/ [Set up connection] of Burt in ADvendio [Set up connection] of Burt in ADvendio


I want to establish a connection between ADvendio and Burt, as well as connect ADvendio to my additional storage.


Before starting, you need:

  • Burt credentials to the storage associated with your account (Amazon S3 bucket)

  • A Programmatic license: For programmatic data import, a separate license is needed.

  • ADvendio Storage credentials: To use ADvendio Storage, a separate license is needed.


For further information on licenses needed for programmatic data import, as well as on the setup of ADvendio storage, please contact your technical account manager or email support@advendio.com for more information.


Once the requirements from above are met, you can start connecting ADvendio to Burt:

  1. In the App Launcher search for ‘Connection’

  2. Create a new Connection

  3. Select BURT as the Record Type.

  4. Enter the storage credentials you received from Burt:


    1. User Name: <Access Key>

      1. Provided by BURT account

    2. Password: <Your Secret Key>

      1. Provided by BURT account

    3. Network ID: <Region>

      1. Here goes your current AWS Region

      2. Here is the documentation to see the format of your region https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.RegionsAndAvailabilityZones.html

    4. Login URL: <Bucket Name/Link>

      1. s3://[S3_Bucket&Path]/third_party/[YEAR(YYYY)]/[MONTH]/[DAY]/third_party-[DATE-YYYY-MM-DD].csv → This part in GREEN is completed automatically filled by ADvendio since its dynamic and changes accordingly day by day

      2. Examples of how the URL is constructed and how the complete URL should look like when you enter it:

        1. S3 Bucket: burt-customer-export-us-east-1

        2. S3 Path: production/ABCOF5RR00EE

          i.e.: s3://burt-customer-export-us-east-1/production/ABCOF5RR00EE

  5. The integration will need to store parts of the data in between to generate Media Campaigns. For the Burt integration, the data is stored in the ADvendio Storage. Alternatively, look for the Additional Login object and make sure you select the correct related connection when typing in the ADvendio storage credentials in the next step.



  • To access the storage, in the Connection go to the “Related” Tab and look for the object Additional Logins.

  • Add ‘new’

  • Enter the credentials* you received from ADvendio accordingly:

*These credentials need to be solicited directly from the support team.

  • The credentials are:

    • Record Type = PROGRAMMATICDATA

    • Username = The username you received from ADvendio

    • Endpoint = The name of your endpoint. You will also receive this information from ADvendio, usually identical to the username

    • Password = The password you received from ADvendio

    • Save



Please use one Username/Endpoint per org.

If you want to test in Sandboxes please use a different username and endpoint from your productive environment. If you use the import with the same endpoint in different orgs, this may lead to inconsistencies in your data.


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