/ External Account IDs External Account IDs



Version 2.106 and up

Supported Ad Servers

Google Ad Manager (GAM)

Important Note: our integrations use External Account ID instead of AdServer Advertiser ID. You can also use Adserver Advertiser ID Converter to migrate to the new object.

You only need to do this, if you are connecting Google Ad Manager (GAM) to ADvendio.  

For version 2.107 and up → Please use this Object to connect.

Mapping External Account IDs with our wizard (version 2.171 and above)

Our External Account ID Wizard helps you to create your external account records with a simple UI.

Simply open the action “Manage External Account IDs“ from your Account record which you would like to connect.

If you can not see the action please ask your Administrator to add it.

If there are already External Account Ids you will see them in the first step.

Otherwise you will see an action to create a new one. Click on the link to continue with that step.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 10.20.39.png

Use the filters to find the correct third party Account record that you would like to link your ADvendio Account to.

You can filter by Connection, by Name or by Type.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 10.23.39.png

Please note that you should not create more than one External Account id for the same connection.

Once selected confirm the creation of the External account. This will map the information correctly and create a new record.

The following information will be set on the new record: Name, Account, External System, Id, Connection Id, Active.

Mapping External Account IDs (version 2.170 and below)

To map an ADvendio Account to an account/company on your Ad Server you have to enter an External Account ID in the account's related list "External Account ID".  

In the the App Launcher navigate to the External Account ID Object:

Alternatively, you can open the Account you like to connect. Open the Related lists and find the External Account IDs. Advertisers, as well as agencies, can access this list by using the matching extension.


Enter the relevant information:

  • Name: External Account ID Name which is automatically generated by the system.

  • Account: This is the Master Detail Relationship to the Account (*Mandatory).

  • ID: The External ID used from the Account.

  • External System: Defines which type of system this ID is for, for example, accounting systems. When this is set to ‘Adserver’ it means is used by ADvendio Integrations.

  • Connection ID: For ADvendio integrations, a Connection ID record is required. This record typically links to an account in the third-party system.

  • Transaction Type: If you are using external account IDs, for accounting purposes, this field can track the kind of transactions the ID is relevant for.

  • Active: Only Active IDs will be taken into consideration by the processes.

If you have more than one Ad Server, you might enter multiple ID records.

Cases to consider

There are several cases which you might want to consider:

  1. If you have an account in ADvendio and in your Connection ID field enter the ID in ADvendio but make sure that the Account type matches otherwise you get an error message.

  2. If you created an account in ADvendio without ID the system will check on your AdServer by mapping the account name (String compare) and type of account. 

    • If those match ADvendio will create the appropriate External Account ID record for you. 

    • If not, a new company will be created in your AdServer and the External Account ID record in ADvendio will be created.

If you are using Equativ read about 7.3.5 Equativ-specific Settings for the External Account ID.

If you are using FreeWheel read about 7.3.7 FreeWheel Features - Advertiser & Agency


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