code Targeting

If you see a single Geographies Column and upon clicking edit, a selection interface in Lightning Design opens, you’re already using the new Geo-Targeting and don’t need to do anything.

Otherwise, in order to migrate to the new feature you will:

  1. Need to import Geo-Targeting Connection IDs, this can be done with the ADvendio Transfer feature: 3.5.3 How to import and sync targeting information and IDs from connected systems with ADvendio?

  2. Update your Tab Setup, so that your media Configuration will show the new Geo-Targeting.

  3. Update Page Layouts, List Views and related lists, make sure to remove reference to the above-mentioned object. Especially the layout for Campaign Items could be relevant, if it still shows the related objects, such as Selected Cities.

  4. We recommend doing this step some time in advance of the deprecation so that your users will create new Media Campaigns and Campaign Items using the new settings and you will not have to update existing bookings in ADvendio.

  5. Any already created Media Campaigns and Campaign Items, which still have the legacy, will ignore the selected targeting if you use the ‘Check Availability’ or ‘Submit to AdServer’ feature. You will need to assign the desired targeting with the new features, in order to have it work as expected.

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