Setup Xandr SSP and AdServer Connection
To connect the Xandr SSP with ADvendio, please follow these steps:
1. Configure the AdServer
Access object Connections. Create a new login record and fill in the following fields:
Record Type "Xandr".
User Name: Enter your Xandr User
Password: Enter your Xandr Password
Login URL: Enter your login URL. This can be either a test or a productive system URL
Productive https://api.appnexus.com.
2. Schedule Delivery Data Imports
Go to the Delivery Data Settings page and schedule the job to your needs. Read here how to: Breaking Change: Version 2.130 Configuration of Schedule Delivery Data Reports (Legacy Feature with Limited Support). Starting with version 2.90 the import will get delivery data for the last month plus the current month-to-date data (until the 7th day of the current). After this cut-off date we only import data for the actual month/month-to-date.
3. Check Rights / Permissions
To use Xandr please enable the respective Record Types for the following objects:
Connection Ids
and add access for the profiles and/or permission sets of your users (existing Customers 2.87 and lower). Record types might exist in your Salesforce Org, but are deactivated by default.
4. Activate Seamless Insertion Orders
To activate the creation of seamless insertion orders from ADvendio, you need to configure it at your Connection.
Select the value "Seamless" in the Adserver Features picklist. Customers updating from an older version of ADvendio need to create Seamless as picklist value in setup first.
As soon as seamless is selected, all insertion orders will be created as seamless orders. To deselect this feature, simply set the picklist to none in your Connectio Login.
For more information about seamless insertion orders take a look at the following Wiki article: Augmented Line Items (And CPC Items for Xandr).
When you select seamless as feature for Xandr, all insertion orders will be pushed as seamless.
You can use either the standard IOs (leagcy IO) or seamless IOs.
5. Mapping
We have implemented the Mapping with the Generic Dataloader (GDL) so you are free to map it to your requirements. If you need help, please contact your technical account manager for support.
The following fields are mapped by default:
Column | Type | Example | Description | Programmatic Data Field |
month | time | "2010-02" | The month of the auction. | Date__c |
publisher_currency | string | "USD" | The currency of the publisher. | CurrencyIsoCode |
geo_country | string | "US" | The code for the geographic country. For impression requests for which we received no indication that the ad was rendered (i.e., non-transacted), country information may not be provided. | ADvendio__Country__c |
size | string | "728x90" | The size of the placement/creative served. | ADvendio__AdSlot__c |
placement_id | int | 546 | The ID of the placement. Note that, for impressions older than 100 days, placements will be aggregated into one row with | new field |
placement_name | string | "300x250 Business" | The name of the placement. Note that, for impressions older than 100 days, placements will be aggregated into one row with | new field |
deal_id | int | 2345 | The ID of the deal. For more information about negotiated deals between buyers and sellers, see Deal Service and Deal Buyer Access Service. | ADvendio__DealId__c |
deal_name | string | "Private deal for buyer 1085 with floor of $2.50" | The name of the deal. | DealName__c |
deal_code | string | "External seller deal code" | The custom code for the deal. For deals with external supply partners, this is generally the string that you use to identify the deal. | ADvendio__ExternalId__c |
site_id | int | 555 | The ID of the site. Note: For impressions older than 100 days, the | AdUnitId__c |
site_name | string | "My Site" | The name of the site. | AdUnit__c |
Column | Type | Example | Formula | Description | Programmatic Data Field |
imps | int | 2340 | imps | The total number of impressions (served and resold). | ADvendio__Impressions__c |
clicks | int | 545 | clicks | The total number of clicks across all impressions. | ADvendio__Clicks__c |
revenue_including_fees | money | 400.05 | revenue - commissions | The sum of booked revenue and reseller revenue minus commissions. | ADvendio__Revenue__c |
ctr | double | 0.002327 | clicks / imps | The rate of clicks to impressions. | new field |
click_thru_pct | double | 1.12359550561797 | (clicks / imps) * 100 | The rate of clicks to impressions as a percentage. | new field |