/ Programmatic Accounts Programmatic Accounts

(For Digital Programmatic AdServers Users only.)

You find the object by opening the App Launcher and search for Programmatic Accounts. Also make sure to study the information on Legacy Programmatic Data and your respective programmatic adserver. 

The programmatic account record works similar to the External Account IDs record. It tells the interface to your external system which account in ADvendio is linked to which account in your external system.

Therefore navigate to the related list in your account to create records:

All your Programmatic Accounts will be created by the scheduled import job. The job fills the following fields:

  • Writes the relevant ID in field External ID, 
  • Adds the external Account Name
  • links to the AdServer Login and 
  • adds the Accounttype

If you have more than one AdServer, i.e. DFP and Rubicon you might enter multiple ID records. The important part to do manually is to link from a Programmatic Account to a standard Salesforce Account.

  • enter the Account (Lookup)

If you are running a 5.3.2 Scheduled Delivery Data Reports the import job will try to match the Account by name and create this record for you.

You will then have to lookup the Salesforce Account and only link that field. (Create a list with all Programmatic Accounts and map them with Salesforce Account ID. Your Administrator will be able to import these with the Salesforce data loader or a similar tool.)

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