Optimizer Feature Settings

You can configure 4.11 Optimizer by following the navigation to the respective Feature Setting record. Go to the App Launcher and search for Feature Settings

Configure the Optimizer Buttons

By default, there are two buttons in the Optimizer which are set depending on the selection the user made for the optimization reason (proactive or reactive)

Proactive/Order Optimization


Reactive/Order Amendment

Navigate to Feature Settings and create or modify the following record:

  1. Feature Setting Name: ButtonNames

  2. Feature Name: Optimizer

  3. Template Name: Reactive OR Proactive

  4. Value: Edit Items (Optimizer); Add Items (Optimizer) ... depending on your needs.

Note: Please make sure to keep the Feature Setting Name, Feature Name, and Template Name exactly as specified and modify the values as you like. These buttons are used in the Tab Setup to specify the tabs and fields, that should be displayed using this button (Feature Assignments). If you want to rename the buttons Edit Items (Optimizer) or Add Items (Optimizer), please use the Custom Labels "AddItemsOptimizerButton" and "EditItemsOptimizerButton" to create custom translations. You can remove those buttons, if you don't need them or add custom buttons, that also appear at the Feature Assignment for Tab Setup and Tab Rules. Moreover, the "Proactive" record is displayed as "Order Optimization" in the picklist and the "Reactive" record as "Order Amendment".

Configure the Fields Of "Original Item" Listview

You have the option to define which fields the Optimizer shows in the second step. This enables you to display for example the video metrics or other fields which are important for your optimization. 

This feature setting defines which fields of the original Campaign Items on optimizer page 2 should be displayed. If not defined ADvendio used the following default fields:

  • ADvendio__from_Date__c

  • ADvendio__until_Date__c

  • ADvendio__Billing_Category__c

  • ADvendio__Quantity__c

  • ADvendio__Delivered_Impressions__c

  • ADvendio__Last_Deliverystats_Update__c

Navigate to Feature Settings and create or modify the following record:

  1. Feature Name = Optimizer

  2. Feature Setting Name = ConfigurableDisplayFieldsOfOriginalItem

  3. TemplateName: leave empty

  4. Value: Semicolon separated list of field names (with ADvendio Prefix)

Configure the Fields Of "Optimized Item" Listview

This feature setting defines which fields of the optimized Campaign Items on optimizer page 2 (bottom part) should be displayed.  Navigate to Feature Settings and create or modify the following record:

  1. Feature Name = Optimizer

  2. Feature Setting Name = ConfigurableDisplayFieldsOfOptimizedItem

  3. TemplateName: leave empty

  4. Value: Semicolon separated list of field names (with ADvendio Prefix)

Configure Fixes Fields

Navigate to Feature Settings and create or modify the following record:

  1. Feature Setting Name: OverviewFixFields

  2. Feature Name: Optimizer

  3. Template Name:

  4. Value: Name;ADvendio__Amount_net3__c;ADvendio__Ad_Price__r.ADvendio__Ad_spec__r.ADvendio__Placement__r.ADvendio__Site__r.Name;ADvendio__Sales_Price__c

Note: Please make sure to keep the Feature Setting Name and Feature Name exactly as specified and modify the values as you like. Please use your field path and enter your fields' semicolon-separated in the field Value as you can see above.

When the feature setting is saved this will update the Optimizing overview table in the Optimizing version activation object.

Change the Required Fields

Navigate to Feature Settings and create records to customize the Optimizer:

  1. Feature Setting Name: RequiredOptimizingVersionFields

  2. Feature Name: Optimizer

  3. Template Name: <leave blank>

  4. Value: Semicolon separated list of field names lower-case only; depending on your needs
    i.e. "Name; ADvendio__amount_net__c; ADvendio__amount_net_net__c; ADvendio__Amount_net3__c; ADvendio__Ad_Price__r.ADvendio__Ad_spec__r.ADvendio__Placement__r.ADvendio__Site__r.Name; ADvendio__Sales_Price__c"

Disable Items for Optimization

Available with Version 2.111 and higher

If you like, you can further configure which Items are available for optimization and which not. You can define, that if a Campaign Item matches certain criteria, it will not be usable in the Optimizer. Those Items will be shown as disabled. The Checkbox will not be selectable and a little icon is shown, with a short explanation, why this item is disabled.

To configure this, navigate to Feature Settings and create the following records:

  1. Feature Setting Name: DoNotAllowOptimizationCriterion

  2. Feature Name: Optimizer

  3. Template Name: Reactive OR Proactive

  4. Value: The name of the field you like to compare and the required value. Please use the full API name of the field (ADvendio__fieldname__c), for your own custom fields it would be (fieldname__c) . You can use either equals (=) or not equals (!=) to compare it to the desired value. 

  5. You can create one feature setting for reactive and one for proactive optimizations.

Additional Hints for the filter criteria

Please keep in mind, that it's currently only possible to use a single field and value as matching criteria. Also it's only possible to match on fields from the Object Campaign Item.

  • If you want to use a Checkbox for comparison, please use "=true" or "=false" as comparison

  • If you are using a number field, use "." as decimal point, even if your locale uses different symbols (e.g. 1000.99)

  • If you want to filter for certain Record Types, you will need to use the ID of the Record Type, not the name. (e.g. RecordTypeId!=012A00000012g4fIAA)

  • Attention: the matching currently doesn't work with Formula Fields

Change the information displayed to your users:

If you like to change the message displayed to you can do so by going to Setup → Custom Labels. Search for the following labels:

  • OptimizerProactiveFilterHelpText → For proactive Optimizations

  • OptimizerReactiveFilterHelpText → For reactive Optimizations

You can add a manual translation and if you do so, this text will be shown to your users instead of the ADvendio default text.

Examples, of how to use this:

Let's say once your sales process hits a certain stage, where your customer already agreed to the offer, and you want to prevent proactive Optimization.

To mark your Campaign Items, you will create a custom Formula Field with a Checkbox and the criteria: If Media Campaign Stage = "Booked", set this Checkbox true. Now we need to teach the optimizer to ignore all items where this Checkbox is true.

  1. We create a new Feature Setting, as described above.

  2. The Template Name for our Feature Setting will be "Proactive"

  3. The Value will be: "YourCustomCheckbox__c=true"

Now, if a Campaign Item has this Checkbox set it will be disabled in the proactive Optimizer. If you do a reactive Optimization, it will, however, still be available.

As this is a very specific criterion, we want to inform our users properly, why their Items are not available in the Optimizer. To do so, we want to create a new translation for a custom Label.

  1. Go to Setup → Custom Labels

  2. Search for a label named:

  3. Click on the new button in the translation section.

  4. Select the language you are using and enter your custom text, like: "Once an Item reached the stage booked, it can't be optimized proactively, please use the reactive optimization mode."

Configure cancellation options

By default, when activating an optimization, there are three cancellation options available: Cancellation Standard (Per Period), Cancellation and merge periods and Cancellation and merge all. 

To configure which options are available to your ADvendio users, you can use the ModeAvailability Feature Setting. Navigate to Feature Settings and create or modify* the following record:

  1. Feature Name = Finance

  2. Feature Setting Name = ModeAvailability

  3. TemplateName: InvoiceCancelation

  4. Value: {"CancelationPerPeriod": true, "CancelationMergePeriod": true, "CancelationMergeAll": true}
    Change value to true or false depending on the need

* This Feature Setting can also be created by running the post-install script for Version 2.115.

ADvendio.PostInstall.runMethod('insertFeatureSettingsForInvoiceCancelationModeAvailabilityByVersion2_115', null);

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