3.5.7 Create Ad Price Connection ID Assignments for Blacklisting/Whitelisting of Targeting Criteria and Key Values for Products

3.5.7 Create Ad Price Connection ID Assignments for Blacklisting/Whitelisting of Targeting Criteria and Key Values for Products

If you want to limit the number of targeting options available for your users you can use Ad Price Connection ID Assignments.

This will help you with the following use cases:

  • Limit the Geo Targeting for some products to only relevant Countries, Cities, Regions for your market

  • Offer only certain Keys or Audience Segments for your products

  • Hide technical targeting criteria from your Campaign Builder, so that they won't be offered for selection

Creating Ad Price Connection ID Assignment

To manage your Connection ID Ad Price Assignments, you will need to create these records either manually or via import using a data loader.

To manually create assignments, go to the Related tab for the Ad Price tab and click "New" on Ad Price Connection ID Assignments.

  • Search for the Connection ID you want to connect to your Ad Price and Save the assignment.

Please note:

  • If you assign a Connection ID of a certain Category/Type all other targeting criteria of that Category/Type won't be available for this Ad Price anymore unless you assign them. Other Connection ID Categories/Types won't be affected.

    • For Example: When you assign the Key "Age" you won't see the Key "Gender" anymore. But Geography and Inventory Targeting will be unaffected. 


Once the assignment exists, and you create a Campaign Item for your Ad Price, the number of available targeting criteria will be limited for this category. The same is true for Keys or Audience Segments.


Please Note:

  • If you want to use this feature for Audience Segments, ensure to connect the Audience Segment Parent as well as the Audience Segment Values you want to use for your Ad Price.

  • For Keys it is sufficient to assign the desired Key and all according Values will then be offered.

Enabling Users to Hide Specific Connection ID Types per Ad Price

To hide specific types of connection IDs on the campaign builder and media configuration you can use this feature setting:

  • Feature Setting Name: allowedAdServersByCatergory

    • The Feature Setting Name includes a typo with an additional 'r' in "CateRgory." Ensure to use as above mentioned for feature proper functionality.

  • Feature Name: MediaConfiguration

  • Value: By default of this feature setting all types for all relevant categories will be shown. To restrict certain types, the allowed types need to be changed to only the types that should be shown.

    • To edit the setting you can paste the ad price ID in quotes for which you would like to disable certain targeting types, e.g. like this:

      { "Geography":{ "allowedTypes":[ "City" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ "a0H2K00000SsMRxUAN" ] }, ... }
    • Default value:

      { "Geography":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Connection":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Devices":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Inventory":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Key-values":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Audience Segments":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] }, "Industry":{ "allowedTypes":[ "All" ], "applicableAdPrices":[ ] } }