8.4.2 Setup Publisher Payout
Configure the Apex Batch Size
In order to improve the performance for business-critical jobs (such as Collection and Credit Note Creation), your admin can also limit the batch size for those jobs by configuring a Feature Setting. This will also help to avoid CPU Time Limit error messages.
Configure the Credit Note Creation
To automate your Publisher Payment Credit Note creation you have to modify feature settings and the administration settings for your users.
1. Feature Settings
Navigate to the App Launcher and type Feature Settings and search for the Feature Name: Publisher Payout.
1.1 Ad Specs: Credit Note Ad Price
Step 1: Create an Ad Spec using the Rates Manager or manually which you like to use for your credit notes.
This should be different from your normal inventory, not match any Publisher Payout condition or be used in any Accounting Rule/Records.
For example
And the related Ad Price
Step 2: Open or create a feature setting with the following values:
Feature Setting Name: Credit Note Ad Price
Feature Name: Publisher Payout
Value: Salesforce record ID of the Ad Price you like to use to reimburse your publishers.
1.2 Predefined Fields for Credit Note Media Campaigns: Credit Note MC Fields
Version 2.92 and up (Please upgrade to use this feature!)
If you like to reimburse your Publishers using the 6.8 Publisher Payout feature, you can configure which fields in your Credit Note will be pre-filled:
Open or create a record with the feature setting name: Credit Note MC Fields.
If not existing yet, please create it yourself and fill in the following field values:
Feature Setting Name: Credit Note MC Fields
Feature Name: Publisher Payout
Value: Is for you to configure. Please use the following syntax and don't forget the squared brackets to close in the whole string, and curly brackets for each value, separate everything with a comma
[{"value":"text or number here","name":"API Name of Field"}, ....]
1.2.1 Example Value
{"value":"total account (one Invoice)","name":"ADvendio__PaymentInterval__c"},
{"value":"due to beginning of interval","name":"ADvendio__PaymentDueDate__c"},
{"value":"before / during Billingperiod","name":"ADvendio__PaymentStart__c"},
{"value":"This is a Publisher Payout Credit Note.","name":"ADvendio__Description__c"},
001A000001NNoka - example ID of a pre-defined intermediary for all Credit Note Media Campaigns
Please make sure that you use no whitespace or linebreak in the setting
Decimals will always be separated by a . no matter which locale
Setting currently only for Media Campaigns and will be applied to all Publisher Payout Contract
Some Fields will be predefined by our internal logic (E.g. Media Campaign Name, Debtor, Campaign Item Name). You can not manually define new values for these fields. If needed please forward your use case to your technical account manager and we will find a solution.
As of Version 2.134, the Payment Interval for Publisher Payout Credit Note Media Campaigns will automatically be set to total account (one invoice). This cannot be overwritten by the Feature Setting or changed directly on the Credit Note Media Campaign.
1.3 Custom Fields ad Matching Criteria: Matching Criterion
Available with Version: | 2.92 and up |
For additional flexibility within the 6.8 Publisher Payout feature, you can configure your own custom fields as matching criteria for the collecting process. Any number of custom fields or fields from the ADvendio Package can be configured as additional matching criteria.
Open or create a record with the feature setting name: Matching Criterion.
If not existing yet, please create it yourself and fill in the following field values:
Feature Setting Name: Matching Criterion
Feature Name: Publisher Payout
Value: is for you to configure. Please use the following syntax and don't forget the squared brackets to close in the whole string, and curly brackets for each value, separate everything with a comma
[{"conditionField":"API Name of the Field from Publisher Payout Condition","operator":"==","iiField":"API Name of Field from Invoice Item (or related object)"}, ....]
Please make sure that you use no whitespace or linebreak in the setting
You can use any field from an object related to Invoice Item, to do the objects need to be connected via Lookup / Master Detail Field and you need to enter the whole field path. For example, if you want to compare a field from Publisher Payout Condition to a Custom Field from the Ad Spec enter the following path: ADvendio__CampaignItem__r.ADvendio__Ad_Price__r.ADvendio__Ad_Spec__r.YourFieldName__c
Any of the following operators can be used: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= Attention: not all operators can be used for all field combinations, example < will not work when comparing Picklist Fields or Checkboxes
To reduce errors, make sure the fields you compare are of the same type, and picklists have the same picklist values
1.4 Amount Field
If you like to use a custom field for your publisher payout creation (instead of configuring the Administration Settings) you can specify this in a feature setting. Open or create a feature setting with the following values:
Feature Setting Name: Amount Field
Feature Name: Publisher Payout
Value: Your field API name.
2. Administration Settings
2.1 Use enhanced Delivery Data (Google AdManager only)
If you check this field, the enhanced delivery data will be used instead of the regular delivery data. This can only be done for Google AdManager and depends on the AdServer IDs you like to assign to your Publisher Payout Conditions. Most conditions will not require that feature. Read more here: Administration Settings, 5.3.2 How to schedule and manage Delivery Reports / Programmatic Data Imports from AdServers, SSPs, DSPs (new interface) and 5.3.6 Enhanced Delivery Data.