ADvendio Version 2.76 - Winter 2017

ADvendio Version 2.76 - Winter 2017

We are constantly extending ADvendio for you. To make sure you don’t miss any of the latest improvements and know what you have to do in order to make these features available for your whole team, we’ve created this page. Check the release notes regularly to implement new features and to keep your system up to date. Don't forget that you can sort the columns by clicking on the icon next to the table headers.

Release Notes - Version 2.76 - Sprint Spiderman

To install ADvendio version 2.76 please use

  • this link for your Production Environment (Org) or
  • this link to install it in a Sandbox.  

Please ensure that you are not logged into an Org where you don't like to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an Incognito Window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install the new versions.

ADvendio Ticket No.
2.76New FeatureMedia Campaign, Campaign Item Related List

Overwhelmed by Packages Components, optimized Campaign Items in the Salesforce standard related list? Get back to transparency and use our new Campaign Item Related List. Now you can handle easily more that 150 Campaign Items, sort by click on a column, show and hide Packages Component, optimized Item and canceled Items. How to configure read 8.5+Setup+the+Campaign+Item+Related+List+Visual+Force+Page.

AD-1771, AD-2118, AD-2192xx
2.76ImprovementBooking CalendarYou are in the US or Israel and using our Booking Calendar? Sales sells weekly based products and your Weeks starts at Sunday? How to configure the Booking Calendar that the week nevertheless starts at Monday you will find here: 4.9.2 Weekday settingsAD-1979x
2.76ImprovementAdServer Gateway, Ad-JusterNow it is even easier to use the new connection to Ad-Juster. Please have a look at our new Wiki Page for 7.7.4 Setup Ad-JusterAD-2115, AD-2282, AD-2097x


2.76New FeatureExclusivity CheckAs many of you know - ADvendio helps in the daily work - also here: Overbookings can cost everyone involved in the ad sales process time, patience and even money. On the other hand, it can make sense to allow targeted overbooking in certain cases.
With this in mind, we have significantly expanded and improved ADvendio.
AD-2203, AD-2191xx
2.76New FeatureSales Goals & Revenue SplitNow the easy way to enter Sales Goal is more easier the Visual Force Page can be configured to your needs. Please have a look here for how to: 7.2.5+Setup+Sales+Goals+and+Revenue+SplitsAD-2048, AD-2296xx
2.76ImprovementAdPrice, CommitmentAdPrice & Commitments use now global picklist for the field ADvendio_Unit__c, therefore we have deprecated the old field at AdPrice.AD-2261, AD-2271

2.76ImprovementAdServer Gateway, ADTECH, Campaign Item, DFP, Knowledge Base, SMARTAlso a new article in our wiki how to steer Overbooking - here is the brand new article:
2.76ImprovementAdServer Gateway, ADTECH, DFP, Knowledge Base, SMARTWiki Article: How can i steer the price field that is submitted to dfp? 
2.76ImprovementAdServer Gateway, ADTECH, Knowledge BaseAnd also an Updates Wiki article for Site based Delivery Data you will find here: 5.3.2+Edit+Delivery+Report+IntervalAD-2194x
2.76ImprovementAdServer Gateway, Knowledge BaseWe have updates our Wiki article for our Inventory Import - please have a look here for the updates version : 7.3.2+Transfer+Inventory+data+from+the+AdServerAD-2196x
2.76ImprovementAdSpecs & Rates ManagerVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-1997

2.76ImprovementAdTypeVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2264, AD-2260

2.76ImprovementFinanceWith the next version of ADvendio (2.77) we will change the behavior for VAT Calculation - this is a pre announcement.AD-181
2.76ImprovementFinanceFollowing your requests now you can even more field show or hide in the Finance Wizards, the field Planned Invoice Date (End) and Planned Invoice Date (Start) are now also configurable.AD-2156
2.76ImprovementFinance, Media Campaign, PDFVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2093

2.76ImprovementKey ValuesTo save more seconds during the proposal creation ADvendio now sorts the Key & Values when showing inside the Media Configuration.AD-2099

2.76ImprovementKnowledge Base, AdServer Gateway, DFPTwo strong features for DFP Users: Contending Line Items / Sell-Through now with a new Wiki Artikel: Set up Contending Line Items/Sell-Through ReportsAD-2183x
2.76ImprovementKnowledge Base, AdServer Gateway, DFPAround the AdType and the Availability Check we have updates our Wiki Artikels - updates are here:
1.1.6+Run+the+Availability+Forecast Slot sizes, Forecast Mode, Roadblocking (DFP)
AD-2188, AD-2127, AD-2163x
2.76ImprovementKnowledge Base, ReportsNow the report for Nielsen / Media Focus has much more information in it and more flexibility. Our updates Wiki article you will find here. 5.4+Nielsen+-+Media+Focus+monthly+reportingAD-2211, AD-2212xx
2.76ImprovementKnowledge Base, Select SearchWe have updates our Wiki article for our Product Search - all Updates you will find here. 4.2.5+Media+Product+SearchAD-2195x
2.76ImprovementMedia ConfigurationUsing Print Products is now more easier - mm prices, that using numbers of columns to calculate automatically the right price - this is now included in ADvendio out of the box. Have a lock at our Wiki Article for further information. Sell Ads by SizeAD-2038, AD-2174
2.76ImprovementMedia ConfigurationIf you install our new version we have included new samples for our Media Configuration - Tab Rules to show and hide fields for Print and Digital Products. This helps to increase the data quality and decrease the error rate for ADvendio end user.AD-2210

2.76ImprovementPDFDeprecate outdated pdf components.AD-2058
2.76ImprovementPublication DatesNew Field on Publication Date & Site - Circulation.AD-2266

2.76ImprovementSecurityWe are constantly working to improve the security of our product - this lets you concentrate on your core business and not to worry about IT.AD-2209, AD-2173

2.76ImprovementSettingsVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2001, AD-2178

2.76Changes and OptimizationsAdServer GatewayVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2265

2.76Changes and OptimizationsBooking CalendarVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2159, AD-2085, AD-2057, AD-2073, AD-2044, AD-2075, AD-2204, AD-2226, AD-2225, AD-2243, AD-2065, AD-2059

2.76Changes and OptimizationsCommercial OptimizerVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-1572

2.76Changes and OptimizationsCommercial Optimizer, Finance, Media ConfigurationTrouble when inactive Prices was used in an Offer ? ADvendio helps also here with the new Version - we have improved the usability when an inactive AdPrice is in a Order or Offer and no changes are necessary.AD-2157
2.76Changes and OptimizationsFinanceVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2108, AD-2054

2.76Changes and OptimizationsFinance, Flexible Payment PlansVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2147, AD-1946

2.76Changes and OptimizationsScriptVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2177

Patches for Version 2.76

To install ADvendio version 2.76.1 please use

  • this link for your Production Environment (Org) or
  • this link to install it in a Sandbox.  

Please ensure that you are not logged into an Org where you don't like to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an Incognito Window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install the new versions.

ADvendio Ticket No.
2.76.1Changes and OptimizationsAdServer Gateway, ADTECHVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2277

2.76.1Changes and OptimizationsBooking CalendarVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2113, AD-2227

2.76.1Changes and OptimizationsCampaign Item Related ListVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2294

2.76.1Changes and OptimizationsFinance, ScriptVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2306

2.76.1Changes and OptimizationsLegale EntityVarious improvements and optimizations.AD-2289

2.76.1ImprovementReportsNow you can add more information to our Report for Nielsen/Media Focus Notifications : 5.4 Nielsen - Media Focus monthly reportingAD-2307x

To install ADvendio version 2.76.2 please use

  • this link for your Production Environment (Org) or
  • this link to install it in a Sandbox.  

Please ensure that you are not logged into an Org where you don't like to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an Incognito Window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install the new versions.

ADvendio Ticket No.
2.76.2Changes and OptimizationsMedia ConfigurationCopy Value have not respect some Key Values in certain cases.

AD-2459, AD-2453

To install ADvendio version 2.76.3 please use

  • this link for your Production Environment (Org) or
  • this link to install it in a Sandbox.  

Please ensure that you are not logged into an Org where you don't like to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an Incognito Window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install the new versions.

ADvendio Ticket No.
2.76.3Changes and OptimizationsAdmin SettingsVarious improvements and optimizations.
