7.7.4 Dataplan JournalDesigner (Print)
We are happy that Dataplan has successfully connected the JournalDesigner with ADvendio. The following process is supported:
Journal Designer creates a new Issue / Publication date for a Journal/magazine and requests all relevant positions from ADvendio.
The request is send for per "Issue" and therefore a specific publication date.
ADvendio delivers the booked positions back - Transport is pulled by Journal Designer.
If all positions are set the Journal Designer sends the page number and position to ADvendio.
If you are using JournalDesigner (JD build 6.0.195 or higher) please contact your dataplan support team who can help you set this up. https://www2.dataplan.de/index.php/support/.
Example field mapping
No. | Field | Required Field | Note | Example | ADvendio API |
1 | ID | Yes | Global unique Advert ID | AD9w87 | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.Id & ADvendio__PublicationDate__r.Id |
2 | Publication | Yes | Name, ID of the Title | Seattle News | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Ad_Price__r.ADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.ADvendio__Placement__r.ADvendio__Site__r.Name |
3 | Issue/Date | Yes | Issue Number/Year and/or Publish Date | 1/2015 01-12-2015 | ADvendio__PublicationDate__r.Name & "/" & ADvendio__PublicationDate__r.ADvendio__PublicationDate__c |
4 | Customer | Yes | Name of the Advertiser | BMW | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Media_Campaign__r.ADvendio__Account__r.Name |
5 | Product | No | Product Key Word | X5 | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__SelectedBrandProductInformation__c |
6 | Size | Yes | Advert Size or Format in Width/Height or Columns | FullPage | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Height__c & ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Width__c & ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__NumberOfColumns__c |
7 | Bleed | No | Bleed | TRUE | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__SetBleed__c |
8 | PlacementNote | No | Free Text information | Campaign 2015 | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Media_Campaign__r.ADvendio__external_Media_Campaign_Name__c |
9 | PlacementCode | No | Placement Requirement | IFC (inside front cover) | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__PreferredPlacement__c |
10 | BookingStatus | No | Status of the Contract | FULLPAID | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__BusinessType__c |
11 | SalesRep | No | Contact person | Michael Miller | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Media_Campaign__r.Owner.Name |
12 | Features | No | Additional Info Coupon, Glue Card, Post Card, etc. | None | ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Ad_Price__r.ADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.ADvendio__Ad_Type__r.Name |
20 | Acknowledgment | Yes | Once Ad is placed JD writes back the page no. plus additional information. | Page 3 top of the Page right | ADvendio__Campaign_Item__r.ADvendio__FlatPlanStatus__c |