Security Review Communication 2020/2021 - ADvendio Version 2.137

Security Review Communication 2020/2021 - ADvendio Version 2.137

As part of the regular Salesforce Security Review, we’ve undergone a number of enhancements in our product to ensure the high standard across the salesforce App exchange.

In doing so, we’ve made minor changes across the product, touching many of the core features and functions.

These changes or enhancements include:

Read Access

In order to carry out certain functions or trigger specific processes, it was necessary to ensure the user starting the process had read access to the fields required to carry out that function.

Action Required: There are no specific steps required from users or Admins to enable these changes, they are done as default in the latest version (starting with version number 2.137 which will be released in the mid of January).

We do however suggest, as with every new installation, that you test your core functions and processes in a sandbox environment before installing in production. They key thing to test here is that the users who will be carrying out the functions on a daily basis, have the relevant permissions to carry out those functions as normal. So for example that your Sales team can still create visit reports, create and edit Camp