Payment Schedule on Proposal PDF
By configuring your Quote Preferences you can now display a Payment Schedule for your Media Campaign directly on your proposal/offer PDF. This will help increase transparency as to the payment schedule to be expected for the proposed campaign.
To display a payment schedule, go to your quote preference and set Show Payment Schedule to true.
Please also check that you fulfil the following conditions:
Have an existing Finance license
Set API field names on the Media Campaign:
BillMe__c, PaymentInterval__c, PaymentDueDate__c and PaymentStart__c
‘Bill me’ option is set to active
If you use flexible payment plans these should be valid.
Any PDF generated with this preference will display a payment schedule for the proposed Media Campaign.
The Due Date is calculated using the Days Net in Terms of Payment of the Media Campaign. Where there are no Terms of Payment, the due date cannot be populated and a “-” will show in place of a date.
Where your Media Campaign has items which will be invoiced based on actual delivery, the payment schedule will estimate an amount based on linear distribution. This is highlighted in a note within the Payment Schedule.
The Payment Schedule is intended to be used as part of the negotiation/signing of a Media Campaign. It will not reflect cancelled/optimizations carried out during the runtime. For this, please use the PDF generated by the Optimizer.