5.3.5 Revenue Schedule / Revenue Schedule Daily Data Fields

5.3.5 Revenue Schedule / Revenue Schedule Daily Data Fields

Here you find information about all revenue schedule fields. You should not have to edit any of these fields manually. If you like to overwrite AdServer data please use the 4.13 Manual Delivery Data function. This table is to explain the function of ADvendio, not the handling for the end user.

Revenue Schedule Object Fields

Field Label

API Name

Data Type

Help Text

Field Label

API Name

Data Type

Help Text

Accumulated Delivery Till Now


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by ADvendio Trigger. It sums up the total Delivery of the Campaign Item for this and all prior Revenue Schedules.



Currency(16, 2)

This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the amount of the of the assigned campaign item.

Amount net/net


Currency(16, 2)

This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the agency net (N2) of the of the assigned campaign item.

Campaign Item


Master-Detail(Campaign Item)

The connection to the campaign item will be assigned automatically when a new campaign item is created.



Number(18, 0)

This field shows the number of days of the current month (RS) / day (RSD).

Delivered AIs


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered AIs of the assigned campaign item.

Delivered AIs (3rd Party)


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster. It displays the delivered AIs from a external Source of the assigned campaign item.

Delivered AIs (manual)


Number(18, 0)

This field can be used to override the Delivered AIs manually. Pls refer to the table hierarchy here 5.3.4 Delivery Data Fields.

Delivered Clicks


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered clicks of the assigned campaign item.

Delivered Clicks (3rd Party)


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System like Ad-Juster. It displays the delivered Clicks from a external Source of the assigned campaign item.

Delivered Clicks (manual)


Number(18, 0)

This field can be used to correct the Delivered Clicks manually.

End Date


Formula (Date) 

This field displays the end date of the month.

Gross amount (RS)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Gross amount.

Invoice Amount (B1)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (B1).

Invoice Amount (B2)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (B2).

Invoice Amount (B3)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (B3).

Invoice Amount (N1)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (N1).

Invoice Amount (N2)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (N2).

Invoice Amount (N3)


Formula (Currency) 

This field displays the Invoice Amount (N3).

Invoice Amount Forecast


Formula (Currency) 

This field calculates the invoice amount forecast depending on linear distribution, start of the campaign item and month.

Invoice Quantity (manual)


Number(18, 0)

This field can be used to overwrite the Invoice Quantity. Pls refer to the table hierarchy here 5.3.4 Delivery Data Fields.

Invoice Quantity (RS)


Formula (Number) 

Using Linear Distribution the quantity is distributed by the number of days. Otherwise, manual fields can be used to override the ad server values, manual fields are capped. If no manual fields are used, the numbers from the ad servers are used and also capped.

Where items are linearly distributed, the Invoice Quantity (RS)  is rounded to be a whole number. Where non-linear, the delivery data/activities dictate the Invoice Quantity (RS), which may mean having decimal places. 

Invoice Quantity Forecast


Formula (Number) 

This field calculates the invoice quantity forecast depending on linear distribution, start of the campaign item and month.




This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the month in which the revenue was made.

Quantity Manual (Formula)


Formula (Number) 

This field is used to check, if Invoice Quantity (manual) is blank. If this is the case, Delivered AIs (manual), Delivered Clicks (manual) or Viewed AIs (manual) are used. Pls refer to the table hierarchy here 5.3.4 Delivery Data Fields.

Start Date


Formula (Date) 

This field displays the start date of the month.



Text(255) (External ID)

The UniqueKey will be filled automatically by a script.

Video Metric


Number(18, 0)

Displays completed views (video views 100%) for CPCV items.

Video Metric (manual)


Number(18, 0)

Overwrites the completed views (video views 100%) for CPCV items.

Video Metric (3rd Party)


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System. It displays the 100% viewed video count from an external Source of the assigned campaign item.

Viewed AIs


Number(18, 0)

This field will be automatically filled by a script. It displays the delivered viewed ad impressions of the assigned campaign item.

Viewed AIs (manual)


Number(18, 0)

Enter the Viewed AIs manually to override the delivered viewed ad impressions. Pls refer to the table hierarchy here 5.3.4 Delivery Data Fields.

Viewed AIs (3rd Party)


Number(18, 0)

This value will be filled automatically by a script when using a 3rd Party Reporting System. It displays the viewed AIs from an external Source of the assigned campaign item.



Formula (Date)

This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the year in which the revenue was made.

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