Campaign Item - Period

Campaign Item - Period

ADvendio has changed the format of the field Period (Campaign Item: ADvendio__Period__c) to international format. If you prefer the old format of the field you can create a custom formula text field and replace the standard field in the related list.

Period (custom)

IF(DAY(ADvendio__from_Date__c) < 10, "0", "") & TEXT(DAY(ADvendio__from_Date__c)) & "." & IF(MONTH(ADvendio__from_Date__c) < 10, "0", "") & TEXT(MONTH(ADvendio__from_Date__c)) & "." & TEXT(YEAR(ADvendio__from_Date__c)) & " - " & IF(DAY(ADvendio__until_Date__c ) < 10, "0", "") & TEXT(DAY(ADvendio__until_Date__c)) & "." & IF(MONTH(ADvendio__until_Date__c) < 10, "0", "") & TEXT(MONTH(ADvendio__until_Date__c)) & "." & TEXT(YEAR(ADvendio__until_Date__c))

Note: You can create other formats by customizing the formula above.

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