/ Connection ID Technical Migration: Legacy ID to ID Field Connection ID Technical Migration: Legacy ID to ID Field

What will change?

Our Connection ID object stores IDs and Targeting Criteria used by our third party integrations. These are automatically imported and related to and also shown and used in different ADvendio features, to let the user set up their Items.

As you may noticed, we currently have two fields to store the technical ID, that is required for the external API to work with this criteria.

‘Legacy ID’ and 'ID'


During the following months we’re working on a migration from the legacy field to the new ID field for all out Third Party Integrations.

Some like the Media Buying Integrations are already using the ‘id’ field natively.


Why are we doing it?

To make sure our Integrations can use the same generic approach, we’re switching from a numbers field to a string type field. This also allows to store all required identifiers for external APIs

Due to Salesforce Platform Limitations, we need to switch to a completely new field in order to achieve this.



What do you have to do?

Starting with ADvendio Release Summer 2024 (2.171) we’re now also importing the new ID field for all our integrations. The 'legacy Id' is still referenced in our code, meaning also all old data

For now, there is no active steps required by our customers. We’re already enabling the new field for all our integrations, to make a future migration easier for you, once the old field will be finally deprecated.

‘Legacy ID' field is still supported by our integrations and will be for the remaining of 2024 / early 2025.

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