FreeWheel Description and Import Types

FreeWheel Description and Import Types

More FreeWheel Features: 

1. Advertiser & Agency

In order to map Accounts from ADvendio to Freewheel the ID of the Advertiser or Agency will be saved in the Account-related list "External Account IDs".

To manage these IDs in ADvendio you can do the following:

Manually enter the ID from Freewheel 

If no External Account ID exists, the AdServer Gateway will automatically create these. When submitting a Media Campaign to Freewheel, it will compare the Account names to Advertisers and Agencies in Freewheel. If there are matches the IDs are automatically copied to the Account in ADvendio.

If no Advertiser or Agency with that name exists in Freewheel, ADvendio will create a new one and automatically connect it to the Account

1.1 Advertiser-Agency Relation

A Campaign in Freewheel can only use an advertiser and an agency together if they are connected via a relationship. ADvendio will automatically create this relationship and set the status to active if it doesn't exist.

Attention: If the relation between Advertiser and Agency already exists in Freewheel, but is set to status inactive, the following error will appear during submit to AdServer: 

Error 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: Campaign's advertiser do not have the active agency.


2. Overview of Delivery Data Import

Read here how to configure the How to configure Delivery Data Imports from FreeWheel to ADvendio.

3. AdServer Status

Xandr uses the status field Adserver Status on the Media Campaign which you need to add to your layout to edit or view it for relevant users (AdOps/Sales). The users can then select the stage for the campaign and its campaign items which then will be sent to the AdServer. Please also consider the following chapter and make sure that the mapping in the custom setting is correct: Configure "Update Ad-Status in AdServer".
For further information about the status please take a look at this page: 4.8.5 How to update the status of my Insertions Orders / Campaigns in the AdServer/SSP and approve Orders in Google AdManager?.

4. Freewheel Forecast Mode

With version 2.116.3 we enabled the usage of Forecasting API v4 of Freewheel. Additionally, Freewheel offers three different modes for your Item  Forecast.

  • Regular Forecast

  • Simplified: A quicker forecast, but with less information and accuracy

  • Machine Learning Hybrid: A new Forecast using machine learning to deliver more accurate results

You can now decide which of these to use. To configure this please use the field AdServer Features at your AdServer Login. In order to configure this you need to do two steps in setup:

  1. Configure the Page Layout of your Freewheel Login, to show the field Adserver Features

  2. Create three new picklist values for the field Adserver Features (Regular Forecast, Simplified Forecast, ML Hybrid Forecast) and make sure to assign them to the Record Type Freewheel.

Please make sure to select only one value at a time, else your users will receive an error message. If you don't configure anything in the Adserver Features field, we will use the Regular Forecast

Attention: The ML Hybrid Forecast requires additional permissions for your Freewheel user, else you will receive an error message. Please contact Freewheel support for more information.

5. Bearer Token Generation - Important information for Freewheel support

In case you are in contact with Freewheel support and they ask you for a token to reproduce issues.

Advendio uses the URL https://api.freewheel.tv/auth/token?grant_type=password&username=<USERNAME>&password=<PASSWORD <https://api.freewheel.tv/auth/token?grant_type=password&username=%3CUSERNAME%3E&password=%3CPASSWORD>> and account API_FW_Advendio to generate oAUTH token. Each time we try to access the data, we generate a new token.

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