Inventory ADvendio Basics

Inventory ADvendio Basics




A website, newspaper, journal or magazine or any other advertising medium



A position or sub category in the site or advertising medium



Describes a certain type of ad which usually also includes the format.



A product which is a combination of site/placement/adtype sold to your customers in Media Campaigns.



The price, billing category and currency your product is selling at.

App Launcher

Use the App Launcher to navigate to the Aller Inventory app. This will allow you to easily switch between the objects and tools you need to configure your product list. It offers access to all needed records and also will offer you a hand full of ADvendio wizards to easy the creation of your inventory.



Creating Products

Even though you can, if you understand the data and object structure of ADvendio well create all records manually one by one and start linking them we recommend to use the following wizards: 

  1. AdSpec & Rates Manager, 

  2. Inventory & Rates Manager, 

  3. Content Wizard, and the

  4. Publication Date Wizard.



A site is your advertising medium or advertising vehicle. For example, a website http://femina.dk or magazine FEMINA. Each site record consists of the site details: 

Make sure to enter:


  • Site name

  • Legal Entity

  • Media Type

    • Print, 

    • Digital or 

    • Non-Media

  • Site owner (internally or externally) is considered the mandator

  • Owner: Add yourself or the dummy user of your Legal Entity

  • Active: the checkbox is on!



A placement is the sub page of a website or a section in your newspaper. For example a placement could be the homepage, sports page or the business news page. Every placement must to be assigned to a website. 


Enter the following data: 


  • Placement name

  • Legal Entity

  • Media Segment

  • Active: the checkbox is on!

Ad Types

An adtype describes the format of an advertisement. For example for digital ads, ad types can be rectangles, skyscrapers, or any combination of those etc. For print, these can be a full page, half page, quarter page etc. Together with placement and site, ad types define your "inventory products": Ad Specs. Enter the following data for 

  • Record Type, Ad Type Name

  • Legal Entity

  • Media Differentiation

  • Print

    • Single Product Page Equivalency

  • Digital DFP

    • AdType

    • Master Sizes

  • Active: the checkbox is on!


Ad Specs

Ad specs, a combination of Site, Placement, and Ad Type, are items of your inventory. Enter the following data for 

  • Record Type, Ad Type Name

  • Legal Entity

  • VAT Type

  • Prohibit Sales Discounts (if applicable)

  • Print: Width and Height

  • Active: the checkbox is on!


Digital Campaigns have related records to one or more AdServer ID AdSpec Assignments, whereas all AdSpecs should have at least one AdPrice record related.


Rate Cards

The rate card will bundle your product and prices and is preselected for each business unit when creating a media campaign. Therefore you need to notify your administrator if you are creating a new rate card. 

It is important that you either leave the validity period empty or that it is matching the actual time frame you like to use it. The currency on the rate card is NOT relevant. 

Ad Price and Currencies

Your ad price defines the list price of your ad spec products. Therefore you can have many prices for one product you are selling. These might differ i.e. in currency or by rate criterion. 

Enter the following data for 

  • List Price, Ad Type Name

  • Currency (which is important here!) 

  • Legal Entity

  • Billing Category

  • Link to Ad Spec and Rate Card


Optionally fill in the data in the Booking Calendar Setting and/or Multi Currency section. 

Publication Dates

Publication dates are issue dates of your weeklys, journals, newspapers or newsletters. They are selected by sales in the media configuration. Additionally they are linked to important dates like the invoice  date, and several deadlines like material due or booking deadline. Enter the following data for 

  • Publication Number and Date

  • Link to Site and 

  • Legal Entity

  • Invoice Date

Publication Date Wizard

This wizard helps you mass create publication dates. Open by using the app launcher and then select your site and use the “Create series of dates” button.  Make sure to use good and readable naming for your Publication Number by adding a prefix and suffix to the number. 


To track and manage specific selectable areas in your advertising media you can create content. This works like a third hierarchy under placements and sites. Content can then build up a deeper tree hierarchy itself. Enter the following data for

  • Name

  • Parent (optional)

  • Make active.

Content Wizard

In order to use your created content in the Media Configuration you need to connect placements and content. Additionally if you are submitting the content to the adserver the items need to be linked to AdServer IDs. The Wizards helps you to do this on one page.

Inventory Setup Assistant

A comprehensive tool designed to simplify the creation and management of inventory. This new feature includes various wizards into one cohesive product, aiming to streamline the inventory creation process for our customers. The Inventory Setup Assistant merges functionalities from Ad Specs & Rates Manager and Inventory & Rates Manager, offering both single and bulk creation options.