Known Issues & limits

Known Issues & limits

Here is where you can find a list of known issues either currently being worked on by the ADvendio team or known Salesforce issues. Where possible, we will also provide information on workarounds.

Version 2.173: Misleading error message “This feature is not part of your current ADvendio license.”

As part of our change in version 2.173 requiring the action “Schedule a weekly Apex job and run it.“ we added an error message to features that don’t have this job scheduled: Breaking Change: Version 2.173 and above: Update of License Information for every ADvendio org

Unfortunately it was found that if something goes wrong with the schedule you might see the error “This feature is not part of your current ADvendio license.” although you possibly have all required features activated.

Steps to take:

  1. If you think you should be able to see the component follow the steps described here and just click the button to schedule again. If you then refresh the feature you were not allowed to see before, the error message should be gone. If not, continue with step 2. If you repeatedly need to click the button after a few days please reach out to our support team as well as something might be wrong.

  2. Make sure your licenses are activated for the feature you’d like to use. For this you can contact our Support team.

We are planning to fix this soon and will update here once the solution is delivered. Until then please use the workaround described in step 1.

Installation Errors in 2.173 due to deprecated components

The installation of 2.173 fails in your environment and produces an error message “ApexPage You can't change the standard controller object MediaCampaign__c because this page is referenced in the page layout Media Campaign Layout. CampaignItemRelatedList: You can't change the standard controller object MediaCampaign__c because this page is referenced in the page layout Media Campaign Layout.“.

To solve this issue please manually remove the deprecated visualforce page CampaignItemRelatedList from your Media Campaign Layout and retry the installation afterwards.

Below you see two screenshots of an example page layout with the deprecated list that needs to be removed.

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 15.40.30.png