/ How to set up and test a Custom Integration to ADvendio Connect? How to set up and test a Custom Integration to ADvendio Connect?



2.165 and up

License Plan / Edition

ADvendio One

Steps to Create and Setup Custom Integration

Step 1: Prepare Salesforce Configuration and Record Types


  • Use a record type called: CUSTOM on the object Connection, Connection ID & Ad Type

  • Important:

    • Make sure you have sufficient permissions updated for this action

    • You might want to create custom page layouts for the fields


Step 2: Setup Custom Integration


How do you set up the connection to Custom Integration in ADvendio?

To start using the ADvendio Custom Integration, you will need to set up a new record type Custom.

Please, follow the steps below:

  • In the main ADvendio menu search and click on the Connections option

  • Create a new connection record by selecting the option “New”

  • Select CUSTOM as a new record type

  • A window New Connection: CUSTOM will open, enter data in the field “User Name” (mandatory), a password, etc.

  • Fill in necessary fields needed for your integration: user name, password, etc