Show the Gross Value (B3) and VAT on an Invoice
The standard layouts for your invoice show only net values on the cover and summary pages. In order to display the gross value with the VAT values you need to do the following steps:
Navigate to the Administration Settings in the App Launcher.
Navigate to the Invoice Preferences in the App Launcher.
Open the active Invoice Preference and make sure that Hide Add. Fees AND Show gross Campaign Cost is selected.
How the VAT will appear on your Invoice depends on how your VAT settings are configured, Configure the VAT / GST Calculation and whether your layout is landscape or portrait.
If you have VAT settings with only VAT A % values, then your Invoice will show your VAT as follows:
Landscape:If you have VAT settings with VAT B % values, then your Invoice will show your VAT as follows (with the external name visible on the PDF):
Landscape:If you have VAT settings with External Name VAT Classification
set, then your Invoice will show your VAT as follows (with the External Name VAT Classification
and the VAT A % & VAT B % combined in to one rate):