7.3.7 AdServer Related Emails

7.3.7 AdServer Related Emails

Supported AdServers

All AdServers


When working with our AdServer-related features, there will be emails sent, which will update you about the results of different processes. Especially those that are running for a longer time like the transfer of data from the AdServer.

Those emails always have the same structure, so that you can quickly see all the relevant information. They will be always sent to you by noreply@advendio.com

There are always some fixed sections.

  1. Contains the name and ID of the Salesforce Org in which the process ran. This is especially helpful when you are also testing in parallel in a Sandbox, to identify where the email belongs to.

  2. The user who started the process

  3. The related AdServer Logins (especially relevant, when you are using multiple AdServers, SSPs, DSPs etc.)

  4. A Job ID of the process. This can be helpful for ADvendio support to analyze problems in the process

  5. A table containing the results of your actions, the content depends on which process you started.

These emails are for example used for the following features:



you won't be able to customize the automated email for booking requests in ADvendio. (This email is the one you receive when you choose 'submit to adserver' in ADvendio).

To include additional recipients in the email notifications, you can use the ConnectEmailRecipients feature by specifying the email addresses of the recipients based on the specific process, such as SubmitBuyingOrder, DeliveryReport and others, as detailed in 7.2.10 How to configure additional email recipients for ADvendio processes and features


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