KeyValue Generator


2.112 and up

Supported Adservers

Google AdManager, Xandr, FreeWheel

The Key Value Generator: steps to access

You can access Key Value String generator from both inventory items Ad Type or Ad Spec

  • To access the Key Value String generator, please open either an inventory item Ad Type or Ad Spec

  • Find the button KeyValue Generator on the top right:


Additional Information for Xandr Key Value Targeting Set


When you are using the fixed Key Values for Xandr, it is possible to create a targeting set, which can not be edited in the console UI of Xandr. This will be displayed as follows below:

This can happen when you are using fixed Key Values at multiple objects (Campaign Item, Ad Spec and Ad Type at the same time) or when you use multiple groups at the Ad Spec or Ad Type. The configured targeting will still work, but it won't be changeable within Xandr and can only be modified from ADvendio.

Clear Button for Key Value Generator



Clear button will clean all the Targeting performed in KeyValue component.

Revert changes button will reset ONLY the changes done by the customer after opening the KeyValue component and will not clear all defined Key Values.


The Clear button: steps to access

  • From ADvendio main menu: Go to Ad Specs (also available on AdType)

  • Access Ad Specs (Ad Type) record

  • Click on the Key Value Generator button

  • Select Key Values

  • Click on Clear (either on the top or bottom of the screen)

short video instruction below: