7.5.10 How to show multiple currencies on the PDFs?

7.5.10 How to show multiple currencies on the PDFs?


An offer/invoice for international customers should show the exchange rate and converted amount for other currencies.


In order to enable multiple currencies on the PDF it is needed to to the following setup steps (for more information on these steps please read the Setup section at the bottom of the page):

For more information on these steps please read the Setup section at the bottom of the page.

  • The multiple currencies feature can be used on quote as well as invoice or optimizer PDFs.

  • After setting up the multiple currency feature for your PDFs the following amounts will be shown in another currency:

    • Amount N2/N3 depending on the basis amount for VAT

    • Total VAT


Enable the Advanced Currency Management in your org and add dated exchange rates

  • To setup the dated Exchange Rates go to Setup, search in the Quick Search for “Manage Currencies” and enable “Advanced Currency Management”


  • After enabling the Advanced Currency Management you can add exchange rates by hitting “Manage Dated Exchange Rates”. These rates which will be taken into account on your quotes and invoices.

  • While adding your dates exchange rates keep in mind that the stored exchange rates from salesforce are always based on the corporate currency.

Edit your Quote/Invoice Preferences

  • After adding the rates go to the Quote or Invoice Preferences and add the relevant additional currencies in the field “Additional currencies to be show”.

The following currencies are supported: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, MXN, USD.
Please contact support@advendio.com or submit a case if additional currencies need to be enabled on the PDF.

  • Set the relevant Date field to retrieve the fixed exchanged rate value. Possible values are:

    • Invoice date (only on invoice preference)

    • Closing date

    • Booked date

Assign Quote/Invoice Preferences to your Media Campaigns

  • Ensure to assign the updated quote and invoice preferences to your relevant Media Campaigns by using the corresponding lookup fields.


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