/ How are Prices / Rate information submitted to AdServers (Campaign Item Pricing) How are Prices / Rate information submitted to AdServers (Campaign Item Pricing)


Supported Ad Servers

All Selling Integrations with Submit to AdServer feature

Supported Ad Servers

All Selling Integrations with Submit to AdServer feature


When Pushing Campaign Items from ADvendio to a third party system like an AdServer, there needs to be a pricing setting. This can include the actual rate, currency and the type of pricing (for example CPM)

See which ADvendio settings and fields influence this.



Mapping Overview, how are pricings sent to an AdServer.

Pricing Information

ADvendio Field


Pricing Information

ADvendio Field


The Price / The Rate

The rate is calculated based on ADvendio configuration, see below for more details


Rate Type

Campaign Item: Billing Category

CPM, CPC, vCPM ect.

The mapping of ADvendio Rate Billing Categories to specific Rate Types in Third Party Platforms can vary, based on the integration. Consult this page for additional information.

In many cases, ADvendio will try to set CPM as default.


Campaign Item: Currency


For more details how ADvendio Billing Categories are mapped to AdServers, see also: How Billing Categories are Mapped to Third Party Integrations (AdServers, SSPs ect.)

How are Prices calculated

If you are using the standard ADvendio settings the AdServer API will always submit the value out of your amount n3 field (ADvendio__Amount_net3__c) out of your line item. You can switch this by following these steps:

Navigate to your Adserver login at Overview - AdServer Logins - and choose your Adserver Record: Make sure the field AdServer Price Field is in the layout. There you find three options:

If you choose

  1. Adserver Price the system will submit whatever you have written into the field "Adserver Price". Choosing this Option will always require ADvendio to use the AdServer Price field! Make sure to adjust your Page Layouts / Campaign Builder configuration, to display the field for users, or have flows or similar automation that fill this field on each Campaign Item.

AdServer Price

ADvendio__AdServerPrice__c field at the Campaign Item

AdServer Price

ADvendio__AdServerPrice__c field at the Campaign Item

By choosing the AdServer Price configuration, if the field AdServerPrice__c on your Campaign Item record is empty, we do not set a price rate for the item. This could lead to an error when trying to Submit to AdServer, because ADvendio will try to push Items without a price or a 0.00 price value.



  1. Amount net/net  will calculate the rate, based on your net/net pricing in ADvendio. This includes all discounts and surchages applied on top of the original sales price!

Amount net/net

ADvendio_Amount_net_net__c / ADvendio_BookingQuantity__c

for CPM based prices, multiplied by 1.000

Amount net/net

ADvendio_Amount_net_net__c / ADvendio_BookingQuantity__c

for CPM based prices, multiplied by 1.000



  1. Amount net3  will calculate the rate, based on your net/net pricing in ADvendio. This includes all discounts, surchages and Agency Commissions + Third Party Commission applied on top of the original sales price!

Amount net3

ADvendio_Amount_net3__c / ADvendio_BookingQuantity__c

for CPM based prices, multiplied by 1.000

Amount net3

ADvendio_Amount_net3__c / ADvendio_BookingQuantity__c

for CPM based prices, multiplied by 1.000


When using the Amount net2 or net3 for price calculation, the calculated price submitted to the AdServer will include any set discounts or third party fees set on your Campaign Item.

Please keep in mind that if you decide to use option 1. and you leave the field empty you can NOT use "price priority delivery" within Google AdManager.


Manually overriding the Price for individual Campaign Items.

Starting with ADvendio Winter 2025 Release (2.173), you now have to possibility to always overwrite the Price that will be used for individual Campaign Items, regardless of the Price setting, you have selected above.

In order to do this, you simply need to enter your desired Price into the: “AdServer Price Field”

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-29 um 14.11.59.png

Once an AdServer Price is set, ADvendio is using this to send it as rate information to the connected Third Party Platform. If the AdServer Price field is empty, we will use the default logic of calculation.


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