Known Limits

Known Limits

Here is where you can find a summary of known limits. Where possible, we will also provide information on workarounds or improvements.

Campaign Builder

We are constantly working on the performance of this feature but there are also limits given by Salesforce that we need to comply with.


Please take note that the following limits can differ due to the setup of the salesforce instance especially regarding customizations.

We recommend to stay in the following limits:

  • up to 200 Campaign Items

Improvement possibilities

  • A lot of limits are depending on custom workflows, process flows and flows that are not optimized in terms of performance.
    If you have a lot of custom logic for Campaign Items please check what you could improve there.

  • You can also checks the Items per Page setting to reduce the amount of items per page or try to add less fields in the Configuration of Tabs and Fields.

Media Configuration

We are constantly working on the performance of this feature but there are also limits given by Salesforce that we need to comply with.


Please take note that the following limits can differ due to the setup of the salesforce instance especially regarding customizations.

We recommend to stay in the following limits:

  • standard items per Media Campaign on the Media Configuration can be 25

  • packages can have up to 20 package components and be shown in Media Configuration

  • copying items should work for up to 25 items

  • with the below mentioned pagination we were are able to add up to 75 items at a time (tested with 25 items per page)

Improvement possibilities

A lot of limits are depending on custom workflows, process flows and flows that are not optimized in terms of performance.
If you have a lot of custom logic for Campaign Items please check what you could improve there.

You can also use our pagination feature in order to show less items per page in the Media Configuration: Set up Pagination


We are constantly working on the performance of this feature but there are also limits given by Salesforce that we need to comply with.


Please take note that the following limits can differ due to the setup of the salesforce instance as well as the Invoices being cancelled and Line Items which need to be created

We recommend to stay in the following limits:

  • Activating an Optimizing Version for a Media Campaign with up to 80 items in total

Improvement possibilities

A lot of limits are depending on custom workflows, process flows and flows that are not optimized in terms of performance.
If you have a lot of custom logic for Campaign Items please check what you could improve there.

You can also use the alternative solution to activate Optimizing versions in a future call in order to avoid CPU & SOQL Limits in the Commercial Optimizer: CPU Limits & SOQL Limits Commercial Optimizer

Cancellation Wizard

We are constantly working on the performance of this feature but there are also limits given by Salesforce that we need to comply with.


We recommend to stay in the following limits:

  • Cancelling up to 100-120 Invoice items at a time

Improvement possibilities

A lot of limits are depending on custom workflows, process flows and flows that are not optimized in terms of performance.
If you have a lot of custom logic for Campaign Items please check what you could improve there.

Cancellation of Invoices and Line Items will be better handled when staying within the limits of the Media Configuration when creating your Media Campaigns. Additionally, you can split the Media Campaign into smaller Media Campaigns to help better handle the creation, optimization and cancellation of such Campaigns.

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