8.5.2 Settings for the VFP

8.5.2 Settings for the VFP

The visual force page Campaign Items Related List has a couple of default settings defined which you can change the feature setting if you like. (Version 2.80 or higher)

To do so navigate to the App Launcher - Feature Setting.

Default Sorting

Open/Create the record with the following values

Feature NameFeature Setting NameTemplate Namedefault value




  1. leave empty
  2. enter a User Id here to apply this only to one user
ADvendio__from_Date__c asc, ADvendio__PositionNumber__c desc

Modify only the value field by listing the API field name you like to sort by and add a DESC or ASC to define the sort order ascending or descending for that field. 

Default Columns

Additionally, you can define individual columns for all, for one or more profiles and also if you have record types on your media campaign you can have different columns for each.

Create new feature setting records in the following way: 

Feature NameFeature Setting NameTemplate Namedefault value




  1. leave empty
  2. Enter a Profile ID to apply this for one profile
  3. Enter a Profile Id RecordtypeID + a Media Campaign DeveloperName combined with an underscore, example: "00eA0000000GGtm_StandardCampaigns"

Name, ADvendio__Period__c, ADvendio__Billing_category__c, ADvendio__Quantity__c, ADvendio__Amount__c, ADvendio__Amount_B3__c, ADvendio__Amount_net_net__c, ADvendio__Available__c

Value: Same functionality as described above. 

Click on save.

Create and manage Custom Buttons

To add a custom button which can filter your line items or to manage the ADvendio Custom Buttons

  • Don't Show Cancelled Items
  • Don't Show Optimized Items

on your visual force page please create a feature setting with the following values:

Feature NameFeature Setting NameTemplate NameAllowed ValuesDefault Filter Value


CustomButton"Your Button Name"Campaign Item fields with logical operators AND / OR *-


CustomButtonDon't Show Cancelled ItemsCampaign Item fields with logical operators AND / OR *ADvendio__ConnectedItem__c = null


CustomButtonDon't Show Optimized ItemsCampaign Item fields with logical operators AND / OR *ADvendio__OptimizationExclusion__c = null


Example: ADvendio__AC = true
Example: ADvendio__AC = true AND ADvendio__Ad_Id__c = '12345'

Manage Lightning Design

Feature NameFeature Setting NameTemplate Namedefault by postinstall



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