8.5.4 Settings for the Custom Campaign Item Related List

8.5.4 Settings for the Custom Campaign Item Related List

The Lighting Component Campaign Items Related List has a couple of default settings defined which a technical administrator can change according to the following documentation. 

Navigate to the App Launcher - Feature Setting.

Default Sorting

In version 2.148 a new feature setting was added to the sort order feature setting. As of now you are able to define the sort direction (ascending or descending) to customize the sorting of the list to fit you and your users needs.

Replace "Name" with any field API you like to default the sorting to. 

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

default value

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

default value




Default Columns

Additionally, you can define individual columns for the component. Create new feature setting records in the following way:

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

default value

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

default value



{ "TableFields":[ "Name", "ADvendio__Period__c", "ADvendio__Quantity__c", "ADvendio__Sales_Price__c", "ADvendio__Billing_category__c", "ADvendio__Amount_net3__c", "ADvendio__Available__c", "ADvendio__PositionNumber__c", "ADvendio__PositionNumberAppendix__c" ] }

This entry in JSON format as an array is used to define what fields from the CampaignItem object can be shown into the ResultTable. List API names of Campaign Item fields only. 

Create and manage Custom Buttons

To add a custom button which can filter your line items or to manage the ADvendio Custom Buttons

  • Don't Show Cancelled Items

  • Don't Show Optimized Items

on your visual force page please create a feature setting with the following values:

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

Default Filter Value

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

Default Filter Value



{ "Buttons":[ { "title":"Don't Show Cancelled Item", "customLabel":"DontShowCanceled", "namespaceLabel":"ADvendio", "filter":"ADvendio__ConnectedItem__c = null", "variant":"neutral", "isActive":"false" }, { "title":"Don't Show Optimized Item", "customLabel":"DontShowOptimized", "namespaceLabel":"ADvendio", "filter":"ADvendio__OptimizationExclusion__c = null", "variant":"neutral", "isActive":"true" } ] }

This entry in JSON format as an array of map objects is used to define the custom filter buttons, where we can define the

  • title: sets the text for the mouse over

  • label: is shown on the button and

  • customLabel: allows you to connect the button to a custom label to show different translations depending on your language

  • define the filter values. You can add multiple using brackets. 

By default the values are as above. They can be set as follows;

  • 'isActive' set to false, if the user should see the button disabled when opening the component. When 'is Active' is set to false, variant will be set to neutral, meaning the button appears as not selected 

  • 'isActive' set to true, if the user should see the button enabled when opening the component. When 'is Active' is set to true, variant will be set to brand, meaning the button appears blue/as selected by default

Create and manage Action Buttons

To modify the action buttons on the component create or edit the following feature setting: 

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

Feature Setting Name

Feature Name

Feature Setting Name

Feature Setting Name



This entry in JSON format as an array of map objects is used to define the default action buttons, where we can define the

  • title,

  • label and

  • customLabel (to show different translations depending on your language)

  • action values.

The parameters must be defined as $mcid$ for the Media Campaign Id value and $recordIds$ for the selected items to use according the button choice. Currently ADvendio offers 12 buttons the same as the Salesforce Campaign Item default feature.

Create Custom Button for a Visualforce Page or LWC

To add a button to a Visualforce page, follow these steps:

  1. For Visualforce Pages:

    1. Create your Visualforce Page with an Apex Controller and add it to the Feature Setting as described below. Replace “vfExamplePage“ with the name you applied for the page:

    2. Add Button to Campaign Items:

      1. Go to Feature Setting (ActionButtons → CampaignItemRelatedList) and edit it.

      2. Add the value below: You can change “title” and “label” based on your needs:

  2. Create your LWC and add it to the Feature Setting as described below. Replace “lwcExample“ with the name you applied for the page:

    1. Add Button to Campaign Items:

      • Go to Feature Setting (ActionButtons → CampaignItemRelatedList) and edit it.

      • Add the value below: You can change “title” and “label” based on your needs:

For both versions you must add the parameters defined as $mcid$ for the Media Campaign Id value and $recordIds$ for the selected items to use according the button choice. Keep in mind that when $recordIds$ has multiple values, this values will be comma separated.

As for $smallView$ and $counter$, those are optional parameters.

  • $smallView$ is a boolean that returns true if the CIRL was in small view when clicking an action button, and false otherwise

  • $counter$ returns an integer with the amount of rows selected

Now, the button should appear on the Campaign Items related list.



Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 08.48.06.png

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