Change Log for Version 2.84 - 2.89

Change Log for Version 2.84 - 2.89

For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values 

This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.

ObjectField NameLabel


DescriptionHelp TextPicklist Valuesnew in Versiondeprecated in Version
Account Commitment AssignmentObject



Accounting RuleObjectDescribes all business rules to assign i.e. General Ledger Codes, WBS codes, cost centers, profit centers, account numbers to you inventory and use in standard accounting interfaces

AccountingRule__cAccountNumber__cAccount NumberLookupPlease enter the account number for this accounting rule.Please enter the account number for this accounting rule.
AccountingRule__cAdPrice__cAd PriceLookupChoose an AdPrice for this Accounting Rule.Choose an AdPrice for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cAdSpec__cAd SpecLookupChoose an AdSpec for this Accounting Rule.Choose an AdSpec for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cAdType__cAd TypeLookupChoose an AdType for this Accounting Rule.Choose an AdType for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cAdvertisingMedium__cAdvertising MediumLookupChoose an Advertising Medium/Site for this Accounting Rule.Choose an Advertising Medium/Site for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cBusinessType__cBusiness TypePicklistChoose a Business Type for this Accounting Rule.Choose a Business Type for this Accounting Rule.Global Value Set: BusinessType2.89
AccountingRule__cContent__cContentLookupChoose the Content for this Accounting Rule.Choose the Content for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cCostProfitCenter__cCost- / Profit CenterText (30)Enter the Cost or Profit Center for this Accounting Rule.Enter the Cost or Profit Center for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cInternalOrderWBS__c<Internal Order / WBSText (30)Enter the Internal Order or WBS for this Accounting Rule.Enter the Internal Order or WBS for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cLegalEntity__cLegal EntityLookupChoose the Legal Entity for this Accounting Rule.Choose the Legal Entity for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cMediaDifferentation__cMedi DifferentiationPicklistChoose a Media Differentiation for this Accounting Rule.Choose a Media Differentiation for this Accounting Rule.Global Value Set: MediaDifferentiation2.89
AccountingRule__cMediaSegment__cMedia SegmentPicklistChoose a Media Segment for this Accounting Rule.Choose a Media Segment for this Accounting Rule.Global Value Set: MediaSegment2.89
AccountingRule__cMediaType__cMedia TypePicklistChoose a Media Type for this Accounting Rule.Choose a Media Type for this Accounting Rule.Global Value Set: MediaType2.89
AccountingRule__cPlacement__cPlacementLookupChoose a Placement for this Accounting Rule.Choose a Placement for this Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cReferenceMapping__cReference MappingText (255)Please enter the field name which should be used for Accounting Rule.Please enter the field name which should be used for Accounting Rule.
AccountingRule__cValidFrom__cValid FromDatePlease enter the validity start date.Please enter the validity start date.
AccountingRule__cValidUntil__cValid UntilDatePlease enter the validity end date.Please enter the validity end date.
Ad Material ContactObjectA junction object to connect Contacts with Briefing Scripts and define their role in the Ad Material Management process.

AdMaterialContact__cBriefingScript__cBriefing ScriptLookupSelect a Briefing Script for the Contact.Select a Briefing Script for the Contact.
AdMaterialContact__cContactRole__cContact RolePicklistSelect the role of the Contact within the Ad Material Management processSelect the role of the Contact within the Ad Material Management process
  • Supplier
  • Creator
  • Approver


AdMaterialContact__cContact__cContactLookupSelect a Contact, who is involved with this Briefing Script.Select a Contact, who is involved with this Briefing Script.


AdPrice__cBllingCategory__cBilling CategoryPicklistEnter the billing category for this price.Enter the billing category for this price.

New Value:

  • CPCV
Advertiser_Agency_relation__cCustomerDiscount__cCustomer DiscountPercentageDefine a customer discount for this advertiser agency relation. The discount will be transferred to Media Campaigns created from this relation.Define a customer discount for this advertiser agency relation. The discount will be transferred to Media Campaigns created from this relation.
Advertiser_Agency_relation__cQuantityDiscount__cQuantity DiscountPercentageDefine a quantity discount for this advertiser agency relation. The discount will be transferred to Media Campaigns created from this relation.Define a quantity discount for this advertiser agency relation. The discount will be transferred to Media Campaigns created from this relation.
Briefing Script Publication Date AssignmentObjectA junction object to connect Briefing Scripts with Publication Dates. Will be created automatically by ADvendio when assigning Publication Dates to Briefing Scripts.A junction object to connect Briefing Scripts with Publication Dates. Will be created automatically by ADvendio when assigning Publication Dates to Briefing Scripts.
BriefingScriptPubDateAssignment__cBriefingScript__cBriefing ScriptLookupSelect the Briefing Script used for the Publication Dates of the Campaign Item.Select the Briefing Script used for the Publication Dates of the Campaign Item.
BriefingScriptPubDateAssignment__cPublicationDate__cPublication DateLookupSelect the Publication Dates from the Campaign Item, for which this Briefing Script is for.Select the Publication Dates from the Campaign Item, for which this Briefing Script is for.
BriefingScript__cExternalProductionExternal ProductionRecord TypeA Briefing Script for Ad Material produced by external partners.A Briefing Script for Ad Material produced by external partners.

BriefingScript__cInHouseProductionInHouse ProductionRecord TypeA Briefing Script for the InHouse Production of Ad Material. Contains more detailed information than the script for external production.A Briefing Script for the InHouse Production of Ad Material. Contains more detailed information than the script for external production.

Briefing__cAdvertisedBrand__cAdvertised BrandLookupPlease select the Advertising Brand or Product if applicable.Please select the Advertising Brand or Product if applicable.
Briefing__cAdvertiser__cAdvertiserLookupPlease select the Advertiser.Please select the Advertiser.
Briefing__cAgency__cAgencyLookupPlease select the AgencyPlease select the Agency
Briefing__cBudget__cBudgetCurrencyPlease enter the media budget for this campaign.Please enter the media budget for this campaign.
Briefing__cEndDate__cEnd DateDatePlease enter the proposed end date for the campaign.Please enter the proposed end date for the campaign.
Briefing__cGoal__cGoalLong Text AreaPlease enter the campaign details.Please enter the campaign details.
Briefing__cMediaCampaign__cMedia CampaignLookupPlease link the matching Media Campaign once created.Please link the matching Media Campaign once created.
Briefing__cStartDate__cStart DateDatePlease enter the proposed start date for the campaign.Please enter the proposed start date for the campaign.
Briefing__cStatus__cStatusPicklistPlease choose the current status of your proposal briefing.Please choose the current status of your proposal briefing.
  • Draft
  • Offer
  • Accepted
  • Withdrawn
  • On Hold
Briefing__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupGlobal PicklistPlease choose a target group if requiredPlease choose a target group if required

Global Value Set:


Campaign_Item__cAdServerProposalId__cAdServer Proposal IDText(255)Id of the proposal in an external system.Id of the proposal in an external system.
Campaign_Item__cAdServerProposalLineItemId__c<AdServer Proposal Line Item IDText(255)Id of the proposal line item in an external system.Id of the proposal line item in an external system.
Campaign_Item__cAgencyEarnings__cAgency EarningsPercentSet the Agency Earning for this Media Campaign in percent.Set the Agency Earning for this Media Campaign in percent.
Campaign_Item__cBillingCateogry__cBilling CategoryPicklist

New Value:

  • CPCV
Campaign_Item__cFrequencyCapping__cFrequency CappingLong Text AreaShows the Frequency Capping used for this Campaign Item. E.G: 100 Impressions per 1 DayShows the Frequency Capping used for this Campaign Item. E.G: 100 Impressions per 1 Day
+When using multiple Frequency Capping, each line is for one FC-criteria.

Campaign_Item__cPaymentStatus__cPayment StatusGlobal PicklistDisplays the payment status of your item. Might also come from a third party accounting system.Displays the payment status of your item. Might also come from a third party accounting system.

Global Value Set:


EnhancedDeliveryData__cInvoiceQuantity__cInvoice QuantityFormula

EnhancedDeliveryData__cUniqueKey__cUnique KeyText(255)Enter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this enhanced delivery dataEnter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this enhanced delivery data
InvoiceItem__cFrequencyCapping__cFrequency CappingLong Text Area

InvoiceItem__cPaymentStatus__cPayment StatusGlobal PicklistDisplays the payment status of your item. Might also come from a third party accounting system.Displays the payment status of your item. Might also come from a third party accounting system.

Global Value Set:


Invoice__cAdvertisedBrandName__cAdvertiused Brand NameText (255)The Advertised Brand or Product for this Media Campaign. Will be displayed underneath the Advertiser in the quote and invoice documents.The Advertised Brand or Product for this Media Campaign. Will be displayed underneath the Advertiser in the quote and invoice documents.
LegalEntity__cDebitorNumber__cDebitor NumberLookupLinks to an External Account ID, which will be displayed as Debitor Number in the quote and invoicing documents generated for this Legal Entity.Links to an External Account ID, which will be displayed as Debitor Number in the quote and invoicing documents generated for this Legal Entity.
Mapping_BA__cAdvertisedBrandName__cAdvertised Brand NameText (255)

Mapping_BA__cContactMailingCity__cContact Mailing CityText (255)

Mapping_BA__cContactMailingCountry__cContact Mailing CountryText (255)

Mapping_BA__cContactMailingPostalCode__cContact Mailing Postal CodeText (255)

Mapping_BA__cContactMailingState__cContact Mailing StateText (255)

Mapping_BA__cContactMailingStreet__cContact Mailing StreetText (255)

Mapping_BA__cFrequencyCapping__cFrequency CappingText (255)

MediaCampaign__cAdServerOrderType__cAdServer Order TypePicklistSets the Order Type for this campaign, when it's submitted to the Ad Server. Currently only supported for Orders and Proposals at DFP.Sets the Order Type for this campaign, when it's submitted to the Ad Server. Currently only supported for Orders and Proposals at DFP.
  • Order
  • Proposal
MediaCampaign__cAdvertisedBrand__cAdvertised BrandLookupSelect the Advertised Brand or Product for this Media Campaign. Will be displayed underneath the Advertiser in the quote and invoice documents.

MediaCampaign__cPublisherPayoutContract__cPublisher Payout ContractLookup

PublisherPayoutCondition__cGuarantee__cGuaranteed RevenueCurrencyEnter a Guaranteed Revenue for this condition. This defines the Amount, which definitely will be paid to your publisher. The Amount will be divided amongst the selected payment interval of the contractEnter a Guaranteed Revenue for this condition. This defines the Amount, which definitely will be paid to your publisher. The Amount will be divided amongst the selected payment interval of the contract
PublisherPayoutCondition__cRevPerUnit__cRevenue per UnitCurrencySet a fixed Revenue per unit sold with this condition. Attention: Can not be combined with Guaranteed Revenue or Revenue Share.Set a fixed Revenue per unit sold with this condition. Attention: Can not be combined with Guaranteed Revenue or Revenue Share.
PublisherPayoutCondition__cShare__cRevenue SharePercentSet a revenue share in % for your publisher. If you&apos;ve set a Guaranteed Revenue, the percentage share will be applied after the Guaranteed Revenue has been fulfilled.Set a revenue share in % for your publisher. If you&apos;ve set a Guaranteed Revenue, the percentage share will be applied after the Guaranteed Revenue has been fulfilled.
PublisherPayoutContract__cPaymentInterval__cPayment IntervalPicklistPlease choose the payment interval for this contract. Determines the number of Credit Note Campaigns which will be created.Please choose the payment interval for this contract. Determines the number of Credit Note Campaigns which will be created.
  • total account (one Invoice)
  • monthly (1 month)
  • quarter (3 months)
  • half year (6 months)
  • year (12 months)
PublisherPayoutInvoiceItemAssignment__cUniqueKey__cUnique KeyText(255)

Settings__cDefaultAgencyEarnings__cDefault Agency EarningsPercentUse this to set a default Agency Earnings percentage, which will be used when creating a new Campaign Item.Use this to set a default Agency Earnings percentage, which will be used when creating a new Campaign Item.
Settings__cUseEnhancedDeliveryData__cUse enhanced DD for Publisher PayoutCheckboxIf set to true use the enhanced delivery data for publisher payoutIf set to true use the enhanced delivery data for publisher payout
Ad_Specs__cPriceCalculationType__cPrice calculation typePicklistDetermines how the price for this product will be calculated. For Example: Height * no. of columns or no. of rows. Can be used for workflows or tab rules for the media configuration.Determines how the price for this product will be calculated. For Example: Height * no. of columns or no. of rows. Can be used for workflows or tab rules for the media configuration.
  • Height * no. of columns
  • Height * width
  • No. of characters
  • No. of rows
Ad_Specs__cPricegroup__cPricegroup (deprecated)PicklistThis field is deprecated and will not be used anymoreThis field is deprecated and will not be used anymore

Ad_Type__cAdtype__cAdtypePicklistChoose the ad type that is required for this advertising format.Choose the ad type that is required for this advertising format.

New Value:

  • Click Tracking
Campaign Item Reach AssignmentObjectUsed to assign one or more reach information (number of contacts or appearances/insertions/impressions available) defined at the Ad Prices / Ad Specs or the Content to your Campaign Items. Will be automatically created by ADvendio.

CampaignItemReachAssignment__cCampaignItem__cCampaign ItemMaster-DetailThe Campaign Item for which this reach is used.The Campaign Item for which this reach is used.
CampaignItemReachAssignment__cReach__cReachMaster-DetailThe reach used for this Campaign Item.The reach used for this Campaign Item.
Campaign_Item__cPayFactor__cPay FactorFormula (Percent)Describes the fraction of the overall service by calculating the percentage of the discounted price versus the base price.Describes the fraction of the overall service by calculating the percentage of the discounted price versus the base price.
Campaign_Item__cProposalId__cProposal IDText (255)Id of the proposal in an external system.Id of the proposal in an external system.
Campaign_Item__cProposalLineItemId__cProposal Line Item IDText (255)Id of the proposal line item in an external system.Id of the proposal line item in an external system.
Campaign_Item__cVatExternalName__cVAT External NameText (255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
CommitmentCondition__cFormularFulfillmentRatio__cFulfillment RatioFormula (Percent)

Delivery_Report_Setting__cImportEnhancedDeliveryData__cImport Enhanced Delivery DataCheckboxIf checked an additional process to import enhanced delivery data will be started. Currently only available for DFP.If checked an additional process to import enhanced delivery data will be started. Currently only available for DFP.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cUniqueKey__cUnique KeyText(255)Enter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this enhanced delivery data.Enter a UniqueKey (recommended: syntax) for this enhanced delivery data.
Forecast__cAmountCampaignItemRevenueSplit__cAmount Campaign Item Revenue SplitCurrencyShows the Amount from all relevant Campaign Item Revenue Split Records. will be populated by a scheduled Job for Campaign Item Revenue Split Class.Shows the Amount from all relevant Campaign Item Revenue Split Records.
Forecast__cAmountCampaignItemRevenueSplitWeighted__cAmount CIRS (weighted)CurrencyShows the Amount (weighted) from all relevant Campaign Item Revenue Split Records. will be populated by a scheduled Job for Campaign Item Revenue Split ClassShows the Amount (weighted) from all relevant Campaign Item Revenue Split Records.
InvoiceItem__cVatExternalName__cVAT External NameText(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for this VAT rate (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.Please enter the external name or code of your third party financial system (e.g. SAP FI) matching the VAT Type.
Invoice__cESRAmount__cESR AmountNumber

Invoice__cESRCode__cESR CodeText(255)This field will be automatically filled if a valid mapping exists. It represents the ESR Code (Swiss: "Einzahlungsschein mit Referenznummer") for this invoice.This field will be automatically filled if a valid mapping exists. It represents the ESR Code (Swiss: "Einzahlungsschein mit Referenznummer") for this invoice.
Invoice__cESRId__cESR IdText(255)

Invoice__cESRNumber__cESR NumberText(255)

Invoice__cESRReferenceNumber__cESR Reference NumberText(255)

Invoice__cESRType__cESR TypePicklist

  • 01
  • 03
Invoice__cVatExternalNameType1__cVAT External Name (Type 1)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
Invoice__cVatExternalNameType2__cVAT External Name (Type 2)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.


VatExternalNameVatExempt__cVAT External Name (VAT Exempt)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT Exempt flag (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT Exempt flag (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
InvoiceRecipient__cMailingCity__cMailing CityText(255)

InvoiceRecipient__cMailingCountry__cMailing CountryText(255)

InvoiceRecipient__cMailingPostalCode__cMailing Postal CodeText(255)

InvoiceRecipient__cMailingState__cMailing StateText(255)

InvoiceRecipient__cMailingStreet__cMailing StreetLong Text Area(32768)

InvoicePreference__cShowContactsMailingAddress__cShow Contact's mailing addressCheckboxIf checked the PDF will display the mailing address listed in the contact's record for all contacts instead of using their account's address.If checked the PDF will display the mailing address listed in the contact's record for all contacts instead of using their account's address.
Key Value Preset AdPrice AssignmentObject

KeyValuePresetAdPriceAssignment__cAdPrice__cAd PriceMaster-Detail

KeyValuePresetAdPriceAssignment__cKeyValuePreset__cKey Value PresetMaster-Detail

MediaCampaign__cVatExternalNameType1__cVAT External Name (Type 1)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
MediaCampaign__cVatExternalNameType2__cVAT External Name (Type 2)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT rate Type 1/2 (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
MediaCampaign__cVatExternalNameVatExempt__cVAT External Name (VAT Exempt)Text(255)This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT Exempt flag (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.This field can be used to enter the external naming or code of third party finance systems for VAT Exempt flag (e.g. SAP FI). If configured in Custom Setting, this field will be automatically filled.
PublisherPayoutInvoiceItemAssignment__cUniqueKey__cUniqueKeyText (255)

Quote_Preference__cShowContactsMailingAddress__cShow Contact's mailing addressCheckboxIf checked the PDF will display the mailing address listed in the contact's record for all contacts instead of using their account's address.If checked the PDF will display the mailing address listed in the contact's record for all contacts instead of using their account's address.

AccountPaymentProcessing_cPayment ProcessingPicklistPlease choose a payment process for this account - this value will be fetched to each Media Campaign this Account is used as an Invoice recipient/debtor.Please choose a payment process for this account - this value will be fetched to each Media Campaign this Account is used as an Invoice recipient/debtor.Credit Card (API: CreditCard), Payment in Advance (API: DirectDebit), Direct Debit (API: Invoice), Invoice (API: PaymentInAdvance)2.85
AccountSolvencyStatus__cSolvency StatusFormulaShows a different symbol based upon the solvency set for this account.Shows a different symbol based upon the solvency set for this account.
AccountSolvency__cSolvencyPicklistChoose the solvency of this account.Choose the solvency of this account.Ok (API: Ok), No information (API: NoInfo), Not ok (API: NotOk)2.85
Ad_Price__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which target group is this AdPrice relevant.Please select for which target group is this AdPrice relevant.
AdServer_ID__cAPPNEXUSAPPNEXUSRecord Typehis record type should be used to store IDs of AdServer APPNEXUS

Ad_Specs__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which target group is this AdSpec relevant.Please select for which target group is this AdSpec relevant.
Ad_Type__cAPPNEXUSAPPNEXUSRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store IDs of AdServer APPNEXUS

Ad_Type__cPrice_Pricegroup_1__cPrice Pricegroup 1 (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Ad_Type__cPrice_Pricegroup_2__cPrice Pricegroup 2 (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Ad_Type__cPrice_Pricegroup_3__cPrice Pricegroup 3 (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Ad_Type__cPrice_Pricegroup_4__cPrice Pricegroup 4 (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Ad_Type__cPrice_Pricegroup_5__cPrice Pricegroup 5 (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.


New Value: Click Tracking (API: Click Tracking)2.85
Ad_Type__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which target group is this AdType relevant.Please select for which target group is this AdType relevant.
BriefingScript__cUrlThumbnail__cURL ThumbnailUrlURL include a link to the ad file. Store here the production ready Creative / Artwork as a thumbnail.URL include a link to the ad file. Store here the production ready Creative / Artwork as a thumbnail.
Campaign_Item__cPaymentTypePayment Type (deprecated)PicklistdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Campaign_Item__cBusinessTypeBusiness TypePicklistPlease choose the relevant value for this Campaign Item. This field is used for reporting and interfaces to Flat Planning tools (e.g. JournalDesigner).Please choose the relevant value for this Campaign Item. This field is used for reporting and interfaces to Flat Planning tools (e.g. JournalDesigner).Barter (API: Barter), InHouse (API: InHouse), Paid (API: Paid), Rebate in Kind (API: RebateInKind), Complaint (API: Complaint), Free Insertion (API: FreeInsertion)2.85
Campaign_Item__cHideGeoDeviceTargetingOnPDF__cHide Geo/Device Targeting on PDFCheckboxSet this checkbox to hide Geo and Device Targeting information on Quote PDF. Please use this checkbox for the new AdServer ID targeting. If you're using the old Geo or Technical targeting, use the according checkboxes.Set this checkbox to hide Geo and Device Targeting information on Quote PDF. Please use this checkbox for the new AdServer ID targeting. If you're using the old Geo or Technical targeting, use the according checkboxes.
Campaign_Item__cHide Package Header Details on PDFHidePackageHeaderDetailsOnPDF__cCheckboxIf this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the "Show Package Components" checkbox.If this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the "Show Package Components" checkbox.
Content__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which target group is this Content relevant.Please select for which target group is this Content relevant.
InvoiceItem__cHideGeoDeviceTargetingOnPDF__cHide Geo/Device Targeting on PDFCheckboxSet this checkbox to hide Geo and Device Targeting information on invoice PDF. Please use this checkbox for the new AdServer ID targeting. If you're using the old Geo or Technical targeting, use the according checkboxes.Set this checkbox to hide Geo and Device Targeting information on invoice PDF. Please use this checkbox for the new AdServer ID targeting. If you're using the old Geo or Technical targeting, use the according checkboxes.
InvoiceItem__cHidePackageHeaderDetailsOnPDF__cHide Package Header Details on PDFCheckboxIf this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the "Show Package Components" checkbox.If this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the "Show Package Components" checkbox.
InvoiceItem__cSelectedAdServerIdInformation__cSelected AdServer ID InformationLong Text Area

InvoicePreference__cFooterHtmlData__cFooter Html DataText

InvoicePreference__cLandscapeLandscapeRecord TypeInvoice layout in landscape format.Invoice layout in landscape format.
InvoicePreference__cPortraitPortraitRecord TypeInvoice layout in portrait format.Invoice layout in portrait format.
InvoicePreference__cShowFooterHtml__cShow Footer HtmlCheckbox

KeyLine__cPreset__cKeyValue PresetLookupThe preset which was used to create this Key Line.The preset which was used to create this Key Line.
Key Value PresetObject

KeyValuePreset__cActive__cActiveCheckboxJust active KeyValuePresets should be visible in the Media ConfigurationJust active KeyValuePresets should be visible in the Media Configuration
KeyValuePreset__cAdServerLogin__cAdServer LoginLookup

KeyValuePreset__cKeyValueString__cKeyValue StringLongTextArea

KeyValuePreset__cValidFrom__cValid FromDateThe user can just select a Preset within the Media Configuration if it is still validThe user can just select a Preset within the Media Configuration if it is still valid
KeyValuePreset__cValidUntil__cValid UntilDate

Mapping_BA__cHideGeoDeviceTargetingOnPDF__cHide Geo/Device Targeting on PDFText

Mapping_BA__cHidePackageHeaderDetailsOnPDF__cHide Package Header Details on PDFText

Mapping_BA__cSelectedAdServerIdInformation__cSelected AdServer ID InformationText

MediaCampaign__cDaysEarlyPaymentDiscount__cDays Early Payment DiscountNumber (18,0)The number of days for the early payment discount to be applicable. If left empty only the discount name and the calculated discount amount will be shown on the PDF documents.The number of days for the early payment discount to be applicable. If left empty only the discount name and the calculated discount amount will be shown on the PDF documents.
MediaCampaign__cEarlyPaymentDiscount__cEarly Payment DiscountPercentShows the percentage granted as early payment discount via terms of payment.Shows the percentage granted as early payment discount via terms of payment.
MediaCampaign__cEarlyPaymentDiscountAbs__cEarly Payment Discount abs.CurrencyCalculates the absolute amount of the early payment discount.Calculates the absolute amount of the early payment discount.
MediaCampaign__cInvoicedAmountGrossInclEPD__cInvoiced Amount Gross (incl. EPD)CurrencyThis field shows the invoiced amount including the early payment discount.This field shows the invoiced amount including the early payment discount.
MediaCampaign__cPaymentProcessing_cPayment ProcessingPicklistThis value will be transported by a trigger from the chosen value for Payment Processing in the Invoice recipient/debtor Account.This value will be transported by a trigger from the chosen value for Payment Processing in the Invoice recipient/debtor Account.Credit Card (API: CreditCard), Payment in Advance (API: DirectDebit), Direct Debit (API: Invoice), Invoice (API: PaymentInAdvance)2.85
Placement__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which target group is this Placement relevant.Please select for which target group is this Placement relevant.
PublisherPayoutContract__cAccount__cAccountLookupTo which account/content owner does this contract belong?To which account/content owner does this contract belong?
PublisherPayoutContract__cisActive__cActiveCheckboxSets the publisher payout contract to 'active'. Conditions can not be changed afterwards. Only active contracts can generate Credit Note Campaigns.Sets the publisher payout contract to 'active'. Conditions can not be changed afterwards. Only active contracts can generate Credit Note Campaigns.
PublisherPayoutContract__cApproved__cApprovedCheckboxIf set this record has been approved.If set this record has been approved.
PublisherPayoutContract__cClosingDate__cClosing DateDateThe date, when this contract has been closed and signed.The date, when this contract has been closed and signed.
PublisherPayoutContract__cStatus__cStatusPicklistShows the current status of this Publisher Payout contract.Shows the current status of this Publisher Payout contract.Draft (API: Draft), In negotiation (API: In negotiation), Closed / Won (API: Closed / Won), Closed / Lost (API: Closed / Lost)2.85
Quote_Preference__cFooterHtmlData__cFooter Html DataText

Quote_Preference__cHidePackageHeaderDetailsOnPDF__cHide Package Header Details on PDFCheckboxIf this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the &quot;Show Package Components&quot; checkbox.If this checkbox is ticked details like discounts, AE, and TPC will be hidden in the header row for predefined packages on all PDFs. We recommend to then display these fields on the package components by marking the "Show Package Components" checkbox.
Quote_Preference__cLandscapeLandscapeRecord TypeQuote layout in landscape format.Quote layout in landscape format.
Quote_Preference__cPortraitPortraitRecord TypeQuote layout in portrait format.Quote layout in portrait format.
Quote_Preference__cShowFooterHtml__cShow Footer HtmlCheckbox


Reach__cAd PriceAdPrice__cLookupPlease select the relevant ad price for this reach record.Please select the relevant ad price for this reach record.
Reach__cAd SpecAdSpec__cLookupPlease select the relevant ad spec for this reach record.Please select the relevant ad spec for this reach record.
Reach__cContentContent__cLookupPlease select the relevant content for this reach record.Please select the relevant content for this reach record.
Reach__cImpressionsImpressions__cNumber (18,0)Please enter the number of impressions/insertions/appearances for the referenced ad spec.Please enter the number of impressions/insertions/appearances for the referenced ad spec.
Reach__cNumber of ContactsNumberOfContacts__cNumber (18,0)Please enter the number of contacts for this ad spec.Please enter the number of contacts for this ad spec.
Reach__cPlacementPlacement__cLookupPlease select the relevant placement for this reach record.Please select the relevant placement for this reach record.
Reach__cValid fromValidFrom__cDatePlease enter the validity period start date.Please enter the validity period start date.
Reach__cValid untilValidUntil__cDatePlease enter the validity period end date.Please enter the validity period end date.
SelectedAdServerId__cGroup__cGroupText-Area (255)This field is for general purpose. Currently it's used to group Adserver Ids for targeting (e.G. Postal Code Targeting with ranges)This field is for general purpose. Currently it's used to group Adserver Ids for targeting (e.G. Postal Code Targeting with ranges)
Settings__cDisableCriteriaBreakdownByForecast__cDisable Criteria-Breakdown By ForecastCheckboxIf checked the criteria breakdown for ad-server forecasting is turned off.If checked the criteria breakdown for ad-server forecasting is turned off.
Settings__cDisableSendingEmailByForecast__cDisable Sending Email By ForecastCheckboxIf checked results for ad-server forecasting will not be send by Email.If checked results for ad-server forecasting will not be send by Email.
Settings__cEnableSiteFilterInInvoiceWizard__cEnable Site Filter In Invoice WizardCheckboxIf checked the site filter will be enabled in the invoice wizard.If checked the site filter will be enabled in the invoice wizard.
Site__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupMulit-Picklist (global)Please select for which Target group is this Site / Advertising Medium relevant.Please select for which Target group is this Site / Advertising Medium relevant.
AccountingRecord__cCampaignItemAccountPayableAssignment__cCI AccountPayable Assignment(deprecated)LookupdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cClickrate__cClickrate (deprecated)NumberdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cProcessed__cProcessed (deprecated)CheckboxdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cQuantityCPM__cQuantity (CPM) (deprecated)NumberdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cRatio__cRatio (deprecated)NumberdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cReceiptNumber__cReceipt NumberText 255Receipt Number will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Receipt Number will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cVAT__cVATText 255The Value Added Tax will be automatically filled by a scheduled import jobThe Value Added Tax will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job
AccountingRecord__cVATCode__cVAT CodeText 255Please enter the VAT Code if applicable. Alternatively this can be set by a custom process.Please enter the VAT Code if applicable
AccountingRecord__cDebitorNumber__cDebitor NumberText 255The debitor number will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.The debitor number will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cTermsOfPayment__cTerms of PaymentText 255Terms of payment will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Terms of payment will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cTermsOfPaymentKey__cTerms of Payment KeyText 255Enter the Terms of Payment Key or abbreviation if applicable. Alternatively this can be set by a custom process.Enter the Terms of Payment Key or abbreviation if applicable.
AccountingRecord__cDateOfReceipt__cDate of ReceiptDateDate of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Date of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cLegalEntity__cLegal EntityLookupThe corresponding Legal Entity will be automatically filled by a scheduled import jobThe corresponding Legal Entity will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job
AccountingRecord__cTypeOfReceipt__cType of ReceiptPicklistType of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Type of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Invoice, Cancellation, Credit Note2.84
AccountingRecord__cAccountNumber__cAccount NumberText 255Enter the relevant account number. Alternatively this can be set by a custom process.Enter the relevant account number
AccountingRecord__cReference__cReferenceText 10000Reference i.e. to Media Campaign number or name will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Reference i.e. to Media Campaign number or name will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cDebitCredit__cDebit/CreditPicklistDebit or credit account type will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Debit or credit account type will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Debit, Credit2.84
AccountingRecord__cDateOfRevenue__cDate of RevenueDateDate of Revenue will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Date of Revenue will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Month only2.84
AccountingRecord__cStatus__cStatusPicklistChoose the relevant StatusChoose the relevant Statuscreated, submitted, booked2.84
AccountingRecord__cInvoice__cInvoiceLookupReference to the related Invoice record will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Reference to the related Invoice record will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cReceipt__cReceiptBlobLinks to the pdf document will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Links to the pdf document will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cAdvertisingTax__cAdvertising TaxText 255Advertising Tax if applicable will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Advertising Tax if applicable will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.
AccountingRecord__cInternalOrder__cInternal OrderText 255Please enter the Internal Order. This can be set by a custom process.Please enter the Internal Order.
AccountingRecord__cCostCenter__cCost CenterText 255Please enter the Cost Center. This can be set by a custom process.Please enter the Cost Center.
AccountingRecord__cCompanyCode__cCompany CodeText 255Company Code if applicable will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Please enter the Company Code.
AdServer_Logins_cAccount_cAccountLookupPlease link a Account to this AdServer Login. This is necessary to create Media Campaign automatically from Programmatic Data Records.Please link a Account to this AdServer Login. This is necessary to create Media Campaign automatically from Programmatic Data Records.
AreaCode__cAdition_ID__cAdition-ID (deprecated)Text 10deprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AreaCode__cAdTech_ID__cAdTech-ID (deprecated)Text 10deprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

AreaCode__cDfp_ID__cDfp-ID (deprecated)Text 10deprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

BriefingScript__cPublicationDate__cPublication Date (deprecated)Long Text AreadeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Campaign_Item__cTargeting_feeTargeting fee (deprecated)CurrencydeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Campaign_Item__cTargeting_Surcharge__cTargeting Surcharge (deprecated)PercentdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

Campaign_Item__cExternalID__cExternal IDText 255External Id used to connect data from audience analytics (AdGap / Comscore, etc.).External Id used to connect data from audience analytics (AdGap / Comscore, etc.).
Enhanced Delivery DataObjectStores extended Delivery Data records, by Device Category, Country, and network part comparable to DFP's AdUnits. Also supports Publisher Payout and different types of reporting. In the future new Billing Categories.

EnhancedDeliveryData__cAdServerID__cAdServer IDLookupAdServer-ID to which the delivery data record refers.AdServer-ID to which the delivery data record refers.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cAdServerIdCategory__cAdServer-ID CategoryFormula (text)Category of the related AdServer-ID.Category of the related AdServer-ID.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cAdServerIDName__cAdServer-ID NameFormula (text)Name of the related AdServer-ID.Name of the related AdServer-ID.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cCampaignItem__cCampaign ItemMaster-Detail (Campaign Item)Campaign-Item, to which the delivery data record refers.Campaign-Item, to which the delivery data record refers.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cClicksTotal__cClicks totalNumber (18.0)This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the delivered clicks of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the delivered clicks of the assigned campaign item.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cDate__cDateDateDate to which the delivery data record refers.Date to which the delivery data record refers.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cImpressionsTotal__cImpressions totalNumber (18.0)This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered impressions of the assigned campaign item.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cImpressionsTotalDownloaded__cImpressions total downloadedNumber (18.0)This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered (downloaded) impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered (downloaded) impressions of the assigned campaign item.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cmpressionsTotalViewed__cImpressions total viewedNumber (18.0)This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered (viewed) impressions of the assigned campaign item.This field will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job. It displays the total number delivered (viewed) impressions of the assigned campaign item.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cMonth__cMonthFormula(date)Month, to which the delivery data record refers.Month, to which the delivery data record refers.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cVideoViewed100__cVideo viewed 100%Number (18.0)The number of times the video has been played 100%.The number of times the video has been played 100%.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cVideoViewed75__cVideo viewed 75%Number (18.0)The number of times the video has been played 75%.The number of times the video has been played 75%.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cVideoViewed50__cVideo viewed 50%Number (18.0)The number of times the video has been played 50%.The number of times the video has been played 50%.
EnhancedDeliveryData__cVideoViewed25__cVideo viewed 25%Number (18.0)The number of times the video has been played 25%.The number of times the video has been played 25%.
External Account IDObjectThis object stores the Accounts number from an external system in relation to an Account.

ExternalAccountID__cAccount__cAccountMaster-DetailThis is the Master Detail Relationship to the Account.This is the Master Detail Relationship to the Account.
ExternalAccountID__cDescription__cDescriptionLong Text (10000)Please enter a Description in this field.Please enter a Description in this field.
ExternalAccountID__cExternalSystem__cExternal SystemPicklistPlease choose your external system.Please choose your external system.DWH, Former CRM, Navision, Sage, SAP/FI2.84
ExternalAccountID__cID__cIDText (255)Please enter the External ID from the Account here.Please enter the External ID from the Account here.
LegalEntity__cCompanyCode__cCompanyCodeText (255)Please enter here the Company Code from your Accounting System - this information will be used by ADvendio for interfaces to Accounting Solutions like SAP/FI, Navision, Sage etc..Please enter here the Company Code from your Accounting System - this information will be used by ADvendio for interfaces to Accounting Solutions like SAP/FI, Navision, Sage etc..

Deprecated please do not use anymore.

ProgrammaticAdPrice__cAdPrice__cAd Price (deprecated)LookupdeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

ProgrammaticAdPrice__cAdServerLogin__cAdServer Login (deprecated)Master-DetaildeprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

ProgrammaticAdPrice__cUniqueKey__cUnique Key (deprecated)Text (255)deprecatedDeprecated please do not use anymore.

ProgrammaticData__cProcessed__cProcessedCheckboxThis checkbox marks the Programmatic Data record after it was used for the creation of Media Campaigns from open auction records.This checkbox marks the Programmatic Data record after it was used for the creation of Media Campaigns from open auction records.
ProgrammaticData__cAdPrice__cAd PriceLookupShows the relation from Programmatic Data to the AdPrice.Shows the relation from Programmatic Data to the AdPrice.
ProgrammaticData__cProgrammaticSalesPrice__cProgrammatic Sales PriceFormula (Currency)Calculates the Sales Price for this auction, based upon the connected Ad Price. For CPM prices the number of Impressions is used for calculation, for CPC prices the number of clicks is used.Calculates the Sales Price for this auction, based upon the connected Ad Price. For CPM prices the number of Impressions is used for calculation, for CPC prices the number of clicks is used.
TermsOfPayment__cExternalKey__cExternalKeyText (255)Please enter the key from your external accounting solution here. ADvendio will use this for interfaces to systems like SAP FI, Navision, Sage etc..Please enter the key from your external accounting solution here. ADvendio will use this for interfaces to systems like SAP FI, Navision, Sage etc..