9. ADvendio Self Service Portal

9. ADvendio Self Service Portal


Self Service Portals are a great way to share information and collaborate efficiently with people who are key to your business processes, such as customers or partners. Use easy point-and-click branding tools with ever-evolving Lightning templates or go with Visualforce to create branded collaboration spaces.

ADvendio Self-Service Portal offers an additional self-service buying option. The service is geared toward letting business owners and advertisers of all sizes business owners and advertisers plan and manage advertising campaigns within a more affordable and flexible framework. ADvendio provides a self-service package for this purpose which consists of:

  • UI and User Management (salesforce.com communities)

  • Standardized API Controller Set to ensure consistent data and enable revision safety and IFRS compliance 

  • Standardized process support via Lightning Flows and Self Service Portals 

  • Future Proof Development  - AI-driven Media Campaign creation

ADvendio’s Self-Service Portal Components

1. UI and User Management (salesforce.com communities)

Base your Self-Service Portal on one of our preconfigured Lightning Self-Service Portal templates with drag-and-drop components, or on standard Salesforce functionality and tabs. With your Self Service Portal, you can share a subset of features and data from your internal ADvendio org, and customize your Self Service Portal to incorporate your company branding.

Your Self-Service Portal lives inside your org and can be easily accessed from the App Launcher in Lightning Experience or the global header. Enabling clickjack and other protections, authenticating users and encrypting Self-Service Portal data will ensure your portal is secure. Portals help you connect with customers and partners. 

When building your Self Service Portal, there are multiple settings and permissions which can be selected in order to protect both your and your customers’ data. Keeping this data secure is a result of a joint effort between you and ADvendio on the Salesforce platform.

Self-service Portal facilitates the following:


    • The use of templates allows you to quickly set up a Self Service Portal with the ability to customize accordingly with your company’s branding in order to share ADvendio records with portal members in order to collaboratively work together

    • Use the Self-Service Portal Page Optimizer to analyze Self-Service Portal performance

    • Use the Self Service Portal Cloud Content Delivery Network and browser caching to improve page load times

Self-Service Portal Management enables the administration, management and moderating of your Self Service Portal. 


Insights are the reports which aid Self-Service Portal managers to monitor activity and take action on these activities, ultimately making it easier to manage day-to-day moderation tasks, encourage Self-Service Portal engagement and drive member adoption rates.

Insights can be set up in order to monitor:

  • Monitor new members

  • Unanswered questions

  • Newly created groups

  • Trending Topics

  • Recent Chatter contributions

Content Moderation

Self-Service Portal moderation enables the empowerment of members in order to monitor content and ensure that it is both appropriate and relevant. By utilizing and setting up rules moderation can be automated reducing the time needed to manage individual cases to increase your efficiency and eliminate the heavy lifting previously required. This ensures that your process is as efficient as possible while controlling content standards.

Portal Structure 

Navigational, features & content topics provide an excellent way to organize content and information in a Self Service Portal. The use of topics can aid the readability of your portal content by implementing a structure that can also highlight key discussions and other important updates. Topics can also be created from discussions that emerge organically from self-service portal members' posts.


The creation of recommendations can drive engagement for your Self Service portal encouraging users to watch videos, undertake training and much more. Specific audiences can also be hyper-targeted by utilizing channel locations to specify where recommendations are shown.


The use of gamification tools such as  Recognition Badges and Reputation keeps members engaged in your Self Service Portal.


Self Service Portal reporting can be used to identify short-term and long-term trends in all areas of your portal. The preconfigured AppExchange package provides a reporting snapshot for portal managers. Self-Service Portal members also have access to reporting capabilities.

2. Standardized API Controller Set 

The Standardized API Controller Set enables companies to make use of the various controllers that ADvendio provides in order to process advertising revenue through a standardized procedure. ADvendio delivers the functionality to ensure organizations are consistent and compliant.

ADvendio allows the use of specific APIs to connect external systems in order to:

  • Check Availability and Exclusivity for Campaign items

  • Access to complex features including commitment and price rules 

  • Media Campaign creation including Campaign items

3. Standardized Process Support 

ADvendio’s Flow Templates / Self Service Portal page layout supports easy processes via Lightning Flows including: 

  • Request & manage RFI / RFP 

  • Order creations 

  • Upload and assignment of creatives to campaigns/campaign items 

  • Request & manage campaign optimizations 

  • Download campaign results/ actuals regarding delivered services and proof of performance 

  • Invoice downloads

4. AI-based media campaign generation** (Future Development)

Campaign Targets and Inventory Data enables the delivery of tailored Media Plans for both your customers and partners. ADvendio’s artificial intelligence uses the best-fitting media plan in order to deliver the highest value for your customers.

**This feature will be available in the future and may require additional licenses.

5. Setup

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