Change Log for Version 2.72 - 2.75
Change Log for Version 2.72 - 2.75
For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values
This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.
Object | Field Name | Label | Type | Description | Help Text | Picklist Values | new in Version | deprecated in Version |
Ad_Type__c | AgofAttributes__c | AGOF Attributes | Picklist (Multi-Select) | This information will be used for the export/Upload to AGOF Connect and is an additional Information for each Adtype. | This information will be used for the export/Upload to AGOF Connect and is an additional Information for each Adtype. |
| 2.75 | |
Ad_price__c | AgofExport__c | AGOF Export | Checkbox | If this checkbox is true this AdPrice will be included in the AGOF Connect Export. | If this checkbox is true this AdPrice will be included in the AGOF Connect Export. | 2.75 | ||
Campaign_Item__c | AvAsViewableAiManual__c | AV AS Viewable AI (Manual) | Number (18, 0) | Manually override the number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen according to DFP. | Manually override the number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen according to DFP. | 2.75 | ||
DeliveryData__c | ViewedAIsManual__c | Viewed AIs (manual) | Number(18, 0) | This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs. | Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions. | 2.75 | ||
DeliveryData__c | ViewedAIs__c | Viewed AIs | Number(18, 0) | This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | 2.75 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | InfoTableCoverLetter__c | Info Table (Cover Letter) | Long Text Area (1000) | This field defines the information table that is displayed on the cover letter of the PDF and in which order the information is displayed. | Please customize the information table on the cover letter of the PDF and in which order the information is displayed or use the ADvendio default. | 2.75 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | InfoTableCoverLetter__c | Info Table (Cover Letter) | Long Text Area (1000) | 2.75 | ||||
Revenue_Schedule__c | EndDate__c | End Date | Formula (Date) | 2.75 | ||||
Revenue_Schedule__c | StartDate__c | Start Date | Formula (Date) | 2.75 | ||||
Settings__c | PreventFiscalYearOverlapping__c | Prevent Fiscal Year Overlapping | Checkbox | This checkbox prevents the creation of Media Campaigns beyond one fiscal year. | Please activate the checkbox to prevent the creation of Media Campaigns beyond one fiscal year. | 2.75 | ||
Ad_Type__c | ReportSlotsViewedAI__c | Report Slots (Viewed AI) | Picklist (Multi-Select) | Slots to use for delivery reports. If defined, only deliveries on given slots will be counted and used for Invoicing. | Slots to use for delivery reports. If defined, only deliveries on given slots will be counted and used for Invoicing. |
| 2.74 | |
Campaign_Item__c | CurrentAdServerStatus__c | Current AdServer Status | Text (255) | 2.74 | ||||
Campaign_Item__c | LineDescription__c | Line Description | Long Text Area (1000) | This Field is used on Quote PDF and also submitted to the AdServer when this Campaign Item is relevant for an AdServer. | Enter a comment to this position which will be shown on the proposal. | 2.74 | ||
Contact | CustomSalutation__c | Custom Salutation | Text (255) | Please enter the custom salutation phrase here. For example, Hi Joe, Dear Joe, Dear Mr. Joe Doe, Dear Sir or Madam, etc. This will override the standard salutation in the field Salutation Letter. | You have two options to use this field - either let the user enter a salutation phrase or use a custom workflow to generate this automatically. | 2.74 | ||
Content__c | Address__c | Address | Text Area (255) | First Address of the Content Item | Please enter the address here | 2.74 | ||
Content__c | AltAddress__c | Alternative Address | Text Area (255) | Alternative address for localization purposes only. | Please use this field to enter the address in a second language or different notation. | 2.74 | ||
Content__c | GeoLocation__c | Geo Location | Geolocation | Please enter the geo-location coordinates here | Please enter the geo-location coordinates here | 2.74 | ||
Content__c | Status__c | Status | Picklist | Indicates if this Content Item is currently available | Indicates if this Content Item is currently available |
| 2.74 | |
Delivery_Report_Setting__c | UpdateAdserverStatus__c | Update Adserver Status | Checkbox | If checked the import job updates the Adserver Campaign Item status while getting delivery data. | If checked the import job updates the Adserver Campaign Item status while getting delivery data. | 2.74 | ||
InvoiceItem__c | LineDescription__c | Line Description | Long Text Area (1000) | This Field is used on Invoice PDF, normally pushed over BA Mapping from the Campaign Item to the Invoice Item. | Enter a comment to this position which will be shown on the Invoice. | 2.74 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | FirstPageAddressInformation__c | First Page Address Information | Text (255) | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address_BA" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address_BA" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | FooterFullSizeData__c | Footer Full Size Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information_BA" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information_BA" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | FooterLeftSideData__c | Footer Left Side Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_left_side_BA" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_left_side_BA" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | FooterMiddleData__c | Footer Middle Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel to use. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Invoicde-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_middle_BA" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel to use. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Invoicde-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_middle_BA" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
InvoicePreference__c | FooterRightSideData__c | Footer Right Side Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_right_side_BA" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Invoice-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Invoice_Footer_right_side_BA" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
LegalEntity__c | InvoicePreference__c | Invoice Preference | Lookup (Invoice Preference) | References the settings for Invoice-PDF. If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used. | Please select the invoice settings record for Invoice-PDF. If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used. | 2.74 | ||
LegalEntity__c | QuotePreference__c | Quote Preference | Lookup (Quote Preference) | References the settings for Quote-PDF. If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used. | Please select the quote settings record for the Quote-PDF. If not defined the ADvendio standard PDF settings will be used. | 2.74 | ||
Mapping_BA__c | ReverseChargeMechanism__c | Reverse-Charge Mechanism | Text(250) | 2.74 | ||||
PublicationDate__c | InvoiceDate__c | Invoice Date | Date | Date of invoice | Date of invoice | 2.74 | ||
PublicationDate__c | MaterialDueDate__c | Material Due Date | Date | Please select the delivery deadline for printed material. | Please select the delivery deadline for printed material. | 2.74 | ||
PublicationDate__c | ReservationBookingDeadline__c | Reservation/Booking Deadline | Date | Closing date, bookings are only possible before this deadline. | Closing date, bookings are only possible before this deadline. | 2.74 | ||
PublicationDate__c | RevenueRecognitionDate__c | Revenue Recognition Date | Date | Which accounting period should be recognized? | Which accounting period should be recognized? | 2.74 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | FirstPageAddressInformation__c | First Page Address Information | Text (255) | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Quote-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value will be displayed on the first page at the Quote-PDF. If not defined, the default Custom Label with name "First_page_my_address" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | FooterFullSizeData__c | Footer Full Size Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_additional_information" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the footer full width on the Quote-PDF. | 2.74 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | FooterLeftSideData__c | Footer Left Side Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_left_side" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the left side of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_left_side" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | FooterMiddleData__c | Footer Middle Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_middle" will be used. | Please enter the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the middle of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_middle" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
Quote_Preference__c | FooterRightSideData__c | Footer Right Side Data | Text (255) | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_right_side" will be used. | Stores the API-Name of a CustomLabel. The value of CustomLabel will be displayed on the right side of footer of Quote-PDF. If not defined, the ADvendio standard CustomLabel with name "Footer_right_side" will be used. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | BillingCategory__c | Billing Category | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | CPCCurrency__c | CPC (Currency) | Formula (Currency) | Converts the text field 'CPC__c' to currency. | Converts the text field 'CPC__c' to currency. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | CPC__c | CPC | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | ClicksNumber__c | Clicks (Number) | Formula (Number) | Converts the text field 'Clicks__c' to number. | Converts the text field 'Clicks__c' to number. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | Clicks__c | Clicks | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | CountryCode__c | Country Code | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | Country__c | Country | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RTBData__c | TransactionType__c | Transaction Type | Text(255) | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | RTB web service writes auctions to this field. | 2.74 | ||
RevenueScheduleDaily__c | ViewedAIsManual__c | Viewed AIs (manual) | Number (18, 0) | This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs. | Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions. | 2.74 | ||
RevenueScheduleDaily__c | ViewedAIs__c | Viewed AIs | Number (18, 0) | This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | 2.74 | ||
Revenue_Schedule__c | ViewedAIsManual__c | Viewed AIs (manual) | Number (18, 0) | This field can be filled manually. It holds the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item and overrides the ad server field Viewed AIs. | Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions. | 2.74 | ||
Revenue_Schedule__c | ViewedAIs__c | Viewed AIs | Number (18, 0) | This field will be automatically filled. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item. | 2.74 | ||
AdServer_Logins__c | RecordType (ADJUSTER) | Record Type | This record type should be used to store login data for Ad server Ad-Juster | 2.73 | ||||
Ad_Type__c | MediaDifferentiation__c | Media Differentiation | Picklist | This picklist allows you to group AdTypes. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments. | Please choose the relevant Media Differentiation for this AdType. | Global Value Set: Media Differentiation | 2.73 | |
Ad_price__c | MaximumApplicabilityUnit__c | Maximum Applicability Unit | Picklist | This field defines for which Time Column the Ad Price is displayed in the Booking Calendar. | This field is used to define if the Maximum Applicability should be used for days, weeks or months. |
| 2.73 | |
Ad_price__c | OVKBillingCategory__c | OVK Billing Category | Formula (Text) | Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category. | Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category. | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Briefing Script | Scripts will be the draft of the client requirement for the ads. | 2.73 | |||||
BriefingScript__c | Background__c | Background | Rich Text Area (32768) | Background from the Advertisers Company/Business context. | Background from the Advertisers Company/Business context. | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | CampaignItem__c | Campaign Item | Lookup (Campaign Item) | Reference to the related campaign item | Reference to the related campaign item | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Contact__c | Contact | Lookup (Contact) | Client contact details | Client contact details | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Goal__c | Goal | Picklist | Goal of the AD | Goal of the AD |
| 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | Headline__c | Headline | Text Area (255) | What will be the Headline key Massage for that AD? | What will be the Headline key Massage for that AD? | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | LevelOfCreativity__c | Level of Creativity | Picklist | What is the Level of Creativity for this AD? | What is the Level of Creativity for this AD? |
| 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | LookAndFeelDescription__c | Look and Feel description | Text Area (255) | Describe the details about the Look and Feel of this AD | Describe the details about the Look and Feel of this AD | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | LookAndFeel__c | Look and Feel | Picklist | What is the Look and Feel for this AD? | What is the Look and Feel for this AD? |
| 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | MediaDifferentiation__c | Media Differentiation | Picklist | What is the Media Differentiation for this AD? | What is the Media Differentiation for this AD? | Global Value Set: Media Differentiation | 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | MediaSegment__c | Media Segment | Picklist | What is the Media Segment for this AD? | What is the Media Segment for this AD? | Global Value Set: Media Segment | 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | MediaType__c | Media Type | Picklist | What is the Media Type for this AD? | What is the Media Type for this AD? | Global Value Set: Media Type | 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | Number__c | Number | Auto Number | The AD number | The AD number | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | PublicationDate__c | Publication Date | Long Text Area (32768) | Publication date will be auto populated from Campaign items Selected Publication Date Information field. | Will be auto populated from the campaign items selected publication date | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | PublicationName__c | Publication Name | Formula (Text) | Publication Name will be auto populated with the site name related to the campaign item. | Will be auto populated with the site name of the related campaign item | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Reason__c | Reason | Rich Text Area (32768) | Why a Person from the Target Group should use the Offer/USP/SMP? | Why a Person from the Target Group should use the Offer/USP/SMP? | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | SentToClientAd__c | Sent to Client (AD) | Checkbox | Specifies if the AD is sent to client for approval or not. If True than AD sent to client for approval otherwise AD is not sent to client for approval. | Specifies if the AD is sent to client for approval or not | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | SentToClientScript__c | Sent to Client (Script) | Checkbox | Specifies if the script is sent to client for approval or not. If True the script is sent to client for approval otherwise it is not. | Specifies if the script is sent to client for approval or not | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Status__c | Status | Picklist | Status of the script | Status of the script |
| 2.73 | |
BriefingScript__c | TargetProfile__c | Target Profile | Rich Text Area (32768) | Target profile | Target profile | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Text__c | Text | Rich Text Area (32768) | Description for the script. | Description for the script. | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | UniqueKey__c | Unique Key | Text (255) | Unique Key | Unique Key | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | Url__c | URL | URL (255) | URL may include a link to the ad files. | URL may include a link to the ad files. | 2.73 | ||
BriefingScript__c | UspSmpOffer__c | USP/SMP/Offer | Rich Text Area (32768) | What is the USP/SMP/Offer for this AD? Significant market power, in economics, the ability of a firm to alter the market price of a good or service. | What is the USP/SMP/Offer for this AD? | 2.73 | ||
Campaign_Item__c | BookingCalendarDateAssignment__c | Booking Calendar Date Assignment | Picklist (Multi-Select) | When a Campaign item is marked as exclusive it will be shown in the Booking Calendar. Normally a Campaign Item runs from 00:00 to 23:59, if not please decide how the booking calendar should handle this Campaign Item. | Please choose the behavior for this Item in Booking Calendar. |
| 2.73 | |
Campaign_Item__c | OVKBillingCategory__c | OVK Billing Category | Formula (Text) | Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category. | Sets the OVK Billing category to fixed price or allin based on the Advendio billing category. | 2.73 | ||
Campaign_Item__c | Shiftable__c | Shiftable | Checkbox | Please check if you have to potentially change/shift the campaign item dates. This will be shown in the Booking Calendar. | If you like to reserve and sell a Campaign Item but might have to change its start and end dates/publication date mark this checkbox and the Booking Calendar will inform users using the Shiftable icon. | 2.73 | ||
Campaign_Item__c | Unit__c | Label Unit | Formula (Text) | Field used for AGOF Interface - Formular which translates the Advendio Billing Category into the OVK Unit naming convention. | Formular which translates the Advendio Billing Category into the OVK Unit naming convention. | 2.73 | ||
Content__c | MaximumApplicabilityUnit__c | Maximum Applicability Unit | Picklist | This field defines for which Time Column the Content is displayed in the Booking Calendar. | This field is used to define if the Maximum Applicability should be used for days, weeks or months. |
| 2.73 | |
DataImportMapping__mdt | Data Import Mapping | 2.73 | ||||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | Comment__c | Comment | Text (255) | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | Feature__c | Feature | Text (255) | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | Required__c | Required | Checkbox | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | Source__c | Source | Text (255) | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | TargetObject__c | Target Object | Text (255) | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | Target__c | Target | Text (255) | 2.73 | ||||
DataImportMapping__mdt | UniqueKey__c | Unique Key | Checkbox | 2.73 | ||||
InvoiceItem__c | ConnectedItem__c | Connected Item | Lookup (Invoice Item) | 2.73 | ||||
Invoice__c | ReverseChargeMechanism__c | Reverse-Charge Mechanism | Checkbox | If this checkbox is true - the VAT Type on any campaign item will be ignored, set to zero, and on the invoice pdf the Custom Label Reverse-Charge Mechanism Note is displayed. | Please check this box to apply the Reverse-Charge Process on this Media Campaign. | 2.73 | ||
Mapping_BA__c | ContactSalutationLetter__c | Contact Salutation Letter | Text (255) | This field is used to transfer the salutation for contacts selected at a Media Campaign to the object Invoice Contacts. | Please enter the field path to transfer the salutation for contacts selected at a Media Campaign to the object Invoice Contacts. | 2.73 | ||
MediaCampaign__c | OVKOfferType__c | OVK Offer Type | Formula (Text) | Field used for AGOF Interface - Sets the OVK Offer Type to order or offer based on the Advendio document type. | Sets the OVK Offer Type to order or offer based on the Advendio document type. | 2.73 | ||
MediaCampaign__c | ReverseChargeMechanism__c | Reverse-Charge Mechanism | Checkbox | If this checkbox is true - the VAT Type on any campaign item will be ignored, set to zero, and on the invoice pdf the Custom Label Reverse-Charge Mechanism Note is displayed. | Please check this box to apply the Reverse-Charge Process on this Media Campaign. | 2.73 | ||
OptimizingVersion__c | SelectedOriginalItems__c | Selected Original Items | Long Text Area (32768) | Contains a list of all Campaign Items which were selected when creating the Optimizer Version. This field is used and set by the Comercial Optimizer. | Contains a list of all Campaign Items which were selected when creating the Optimizer Version. This field is used and set by the Comercial Optimizer. | 2.73 | ||
Placement__c | MediaSegment__c | Media Segment | Picklist | Selected Media Segment controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and in Commitments. | Please chose the relevant Media Segment for this Placement. | Global Value Set: Media Segment | 2.73 | |
Revenue_Schedule__c | DeliveredAIs3rdParty__c | Delivered AIs (3rd Party) | Number (18, 0) | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered AIs from a external Source of the assigned campaign item. | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered AIs from a external Source of the assigned campaign item | 2.73 | ||
Revenue_Schedule__c | DeliveredClicks3rdParty__c | Delivered Clicks (3rd Party) | Number (18, 0) | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered Clicks from a external Source of the assigned campaign item. | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster, Moat etc. It displays the delivered Clicks from a external Source of the assigned campaign item. | 2.73 | ||
Site__c | MediaType__c | Media Type | Picklist | Selected Media type controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and in Commitments. | Please chose the relevant Media Type for this Advertising Medium. | Global Value Set: Media Type | 2.73 | |
Account | ExternalId__c | External ID | Text (255) | Enter the external ID of this account. This ID can also be used to push values into DFPs external ID on the company level. | Enter the external ID of this account. This ID can also be used to push values into DFPs external ID on the company level. | 2.72 | ||
AdServer_Logins__c | AdvertiserExternalId__c | Advertiser External ID | Picklist | This information is used to push to DFP in the filed External ID. | This information is used to push to DFP in the filed External ID. |
| 2.72 | |
Ad_Type__c | CreativeRotationType__c | Creative Rotation Type | Picklist | Choose your rotation type: Evenly: rotates evenly Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most Weighted: rotates at specified frequency Sequential: rotates in specified order | Choose your rotation type: Evenly: rotates evenly Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most Weighted: rotates at specified frequency Sequential: rotates in specified order |
| 2.72 | |
Campaign_Item__c | BudgetN2__c | Budget N2 | Currency (16, 2) | Please enter the budget of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use target N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator) | Please enter the budget of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use target N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator) | 2.72 | ||
Campaign_Item__c | CreativeRotationType__c | Creative Rotation Type | Picklist | Choose your rotation type: Evenly: rotates evenly Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most Weighted: rotates at specified frequency Sequential: rotates in specified order | Choose your rotation type: Evenly: rotates evenly Optimized: highest click-through rate will be shown most Weighted: rotates at specified frequency Sequential: rotates in specified order |
| 2.72 | |
Campaign_Item__c | TargetNet__c | Target Net | Currency (16, 2) | Please enter the target net of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use budget N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator) | Please enter the target net of the agency/customer to automatically calculate a special discount. Make sure to either to use budget N2 or this field. (Used for the CPM calculator) | 2.72 | ||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | Flexible Payment Plan | 2.72 | ||||||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | Amount__c | Amount | Currency (14, 2) | 2.72 | ||||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | CampaignItem__c | Campaign Item | Lookup | Reference to Campaign Item | Reference to Campaign Item | 2.72 | ||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | Description__c | Description | Long Text Area (32768) | Additional information | Additional information | 2.72 | ||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | InvoiceDate__c | Invoice Date | Date | 2.72 | ||||
FlexiblePaymentPlan__c | PercentageAmount__c | PercentageAmount | Percent (3, 2) | Optional, when creating invoices, Amount is set to a percentage amount of the Campaign Item. | 2.72 | |||
Global Value Sets | MediaSegment | Media Segment | Picklist Value Set | This picklist allows you to group Placements. This classification can be used in reports and controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial Management and Commitments. | New Value:
| 2.72 | ||
Global Value Sets | MediaType | Media Type | Picklist Value Set | This picklist allows you to group Advertising Media. This classification can be used in reports and also controls e.g. functions and assignment information in Media Search, AdMaterial and Commitments . | New Value:
| 2.72 | ||
InvoiceItem__c | InvoiceCreationType__c | Invoice Creation Type | Formula (Text) | 2.72 | ||||
Invoice__c | CreationType__c | Creation Type | Picklist |
| 2.72 | |||
MediaCampaign__c | VATExempt__c | VAT Exempt | Checkbox | If this field is checked the whole media campaign is not being taxed. | If this field is checked the whole media campaign is not being taxed. | 2.72 | ||
Settings__c | UseNewInvoiceGeneration__c | Use new Invoice Generation | Checkbox | 2.72 | ||||
Settings__c | FlexiblePaymentPlanAmountField__c | Flexible Payment Plan Amount Field | Text (100) | Select the Campaign Item amount field to be used in Flexible Payment Plans. | Select the Campaign Item amount field to be used in Flexible Payment Plans. | 2.72 |
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Change Log for Version 2.113 - 2.115
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Change Log for Version 2.94 - 2.98
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Change Log for Version 2.80 - 2.83
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