Important update Regarding the Fiscal Calendar Solution in ADvendio with the 2.169 release

Important update Regarding the Fiscal Calendar Solution in ADvendio with the 2.169 release

We would like to inform you about an important update concerning the Fiscal Calendar Solution in ADvendio with the 2.169 release.


Who is affected?

All customers using the Fiscal calendar solution on ADvendio


Revenue schedules

Currently, your revenue schedules are calculated linearly based on the Gregorian calendar, which is a standard solution. With version 2.169 we are introducing a significant change: we have enabled Revenue Schedules to be calculated based on the fiscal periods.


What to expect for your Existing Revenue Scedules based on the Gregorian calendar?

  • Running campaign items with existing revenue schedules will remain as they are. 

    •   We highly recommend cloning existing campaign items, adjusting the runtime, and ending those with a Gregorian revenue schedule, especially if they are used in reports and forecasting.

  • When new campaign items are created, the system will automatically generate Revenue Schedules based on fiscal periods

  • When order optimization is performed, two approaches are possible:

    • Reactive: your campaign item will be canceled and a new one created creating revenue schedules on the fiscal periods.❗Please note that delivery data, if existing, will be cloned to match its previous state. 

    • Proactive: the revenue schedules on the campaign item will be recreated based on the fiscal periods



Until now, invoicing was possible only based on linear distribution. However, with version 2.169 we have enabled invoicing based on the actual delivery data

✅Timesheet Activities are also supported based on the fiscal periods

❗Please note that the weekly payment interval is not available.


Delivery data imports

Upon enabling Custom Fiscal Periods in ADvendio, our delivery report feature for Third Party Integrations will automatically take these into account. 

The imported delivery data will be grouped according to the set-up fiscal periods, without further work needed from your end. This affects all the following:

  • Monthly & Daily data for invoicing and performance review

  • Sitebased Delivery Data

  • Enhanced Delivery Data

  • Media Buying Delivery Data (Buy Data)


❗Please note that Fiscal period-based reporting data is currently not supported for Broadsign & Freewheel integrations.


Accounting records

Currently, all your accounting records are created linearly. 

With version 2.169 we have significantly enhanced accounting records creation. Please refer to the detailed table here.

It is important to consider the following:

  • Accounting records creation for all Adspecs with a Connection under the Adtype expects delivery data or enhanced delivery data to be present on the Campaign item.

  • Since all Accounting records were previously created using linear distribution, we strongly recommend enabling Linear accounting distribution on the Adspec to ensure the correctness of the records

  • ℹ️ This is especially important for the Adspecs where Adtype has a connection


We have created a script to assist you with this task and are ready to provide support and address any further queries you may have.



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