Note |
Adserver Advertiser ID Converter feature will be discontinued by the end of 2024 |
Instead of using the AdServer Advertiser ID ADvendio standardizes the external Account IDs and utilizes the same object How ADvendio matches your Salesforce Accounts with Advertisers, Agencies or Buyers in an external System? in all processes. We highly recommend that you move from the old Adserver Advertiser IDs to External Account IDs using the Adserver Advertiser ID Converter.
Before doing this make sure to Import Accounts from your AdServer(s).
How to:
Navigate to the App Launcher and search for Adserver Advertiser ID Converter. The following window will open.
External Account ID (Field Name) | Adserver Advertiser ID (Field Name) | Adserver ID (Field Name) |
ADvendio__ID__c | Name | |
ADvendio__Account__c | ADvendio__Advertiser__c | |
ADvendio__Active__c | ADvendio__Active__c | |
ADvendio__AdServerId__c | Name (Lookup) |