[Delivery Data Imports] Configuration of FreeWheel
You are using the ADvendio Freewheel integration to push your Media Campaigns and Campaign Items directly into Freewheel. Once the campaigns are live, you would like to have an overview of their current performance. You want to see exactly how many Impressions, Clicks and Completed views have been delivered. This information is also needed once you plan to invoice your advertisers on the actual delivered impressions.
How can you configure these reports for Freewheel?
Generally, Delivery Reports are planned via our delivery report center, as with all other integrated systems. There you can schedule lifetime, monthly or daily reports. However contrary to other systems, Freewheel requires some additional steps in order to make this work.
Required Login Credentials and Access for ADvendio Gateway
The first step is to get the login credentials to the Freewheel sftp. Those differ from your regular API credentials. Freewheel saves its delivery reports on a dedicated sftp, hence we need to configure this connection in order to import them into ADvendio.
In order to set this feature up, please directly contact your ADvendio account manager or ADvendio technical consultant to share login information. Unfortunately FreeWheel doesn't allow any other way to access the Freewheel servers.
You will need the login credential to the Freewheel sftp. If you don't have these information already, please ask Freewheel support for help.
Once you know the username, password and URL to the Freewheel sftp, you need to save them in your connection record in ADvendio:
Enter for the Additional Username the username of a Freewheel sftp user
Use for the Additional Password the password for the Freewheel sftp user
Enter the path to the reports into the Additional URL - sftp.fwmrm.net/reports/analytics/<UserName of the user who created the Reports in Freewheel, not the sftp username>
Attention: Please verify that the sftp user and password are correct, by logging ftp client or similar to be sure, because sometimes our check login feature doesn't seem to receive proper results when the password is not correct. → We're currently investigating this issue.
Create Reports in Freewheel
Currently ADvendio can only work with the following locale formats for a monthly / daily breakdown:
Numbers (Impressions, Clicks ect.)
stop (.) as decimal separator and comma (,) as thousands separator (e.g. 1,000.00)
Please make sure that your analytics locality settings in Freewheel meet these, else the monthly and daily delivery reports won't work.
Create the following report to ensure that all relevant data can be imported. Please use exact naming for the reports. The order of the used fields is not relevant. Also, ensure that the reports will be scheduled at FreeWheel Analytics (not the old MRMA) timed closely to the Advendio Import schedule.
To use certain ADvendio features, you need specific reports created in Freewheel:
For Lifetime Delivery Data: The ADvendio_TOTAL Report
For Monthly Delivery Data (especially for invoicing): The ADvendio_MONTHLY Report
For Daily Delivery Data: The ADvendio_DAILY Report
For Enhanced Delivery Data: The ADvendio_SITEVIDEOGROUP_MONTHLY Report
Total (Lifetime Report)
Report name: "ADvendio_TOTAL"
Columns: "Placement ID", "Delivered Clicks", "Net Counted Ads", + "Video Ads 100% Complete" (Version 2.106 and up)
Date range: Placement to Date
Report Aggregation Level : Aggregate over the entire time period
Monthly Reports
Report name: "ADvendio_MONTHLY"
Columns: "Placement ID", "Event Month", "Net Counted Ads", "Delivered Clicks", + "Video Ads 100% Complete" (Version 2.106 and up)
Date range: Current Year to Date
Report Aggregation Level: Aggregate per month
Daily Report
Report name: "ADvendio_DAILY"
Columns: "Placement ID", "Event Date", "Net Counted Ads", "Delivered Clicks", + "Video Ads 100% Complete" (Version 2.106 and up)
Date range: Past 7 days
Report Aggregation Level : Aggregate by day
Video Group and Sitebased breakdown (For Enhanced Delivery Data)
This report is available with version 2.124
for more information on how to use this report, see also Section 5. below
Columns: "Placement ID","Site ID","Video Group ID", "Event Month", "Net Counted Ads", "Delivered Clicks", + "Video Ads 100% Complete"
Date range: Current Year to Date
Report Aggregation Level: Aggregate per month
Schedule Reports and send them to the Freewheel ftp
After the reports have been created, you will need to schedule them and send them to the Freewheel ftp in order for ADvendio to access the data.
To do this, you need to go to the report's overview and click on the delivery column. A new window opens, where you can configure a time frame and recurrence type. We recommend running each report on a daily base.
Make sure to check "enable FTP" setting and send the report in .csv format to the ftp.
Once this is done, follow the steps to 5.3.2 How to schedule and manage Delivery Reports / Programmatic Data Imports from AdServers, SSPs, DSPs (New interface) in ADvendio, and the Freewheel Delivery Data will be imported into your system. For testing purposes, you can also pick a Campaign Item with a Placement ID, which is part of the reports you created, and click the "get delivered clicks & impressions" button which is part of the 4.2.4 Campaign Item Buttons and Functions.
For the Video and Sitegroups breakdown, you will need to schedule an enhanced delivery report. This can be added as a setting to your monthly delivery import, you need to make sure to enter the following as Enhanced Delivery Report Filter: "splitBy":["Sites and Video Groups"]
What happens when there is a problem with the Reports in Freewheel?
If there is a problem in Freewheel, ADvendio may return one of the following error messages in the UI or in the result mail sent by ADvendio:
Error: File with prefix ADvendio_TOTAL has not been found in Freewheel sftp.
Error: File with prefix ADvendio_MONTHLY has not been found in Freewheel sftp.
Error: File with prefix ADvendio_DAILY has not been found in Freewheel sftp.
Error: File with prefix ADvendio_SITEVIDEOGROUP_MONTHLY has not been found in Freewheel sftp.
This means that the required report file, could not be found in your Freewheel sftp. Please check your configuration closely, to see if you set up all required steps as described above. If you just recently created the configuration, it might be that required report did not run yet and thus the data is not yet synced to the sftp, this should be solved the following day. Also make sure that the spelling of the report names is exactly the same (including upper and lowercase letters)
There are no additional setup steps required to make this feature.