8.1.8 Org to Org Data Migration

8.1.8 Org to Org Data Migration

Migrating data between different orgs can be complex and time consuming. When you want to have the same data and data structures available in multiple orgs/sandboxes using the data loader for exporting and then importing data can be a hassle. You have to first export your data from the source org into CSV files and then import them again in the target org.

But Salesforce now offers a Open Sourcing Salesforce Intra Org Data Migrator Tool to help you with that task. The Data-Migration-Tool (Datafall) is a standalone java tool that is using Salesforce SOAP APIs to migrate the data from one Salesforce Org to another Salesforce Org.

It will help you to transfer the data you want from your source org to your target org so you can work on the same basis. Find out more about this here: