/ Schedule Programatic Revenue Data Import Schedule Programatic Revenue Data Import



2.120 and up

Supported Adservers

Xandr (SSP)

Ad Exchange

How to import Programmatic Data

Once the basic configuration is done, importing the data into Salesforce is simple. You just need to schedule delivery reports for the exchange or SSP your want to use. To do so, simply open the Delivery Report Settings via the App Launcher. Scroll down to the section PA-Delivery Report Settings, and select the timing for your report to run. Depending on the license model you're using the data will be imported into either big objects or aggregated via Amazon Web Service. For both solutions you will need to schedule a delivery report.

More information on Delivery Report Settings can be found here: 5.3.2 How to schedule and manage Delivery Reports / Programmatic Data Imports from AdServers, SSPs, DSPs (New interface)

ADvendio does not import single Auctions / Deals, but will already aggregate the data to a certain extent. We will summarize the data by the following:

  • The Advertiser / Buyer

  • The part of the Inventory, which has been sold

  • The type of Deal and how it has been charged (for example: Direct Deals with CPM)

  • Data will always be aggregated for full months

Programmatic Data will always be imported for a whole month. From the 1st to 10th day of a month, ADvendio will import / update data from the previous and the current month. After the 7th. day, data will only be imported for the current month and the previous month can be considered completed, and ready for further use.

Results of the import

Once an import has run successfully, you will receive an email with the results.

Here you can see what kind of data has been imported into your Org. Depending on your used licensing model. Depending on your license model, the programmatic revenue data will be imported either into Big Objects or the ADvendio database. While programmatic prices and programmatic advertisers will be created directly into your Salesforce Org, so you can start configuring the mapping.

Once the import is done, there are two ways you can continue to work with your data and visualize them in ADvendio:

  1. Directly use the data in Analytics Cloud:

  2. Generate Media Campaigns, to further aggregate the data and simplify reporting for you and use it in further ADvendio features, like the Accounting Interface: 


Here is an overview of the data mapping from the different exchanges and SSPs to ADvendio. Keep in mind that we will always aggregate the number of sold impressions and revenue by month.

Programmatic Data

Xandr SSP

Google Ad Exchange



Programmatic Data

Xandr SSP

Google Ad Exchange



AdServer Login



(Salesforce Record ID)

The AdServer Login record from ADvendio, that was used for the import

Ad Unit / Site Section ID

Placement ID

Ad Unit ID (we always use the lowest level of hierarchy)


The ID from the AdServer of the Inventory that has been used.

Ad Unit / Site Section Name

Placement Name

Ad Unit Name

news.com - homepage - ver1

The name of the Inventory that has been used.

Advertiser ID

Buyer ID

Advertiser (classified) ID


The ID from AdServer of the Advertiser/Buyer

Advertiser Name


Advertiser (classified)

Media Corp Ltd.

The Name of the Advertiser/Buyer


Ad Exchange Clicks


the number of clicks sold

Cost Type

Flat CPM

The Cost Type, that was used to sell the inventory and generate the Revenue

Creative Size

Creative Size


Which format has been used.

Currency Code


The Currency that has been used

Deal Type

Will be set according to following formula:

If a deal is present = private auction

If no deal is present = open auction

Programmatic Channel


The type of Auction, for example Direct Deal or Open Auction

For Google AdManager we import data for Private Auctions, Open Auctions and Preferred Deals. 


Ad Exchange Impressions


the number of impressions sold



The Month, for which the data has been aggregated.

Programmatic Advertiser



(Salesforce Record ID)

The Programmatic Advertiser record, connect to the Advertiser/Buyer

Programmatic Price



(Salesforce Record ID)

The Programmatic Price record, connect to the Ad Unit / Placement


Ad Exchange Revenue


The actual revenue generated for the Inventory / Size in that Month

Unique Key




A unique identifier, automatically created based upon certain Criteria like Month, Advertiser and AdUnit / Placement

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