7.9 Set up Einstein Analytics
In order to enable and set up Einstein Analytics there are a number of steps users need to take. Please take into account the following considerations before enabling Einstein Analytics: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000334936&type=1&mode=1
If you need to acquire an Einstein Analytics license, please contact your Technical Account Manager, Sales or support@advendio.com
Once you’ve acquired the relevant licences and taking into account the relevant considerations, to enable Einstein Analytics
Go to Setup
Select Analytics | Getting Started
Click Enable Analytics
Follow through the steps and guidelines to turn on Einstein Analytics
This will enable Einstein Analytics and create the Analytics Cloud Integration and Analytics Cloud Security Users and Profiles. These users and profiles cannot be removed and are crucial for the functioning of Einstein Analytics.
In order to use the ADvendio Analytics Extension, you will also need to carry out the following steps;
Enable use of templates
Go to Setup
Select Analytics | Settings
Set Enable Analytics Templates to true
Press Save
Give the Integration User the relevant licences and permissions to access your ADvendio data
Go to Setup
Select Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages
Click Manage Licences on the ADvendio installed package
Click Add Users
Select the user with the name User, Integration to assign a licence
Install the ADvendio Analytics Extension here.