Change Log for Version 2.108 - 2.112
Change Log for Version 2.108 - 2.112
For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values
This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.
Object | Field Name | Label | Type | Description | Help Text | Picklist Values/ Comments | Record Types | new in Version | deprecated in Version | Wiki article |
AccountingHelper__c | Accounting Helper | Object | Used to support the calculations for the Accounting Records creation | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | AccrualCreatedUntil__c | Accrual Created Until | Date | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | CampaignItem__c | Campaign_Item__c | Lookup | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | CollectedAmount__c | Collected Amount | Currency (18,2) | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | DistributedAmount__c | Distributed Amount | Currency (18,2) | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | DistributionCompletedUntil__c | Distribution Completed Until | Date | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | InvoiceItem__c | Invoice Item | Lookup | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | OpenAccrualAmount__c | Open Accrual Amount | Currency (18,2) | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | OpenDeferralAmount__c | Open Deferral Amount | Currency (18,2) | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingHelper__c | UniqueKey__c | Unique Key | Text (50) | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingPeriod__c | Accounting Period | Object | Used to configure the accounting periods, used for the creation of Accounting Records. | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingPeriod__c | AccountingClosed__c | Accounting Closed | Checkbox | Once the checkbox is set, this period is closed for accounting. No more Accounting records will be assigned to this period. | Once the checkbox is set, this period is closed for accounting. No more Accounting records will be assigned to this period. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingPeriod__c | From__c | From | Date | Start date of this accounting period. | Start date of this accounting period. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingPeriod__c | InvoicingClosed__c | Invoicing Closed | Checkbox | Once the checkbox is set, this period is closed for invoicing. No more Invoices will be assigned to this period. | Once the checkbox is set, this period is closed for invoicing. No more Invoices will be assigned to this period. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingPeriod__c | LegalEntity__c | Legal Entity | Lookup | Mark the Legal Entity, for which this Accounting Period is applicable. | Mark the Legal Entity, for which this Accounting Period is applicable. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingPeriod__c | Until__c | Until | Date | End date of this accounting period. | End date of this accounting period. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRecord__c | AccountingPeriod__c | Accounting Period | Lookup | Shows, to which Accounting Period this Accounting Record belongs. | Shows, to which Accounting Period this Accounting Record belongs. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRecord__c | CampaignItem__c | Campaign Item | Lookup | Shows which Campaign Item this accounting record belongs to. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on accounting Rules. | Shows which Campaign Item this accounting record belongs to. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on accounting Rules. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRecord__c | PostingDate__c | Posting Date | Date | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | ProfitCenter__c | Profit Center | Text(255) | Which Profit Center will be used. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on accounting Rules. | Which Profit Center will be used. This field will be set by the accounting record creation process based on accounting Rules. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRecord__c | AccrualCost | Accrual - Cost | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | AccrualCostReverse | Accrual - Cost - Reverse | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | AccrualRevenue | Accrual - Revenue | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | AccrualRevenueReverse | Accrual - Revenue - Reverse | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | CollectionCost | Collection - Cost | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | CollectionRevenue | Collection - Revenue | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DeferralCost | Deferral - Cost | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DeferralCostReverse | Deferral - Cost - Reverse | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DeferralRevenue | Deferral - Revenue | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DeferralRevenueReverse | Deferral - Revenue - Reverse | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DistributionCost | Distribution - Cost | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRecord__c | DistributionRevenue | Distribution - Revenue | Record Type | 2.112 | ||||||
AccountingRule__c | CostCenter__c | Cost Center | Text(255) | Enter the Cost Center for this Accounting Rule. | Enter the Cost Center for this Accounting Rule. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | CostProfitCenter__c | Cost- / Profit Center (deprecated) | Text(255) | This field is deprecated and no longer in use. | This field is deprecated and no longer in use. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | ProfitCenter__c | Profit Center | Text(255) | Enter the Profit Center for this Accounting Rule. | Enter the Profit Center for this Accounting Rule. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | AccrualCost | Accrual - Cost | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for cost accruals. | Use this to define the criteria for cost accruals. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | AccrualRevenue | Accrual - Revenue | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for revenue accruals. | Use this to define the criteria for revenue accruals. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | CollectionCost | Collection - Cost | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for cost collections. | Use this to define the criteria for cost collections. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | CollectionRevenue | Collection - Revenue | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for revenue collections. | Use this to define the criteria for revenue collections. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | DeferralCost | Deferral - Cost | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for cost deferrals. | Use this to define the criteria for cost deferrals. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | DeferralRevenue | Deferral - Revenue | Record Type | Use this to define the criteria for revenue deferrals. | Use this to define the criteria for revenue deferrals. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | DistributionCost | Distribution - Cost | Record Type | Criteria to distribute cost. | Criteria to distribute cost. | 2.112 | ||||
AccountingRule__c | DistributionRevenue | Distribution - Revenue | Record Type | Criteria to distribute revenue. | Criteria to distribute revenue. | 2.112 | ||||
AdServer_Logins__c | ConnectedAdServerLogin__c | Connected AdServer Login | Lookup | Use this field to set the connected first party AdServer login (Moat only). | Use this field to set the connected first party AdServer login (Moat only). | 2.112 | ||||
AdServer_Logins__c | MOAT | MOAT | Record Type | This record type should be used to store login data for Ad server Moat. | This record type should be used to store login data for Ad server Moat. | 2.112 | ||||
Ad_Specs__c | AdDuration__c | Ad Duration | Number (7.0) | Configure the length of your Ad in seconds. This information will be set for the placeholder ad, submitted from ADvendio. Adswizz and Google Ad Manager only | Configure the length of your Ad in seconds. This information will be set for the placeholder ad, submitted from ADvendio. Adswizz and Google Ad Manager only | 2.112 | ||||
Ad_Type__c | RoadblockingType__c | Roadblocking Type | Picklist | Use this to configure your roadblocking type. Available for Ad Manager and Appnexus. | Use this to configure your roadblocking type. Available for Ad Manager and Appnexus. | New Values:
| 2.112 | [Configure Ad Type Formats] for Xandr products | ||
Campaign_Item__c | AdDuration__c | Ad Duration | Number (7.0) | Configure the length of your Ad in seconds. This information will be set for the placeholder ad, submitted from ADvendio. Adswizz and Google Ad Manager only | Configure the length of your Ad in seconds. This information will be set for the placeholder ad, submitted from ADvendio. Adswizz and Google Ad Manager only | 2.112 | ||||
Campaign_Item__c | ExcludeCampaignItemRevenueSplit__c | Exclude from Campaign Item Revenue Split | Checkbox | Exclude from Campaign Item Revenue Splits | Exclude from Campaign Item Revenue Splits | 2.112 | ||||
Campaign_Item__c | TpcAmount__c | TPC Amount | Formula (currency) | 2.112 | ||||||
InvoiceItem__c | TpcAmount__c | TPC Amount | Formula (currency) | 2.112 | ||||||
Invoice__c | AccountingPeriod__c | Accounting Period | Lookup | 2.112 | ||||||
Invoice__c | TypeOfReceipt__c | Type Of Receipt | Formula (text) | 2.112 | ||||||
Revenue_Schedule__c | VideoMetric3rdParty__c | Video Metric (3rd Party) | Number (18.0) | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Moat etc. It displays the 100% viewed video count from an external Source of the assigned campaign item. | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Moat etc. It displays the 100% viewed video count from an external Source of the assigned campaign item. | 2.112 | ||||
Revenue_Schedule__c | ViewedAIs3rdParty__c | Viewed AIs (3rd Party) | Number (18.0) | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Moat etc. It displays the viewed AIs from an external Source of the assigned campaign item. | This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Moat etc. It displays the viewed AIs from an external Source of the assigned campaign item. | 2.112 | ||||
AdServer_Logins__c | AdserverFeatures__c | Adserver Features | Picklist | Select which AdServer related, additional features are in use for the connected AdServer. | Select which AdServer related, additional features are in use for the connected AdServer. | New Values:
| 2.111 | |||
Campaign_Item__c | UseItemNameOnPdf__c | Use Item Name on PDF | Checkbox | Set this checkbox to display the Campaign Item name instead of the regular name of the product on the quote PDF. | Set this checkbox to display the Campaign Item name instead of the regular name of the product on the quote PDF. | 2.111 | 4.2.10 PDF Settings | |||
InvoiceItem__c | UseItemNameOnPdf__c | Use Item Name on PDF | Checkbox | Set this checkbox to display the Campaign Item name instead of the regular name of the product on the invoice PDF. | Set this checkbox to display the Campaign Item name instead of the regular name of the product on the invoice PDF. | 2.111 | 6.3.6 Invoice Item PDF Settings | |||
SelectedAdServerId__c | Excluded__c | Excluded | Checkbox | Set this checkbox, to submit the selected AdServer ID as excluded to the AdServer. | Set this checkbox, to submit the selected AdServer ID as excluded to the AdServer. | 2.111 | How to exclude Targeting Criteria | |||
AdServer_ID__c | Type__c | Type | Picklist | Choose which type of ad server ID is concerned. | Choose which type of ad server ID is concerned. | New Values:
| 2.110 | |||
AdServer_Logins__c | AdPodPositions__c | Ad pod positions | Number (18,0) | Specify the number of targetable positions in an ad pod for video ads in Google Ad Manager. | Specify the number of targetable positions in an ad pod for video ads in Google Ad Manager. | 2.110 | ||||
AdServer_Logins__c | MidRollAdPods__c | Mid-roll ad pods | Number (18,0) | Specify the number of targetable mid-roll ad pods for video ads in Google Ad Manager. | Specify the number of targetable mid-roll ad pods for video ads in Google Ad Manager. | 2.110 | ||||
Campaign_Item__c | AllowSameAdvertiserException__c | Allow Same Advertiser Exception | Checkbox | Allow same advertiser exception - DFP / google AdManger Feature only | Tick this checkbox to allow this Campaign Item to serve with others from the same advertiser on the same page. | 2.110 | 2.1.9 Competitive Advertiser Exclusions and Labels | |||
PublicationDate__c | FinalCancellationDate__c | Final Cancellation Date | Date Time | Cancellations are only possible before this date and time. | Cancellations are only possible before this date and time. | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
PublicationDate__c | MaterialDueDate__c | Material Due Date (Deprecated) | Date | This field is no longer supported by ADvendio, please use the new Material Due Date (Ready to use / Not Ready to use) fields. | This field is no longer supported by ADvendio, please use the new Material Due Date (Ready to use / Not Ready to use) fields. | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
PublicationDate__c | MaterialDueDateNotReadyToUse__c | Material Due Date (not ready to use) | Date Time | Please select the delivery deadline for submission of ad material, but which isn't ready for print yet. | Please select the delivery deadline for submission of ad material, but which isn't ready for print yet. | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
PublicationDate__c | MaterialDueDateReadyToUse__c | Material Due Date (ready to use) | Date Time | Please select the delivery deadline for submission of ready for print ad material (e.g. Print Ready PDF). | Please select the delivery deadline for submission of ready for print ad material (e.g. Print Ready PDF). | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
PublicationDate__c | ReservationBookingDeadline__c | Reservation/Booking Deadline(Deprecated) | Date | This field is no longer supported by ADvendio, please use the new Reservation DueDate field. | This field is no longer supported by ADvendio, please use the new Reservation DueDate field. | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
PublicationDate__c | ReservationBookingDueDate__c | Reservation/Booking DueDate | Date Time | Closing date and time, bookings are only possible before this deadline. | Closing date and time, bookings are only possible before this deadline. | 2.110 | Publication Date Wizard | |||
Ad_Type__c | GoalType__c | Goal Type | Picklist | New Values:
| 2.109 | ADvendio Spring 2019 (2.109): Important migration step for existing customers | ||||
Ad_Type__c | SecondaryGoalType__c | Secondary Goal Type | Picklist | New Values:
| 2.109 | ADvendio Spring 2019 (2.109): Important migration step for existing customers | ||||
Campaign_Item__c | TargetPlatform__c | Target Platform | Picklist | 2.109 | ||||||
Campaign_Item__c | HideBrandsProductsOnPdf__c | Hide Brands/Products On PDF | Checkbox | 2.109 | ||||||
Commitment__c | LegalEntity__c | Legal Entity | Lookup | 2.109 | ||||||
InvoiceItem__c | HideBrandsProductsOnPDF__c | Hide Brands Products On PDF | Checkbox | 2.109 | ||||||
InvoiceItem__c | SelectedBrandProductInformation__c | Selected Brands/Products Information | LongTextArea | 2.109 | ||||||
Mapping_BA__c | HideBrandsProductsOnPdf__c | Hide Brands/Products On PDF | Text | 2.109 | ||||||
Mapping_BA__c | SelectedBrandProductInformation__c | Selected Brands/Products Information | Text |