While using our Freewheel integration with features: check availability or submit an error message appears that is coming directly from the API. What does this mean and what are the best ways to handle this?
What does an error from the API mean? When submitting data from ADvendio to external platforms, there are always two platforms involved. ADvendio is the system which sends data and the external platform (e.g. the AdServer) receives data. While we try to focus our application on validating the item configuration within ADvendio so that we're not sending faulty data in our requests, there are still certain cases where an error is returned and shown in our interface as well as the result email:
This can have different reasons, for example, a problem with the authentication against the external system, a missing setting in ADvendio, or you are trying something which is generally not allowed (like changing the start date of an already running position). Following we are looking at the most common error messages returned from our Freewheel integration, what they mean and how to prevent them.
What are the most common Freewheel error cases?
With the below information, you'll be equipped with a clear understanding of FreeWheel error messages, the reasons behind them, and the necessary steps to troubleshoot and overcome integration challenges you may encounter:
Freewheel Error Messages | Reason | Solution | Wiki article |
Value not mapped: 6 | It was tried to transmit a GAM priority value for this campaign item which is invalid for FreeWheel. | Please select a valid FreeWheel priority for this Campaign Item. | |
The value of parameter priority() is invalid.Valid list: Guaranteed, Preemptible | The value in the field Delivery Type is missing. | A value in the field Delivery Type has to be set for Sponsorships. | |
Budget Model can't be blank The placement should be active, booked or bookable. | The Budget Type is not set. | Please set a value in the field Adtype at object Ad Type. | |
Validation failed: The delivery pacing of the Evergreen ad must be 'As Fast As'. | The Pacing is not set. | Please set a value in the field Delivery Rate Type at object Campaign Item. | |
Validation failed: Delivery Sponsorship AD must be Guaranteed and Fast As. | The Pacing is not set. | Please set „FastAs“ in the field Delivery Rate Type at object Campaign Item and "Guaranteed" in the field Delivery Type. | |
Forecasting can't be run on the evergreen ad. The placement should be active, booked or bookable. | FreeWheel does not support forecasts for Evergreens. | ||
Error: 422: Unprocessable Entity: You must select at least 1 item to include in content targeting. The placement should be active, booked or bookable. | There is no (valid) content targeting AdServer ID assigned to the AdSpec. | Please assign a (valid) Adserver ID of Type Series or Site to your AdSpec. | |
Error: 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: Ad product can't be cleared. | You are trying to create a placement without an Ad Unit. There is no (valid) Connection ID of Type Ad Unit assigned to the AdSpec. | Ensure that at least one Connection ID of the Type Ad Unit is linked to your Ad Spec and press submit to AdServer again. | |
Error: 422: Validation failed: ad_product can not be blank | You are trying to create a placement without an Ad Unit. There is no (valid) Connection ID of Type Ad Unit assigned to the AdSpec. | Ensure that at least one Connection ID of the Type Ad Unit is linked to your Ad Spec and press submit to AdServer again. | |
Error 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: Campaign's advertiser does not have the active agency. | There is no (valid/active) relation between the Advertiser and Agency set in your Campaign | In general, ADvendio creates new relations between Advertisers and Agencies in Freewheel, if they are not existing yet. If a relation between Agency and Advertiser already exists in Freewheel but is set to inactive, this error appears. Please set this relation to active in Freewheel and try to submit your Media Campaign again. | |
Error: 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: Stage can't be booked without any bookable placement. | You try to change an Insertion Order to the stage booked, although there are still Placements which can't be set to booked | If you set the field AdServer Status can be used to set an Insertion Order to booked. Sometimes there can be some problems, especially when creating a new Order/Placement. We recommend setting the field to inactive and submitting again. When the new Item is created, you can set the status to active again and submit again to transfer to Freewheel. | |
error 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: Budget Currency / Impression / Demographic / Custom target / Evergreen can't be applied to flat rate placement. | The current configuration of your item can not be used with a flat rate pricing (ADvendio Billing Category fixed price). | Your Ad Type configuration doesn't work in combination with a flat fee / fixed price. You will likely need to reconfigure your Ad Price to meet the requirements of Freewheel. Please keep in mind that ADvendio Billing Category fixed price only works with Sponsorship / Share of Voice type products. | See the section at the bottom for possible combinations: |
422: Unprocessable Entity: This placement cannot be forecasted because it is missing a valid entry for Content Targeting | You are trying to create a placement without Content Targeting | Make sure to either: Connect at least one AdServer ID of the type Site Group / Site / Site Section or Video Group / Series / Video to your Ad Spec Or use the Inventory or Video Content Targeting in the Media Configuration to select at least one of those as targeting. | |
422: Unprocessable Entity: Not Allowed for ML OD | You are trying to use Machine Learning Forecast, which is not allowed for your current API User. | Either change the configuration of your AdServer Login to use another Forecast Mode Or get in contact with Freewheel Support, to enable Machine Learning Forecasting for you. | |
Error: 422: Unprocessable Entity: Validation failed: The value of parameter 'pacing ()' is invalid. Valid list: [SMOOTH_AS, FAST_AS, FORECAST_INFORMED_DELIVERY_OPTIMIZATION, SMOOTH_OVER_LIFE_BUT_FAST_AS_WITHIN_A_DAY, CUSTOM_PACING]. | The item you're trying to submit has no pacing settings | Please fill in the according value to the Delivery Rate Type field on the Campaign Item | |
"Error: 422: : Gross Impression Cap must be greater than 0 and less than 10000000000., Gross Impression Cap should be greater than Event Goal." | An Impression Cap is needed for the item you are trying to submit. This information is required for Custom Event Targets in Freewheel. | Please set the field 'Secondary Goal Quantity' on your Campaign Item and submit again. | |
Http 403 Forbidden | You are trying to perform an action for which your API user does not have the required permissions. This could for example happen during the Transfer of Inventory data or Submit of Campaign Items. | Please contact Freewheel support, to help you find the issue and ensure your API user has access to all APIs used by ADvendio. If you need help with this, contact You can also ask to put our support email in CC for your Freewheel Ticket, so we can also directly communicate with them if needed. See also Interface Version Control - ADvendio API/External Service Versions for a list of Freewheel APIs used by ADvendio. | |
(No Ad Server Specified or it is inactive: null) | Our Gateway can not find which AdServer it needs to communicate with. The item you're using is maybe not connected to an AdServer. | Check two things: For your campaign item, has the connected AdType and AdServer Login entered? If that is true, is the AdServer Login in ADvendio set to active? If inactive it will be ignored from our Gateway. |